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Trump responds to impeachment acquittal with rambling, vitriolic speech – live news Trump responds to impeachment acquittal with rambling, vitriolic speech – live news
(32 minutes later)
Trump speaks at the White House for the first time since his acquittal, while report shows Iowa results ‘riddled with inconsistencies’Trump speaks at the White House for the first time since his acquittal, while report shows Iowa results ‘riddled with inconsistencies’
Long-shot 2020 candidate Andrew Yang has fired dozens of campaign staffers after a poor showing in the Iowa caucuses this week - a result that was obvious despite the ongoing (and in some ways deepening) debacle over the collation and reporting of results.
The House has voted along party lines to table (or kill) the Republican resolution condemning Nancy Pelosi for tearing up Trump’s State of the Union on Tuesday night.
Republican congresswoman Kay Granger, who introduced the resolution, said Pelosi’s bold move was “a breach of decorum” that “degraded the proceedings of the joint session.”
But Pelosi defended her actions during a press conference today, saying she was justified in tearing up the speech because it contained falsehoods.
“I tore up a manifesto of mistruths,” Pelosi told reporters. “It was necessary to get the attention of the American people to say, ‘This is not true. And this is how it affects you.’ And I don’t need any lessons from anyone, especially the president of the United States, about dignity.”
The Iowa Democratic Party has issued a statement in response to Democratic National Committee chairman Tom Perez’s call for a recanvass of the caucus results.The Iowa Democratic Party has issued a statement in response to Democratic National Committee chairman Tom Perez’s call for a recanvass of the caucus results.
“Should any presidential campaign in compliance with the Iowa Delegate Selection Plan request a recanvass, the IDP is prepared,” the statement concluded, indicating the party will not conduct a recanvass based solely off Perez’s statement.“Should any presidential campaign in compliance with the Iowa Delegate Selection Plan request a recanvass, the IDP is prepared,” the statement concluded, indicating the party will not conduct a recanvass based solely off Perez’s statement.
Jonathan Turley, the legal expert who criticized the impeachment inquiry during the House’s public hearings and has been repeatedly quoted by Republicans, expressed disapproval of Trump’s “victory marathon” speech.Jonathan Turley, the legal expert who criticized the impeachment inquiry during the House’s public hearings and has been repeatedly quoted by Republicans, expressed disapproval of Trump’s “victory marathon” speech.
Addressing reporters in New Hampshire, Bernie Sanders claimed “strong victory” in the Iowa caucuses, even though he is currently trailing Pete Buttigieg in the first voting state.Addressing reporters in New Hampshire, Bernie Sanders claimed “strong victory” in the Iowa caucuses, even though he is currently trailing Pete Buttigieg in the first voting state.
The Vermont senator pointed to his lead in the state’s raw vote total, or “popular vote,” to argue he is the true winner of the caucuses, although another metric (state delegate equivalent) is actually used to determine the state’s top finisher. Buttigieg currently leads in SDEs.The Vermont senator pointed to his lead in the state’s raw vote total, or “popular vote,” to argue he is the true winner of the caucuses, although another metric (state delegate equivalent) is actually used to determine the state’s top finisher. Buttigieg currently leads in SDEs.
Sanders’ announcement comes as Democratic National Committee chairman Tom Perez has called for a recanvass of Iowa to ensure accuracy of the results.Sanders’ announcement comes as Democratic National Committee chairman Tom Perez has called for a recanvass of Iowa to ensure accuracy of the results.
Well, that was an experience. Here’s where the day stands after Trump’s remarks on the impeachment:Well, that was an experience. Here’s where the day stands after Trump’s remarks on the impeachment:
Showing no remorse and using profanity to attack his enemies, Trump celebrated his acquittal in the Senate trial with an hour-long speech at the White House. Trump described the acquittal as a complete vindication of his actions, even as Republican senators continue to claim the president learned a lesson from his impeachment.Showing no remorse and using profanity to attack his enemies, Trump celebrated his acquittal in the Senate trial with an hour-long speech at the White House. Trump described the acquittal as a complete vindication of his actions, even as Republican senators continue to claim the president learned a lesson from his impeachment.
Trump earlier attacked House speaker Nancy Pelosi and Mitt Romney, the only Republican senator to support an article of impeachment, at the National Prayer Breakfast.Trump earlier attacked House speaker Nancy Pelosi and Mitt Romney, the only Republican senator to support an article of impeachment, at the National Prayer Breakfast.
Democratic National Committee chairman Tom Perez said the party would conduct a “recanvass” of the Iowa caucuses to ensure accuracy of the results.Democratic National Committee chairman Tom Perez said the party would conduct a “recanvass” of the Iowa caucuses to ensure accuracy of the results.
The blog will have more coming up, so stay tuned.The blog will have more coming up, so stay tuned.
Trump offered a small apology to his family as he concluded his remarks about his acquittal in the Senate impeachment trial.Trump offered a small apology to his family as he concluded his remarks about his acquittal in the Senate impeachment trial.
“I want to apologize to my family for having them have to go through a phony, rotten deal by some very sick, evil people,” Trump said. “And that includes Barron,” he added, referring to his youngest son.“I want to apologize to my family for having them have to go through a phony, rotten deal by some very sick, evil people,” Trump said. “And that includes Barron,” he added, referring to his youngest son.
With that, Trump concluded his remarks after speaking for a little over an hour.With that, Trump concluded his remarks after speaking for a little over an hour.
Trump said he is concluding his remarks now, calling today a “day of celebration” after he “went through hell” with the impeachment.Trump said he is concluding his remarks now, calling today a “day of celebration” after he “went through hell” with the impeachment.
Trump then gave two of his closest House allies, congressmen Mark Meadows and Jim Jordon, a chance to make some comments.Trump then gave two of his closest House allies, congressmen Mark Meadows and Jim Jordon, a chance to make some comments.
Meadows said Trump’s reception today was a “strong reflection of the support you have all across the country.” “We’ve got your back,” Trump said.Meadows said Trump’s reception today was a “strong reflection of the support you have all across the country.” “We’ve got your back,” Trump said.
Trump seems to have wrapped up his praise of his congressional allies and has returned to attacking his perceived enemies.Trump seems to have wrapped up his praise of his congressional allies and has returned to attacking his perceived enemies.
He referred to former FBI director James Comey as a “sleazebag” and attacked “the top scum” at the FBI, referring to the bureau’s top leadership.He referred to former FBI director James Comey as a “sleazebag” and attacked “the top scum” at the FBI, referring to the bureau’s top leadership.
In his remarks that are ostensibly meant to celebrate his acquittal in the Senate impeachment trial, Trump offered a play-by-play account of the 2017 shooting at a congressional baseball practice, complete with hand motions to immitate gunfire.In his remarks that are ostensibly meant to celebrate his acquittal in the Senate impeachment trial, Trump offered a play-by-play account of the 2017 shooting at a congressional baseball practice, complete with hand motions to immitate gunfire.
Trump turned his praise to congressman Steve Scalise, who was severely wounded when a shooter opened fire in 2017 on a Republican baseball practice.Trump turned his praise to congressman Steve Scalise, who was severely wounded when a shooter opened fire in 2017 on a Republican baseball practice.
The president marveled at how upset Scalise’s wife was when she learned he was shot. “A lot of wives wouldn’t give a damn,” Trump said. “She was a total mess.”The president marveled at how upset Scalise’s wife was when she learned he was shot. “A lot of wives wouldn’t give a damn,” Trump said. “She was a total mess.”
Trump said Scalise had probably “set a record for blood loss” and complimented the congressman that he was “better-looking now.”Trump said Scalise had probably “set a record for blood loss” and complimented the congressman that he was “better-looking now.”
The president has reportedly made the comment about Scalise’s wife, and used it as a joke to mock his own marriage, before:The president has reportedly made the comment about Scalise’s wife, and used it as a joke to mock his own marriage, before:
In the latest twist of the Iowa caucuses debacle that has been unfolding this week, the DNC chairman Tom Perez has called for a “recanvass” of the vote.
After initial confusion about what a “recanvass” means, Perez then clarified:
As it stands, Buttigieg leads Sanders in the tally of state delegate equivalents by 26.22% to 26.07%. Meanwhile, Sanders leads Buttigieg in the popular vote.
Trump thanked congressman Jim Jordan, one of his closest House allies in the impeachment inquiry, by praising his workout routine
“I thought, huh, never wears a jacket. He’s obviously very proud of his body,” Trump said of Jordan, who often declines to wear a suit jacket in the House. “When he works out,” Trump added, “the machine starts burning.”
Trump also praised Jordan as a “champion top-top wrestler” and a “warrior.”
While speaking at the White House, Trump appeared to raise the possibility that he could be impeached again.
“We’ll probably have to do it again,” Trump said, claiming that his critics “have gone stone cold crazy.”
“I’ve beaten them all my life, and I’ll beat them again,” he added.
Trump told the audience at the White House that his children could “make a fortune” if Hunter Biden’s business activities in Ukraine were legal. (US and Ukrainian officials have said the former vice president’s son did not break any laws.)
“Is Ivanka in the audience?” Trump asked, looked for his eldest daughter, who was present for his remarks. “My kids could make a fortune,” Trump said of Biden’s business activities.
The Washington Post reported in 2018:
Trump is unsurprisingly lashing out against the House Democrats who led the impeachment inquiry, namely speaker Nancy Pelosi and lead impeachment manager Adam Schiff.
“Adam Schiff is a vicious, horrible person,” Trump said. “Nancy Pelosi is a horrible person.”
Trump also once again scoffed at Pelosi’s repeated comments about praying for the president.
“I doubt she prays at all,” Trump said.
Trump took a shot at Mitt Romney after the Republican senator voted to convict the president on the first article of impeachment, abuse of power.
The Utah Republican said of his decision yesterday, “As a senator-juror, I swore an oath before God to exercise impartial justice. I am profoundly religious. My faith is at the heart of who I am. I take an oath before God as enormously consequential.”
But Trump was completely dismissive of that rationale. “Then you have some who used religion as a crutch,” Trump said at the White House. “They never used it before. Never heard him use it before. ... But you know it’s a failed presidential candidate, but things can happen when you fail so badly.”
The president’s allies were silent as Trump criticized Romney and only cheered when he turned his attention to other Republican senators.
But Trump wasn’t done. As he praised Utah senator Mike Lee, Trump asked him to tell the residents of his state, I’m sorry about Mitt Romney.”
Trump addressed his controversial comments at this morning’s National Prayer Breakfast, during which he issued thinly veiled insults against Nancy Pelosi and Mitt Romney.
“I had Nancy Pelosi sitting four seats away, and I’m saying things that a lot of people wouldn’t have said, but I meant them,” Trump said.
Pelosi has repeatedly said she prays for the president, and Trump said this morning, “Nor do I like people who say, ‘I pray for you,’ when they know that that’s not so.”
Trump specifically thanked Senate majority leader Mitch McConnell, who organized Republican senators to block witness testimony and ensure the president’s acquittal in the impeachment trial.
“Mitch McConnell, I want to tell you, you did a fantastic job,” Trump said, prompting another standing ovation.
For comparison, when Bill Clinton addressed the public after his Senate acquittal in 1999, he began by expressing how “profoundly sorry” he was for actions.
Trump’s remarks after his Senate acquittal is turning into a screed against all of the probes into his administration, starting with special counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation into Russian election interference.
“We first went through Russia, Russia, Russia,” Trump said. “It was all bullshit.”
That last comment will likely rankle the television networks who are carrying Trump’s remarks live.