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Coronavirus: first British national confirmed with disease 'travelled back from Singapore' – latest news Coronavirus: first British national confirmed with disease 'travelled back from Singapore' – latest news
(32 minutes later)
WHO holds press conference on virus, UK confirms third case and 10 more people on cruise ship off Japan are diagnosedWHO holds press conference on virus, UK confirms third case and 10 more people on cruise ship off Japan are diagnosed
Good evening all. Hannah Mays here signing on.
We have now updated our piece on Li Wenliang, the Chinese doctor who tried to raise the alarm about coronavirus and later contracted the disease. State media said earlier today that he had died, before backtracking on those reports.
Travellers who have returned to the UK from a series of Asian countries in the last two weeks and are showing coronavirus symptoms should self-isolate and seek medical advice over the phone, the country’s chief medical officer has warned in updated advice.Travellers who have returned to the UK from a series of Asian countries in the last two weeks and are showing coronavirus symptoms should self-isolate and seek medical advice over the phone, the country’s chief medical officer has warned in updated advice.
People who have returned from locations including mainland China, Thailand, Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, Singapore, Hong Kong, Malaysia or Macao and are experiencing a cough, shortness of breath or fever are being advised to stay indoors and contact NHS 111.The list also includes Hong Kong and Macao, which are special ad People who have returned from locations including mainland China, Thailand, Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, Singapore, Hong Kong, Malaysia or Macau and are experiencing a cough, shortness of breath or fever are being advised to stay indoors and contact NHS 111. .
The Government advice says: “The UK Chief Medical Officers are advising anyone who has travelled to the UK from mainland China, Thailand, Japan, Republic of Korea, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Singapore, Malaysia or Macau in the last 14 days and is experiencing cough or fever or shortness of breath, to stay indoors and call NHS 111, even if symptoms are mild.The Government advice says: “The UK Chief Medical Officers are advising anyone who has travelled to the UK from mainland China, Thailand, Japan, Republic of Korea, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Singapore, Malaysia or Macau in the last 14 days and is experiencing cough or fever or shortness of breath, to stay indoors and call NHS 111, even if symptoms are mild.
“These countries have been identified because of the volume of air travel from affected areas, understanding of other travel routes and number of reported cases. This list will be kept under review.”“These countries have been identified because of the volume of air travel from affected areas, understanding of other travel routes and number of reported cases. This list will be kept under review.”
The circumstances of how or where the British national caught coronavirus in Singapore remain unknown.The circumstances of how or where the British national caught coronavirus in Singapore remain unknown.
However, it does follow concerns being raised about at least three Asian businessmen catching the disease after attending a meeting of more than 100 international delegates at a hotel in the country. Other attendees are also showing symptoms of the disease, according to Reuters.However, it does follow concerns being raised about at least three Asian businessmen catching the disease after attending a meeting of more than 100 international delegates at a hotel in the country. Other attendees are also showing symptoms of the disease, according to Reuters.
The first British national has tested positive for coronavirus after travelling back to the UK from Singapore, according to government sources.The first British national has tested positive for coronavirus after travelling back to the UK from Singapore, according to government sources.
It emerged earlier that a third case of the disease had been confirmed in the UK but England’s chief medical officer refused to disclose the patient’s nationality or specify which country in Asia they caught the disease.It emerged earlier that a third case of the disease had been confirmed in the UK but England’s chief medical officer refused to disclose the patient’s nationality or specify which country in Asia they caught the disease.
But the Guardian understands that the individual is British and contracted the coronavirus in Singapore. It comes after Downing Street indicated the patient was British, with a spokesman saying earlier they “believed they are, yes”.But the Guardian understands that the individual is British and contracted the coronavirus in Singapore. It comes after Downing Street indicated the patient was British, with a spokesman saying earlier they “believed they are, yes”.
It follows an unnamed Chinese student from York University and his mother being diagnosed with the disease this week. The pair are being treated in Newcastle.It follows an unnamed Chinese student from York University and his mother being diagnosed with the disease this week. The pair are being treated in Newcastle.
There is now confusion surrounding earlier reports that Li Wenliang, the Chinese doctor who tried to raise the alarm about the coronavirus outbreak, had died.There is now confusion surrounding earlier reports that Li Wenliang, the Chinese doctor who tried to raise the alarm about the coronavirus outbreak, had died.
A Communist party-controlled newspaper, the Global Times, reported that Li had died earlier today – prompting outrage among many Chinese citizens. But the state-run newspaper subsequently deleted the report from its official Twitter account and has now claimed Li is still alive.A Communist party-controlled newspaper, the Global Times, reported that Li had died earlier today – prompting outrage among many Chinese citizens. But the state-run newspaper subsequently deleted the report from its official Twitter account and has now claimed Li is still alive.
“Li Wenliang is currently in critical condition,” the Global Times claimed in the early hours of Friday, local time.“Li Wenliang is currently in critical condition,” the Global Times claimed in the early hours of Friday, local time.
“His heart reportedly stopped beating at around 21:30. He was then given treatment with ECMO [extracorporeal membrane oxygenation],” it added.“His heart reportedly stopped beating at around 21:30. He was then given treatment with ECMO [extracorporeal membrane oxygenation],” it added.
A post on the official Weibo account of the hospital where Li was reportedly being treated also said he was “currently in critical condition”.A post on the official Weibo account of the hospital where Li was reportedly being treated also said he was “currently in critical condition”.
The Department of Health and Social Care is yet to release its list of Asian countries where it is now advising people who have travelled to and developed symptoms on their return to the UK to immediately self-isolate and call NHS 111 for advice. Asked by the Guardian, the department says it is aiming to do so this evening.The Department of Health and Social Care is yet to release its list of Asian countries where it is now advising people who have travelled to and developed symptoms on their return to the UK to immediately self-isolate and call NHS 111 for advice. Asked by the Guardian, the department says it is aiming to do so this evening.
The list could include Japan, South Korea, Vietnam, Singapore, Malaysia, Cambodia, Philippines, Thailand, Nepal and Sri Lanka, where cases of coronavirus have been confirmed.The list could include Japan, South Korea, Vietnam, Singapore, Malaysia, Cambodia, Philippines, Thailand, Nepal and Sri Lanka, where cases of coronavirus have been confirmed.
According to the latest World Health Organzation figures, Japan, Thailand and Singapore all have the most number of cases in Asia outside China.According to the latest World Health Organzation figures, Japan, Thailand and Singapore all have the most number of cases in Asia outside China.
Asked by the Guardian earlier whether the third confirmed case of coronavirus in the UK related to a British national, England’s chief medical officer remained tight-lipped.Asked by the Guardian earlier whether the third confirmed case of coronavirus in the UK related to a British national, England’s chief medical officer remained tight-lipped.
“Basically, we’re all doctors, we have a pretty strong view on this and we’re not going to do anything that’s in any way going to identify people ... once you start, you don’t stop,” Prof Chris Whitty said.“Basically, we’re all doctors, we have a pretty strong view on this and we’re not going to do anything that’s in any way going to identify people ... once you start, you don’t stop,” Prof Chris Whitty said.
He was also challenged by another journalist who argued it was in the public interest to name the country in Asia where the patient had contracted the disease.He was also challenged by another journalist who argued it was in the public interest to name the country in Asia where the patient had contracted the disease.
Whitty replied: “What’s in the public interest is obviously for us to release the list of countries where we think there is actually potentially slightly greater risk than the rest of the world. And that’s what we’ll be doing later today.”Whitty replied: “What’s in the public interest is obviously for us to release the list of countries where we think there is actually potentially slightly greater risk than the rest of the world. And that’s what we’ll be doing later today.”
It’s Simon Murphy here taking over the live blog after hot-footing it back from the Department of Health and Social Care’s press conference, at which England’s chief medical officer revealed that the third person to be diagnosed with coronavirus in the UK caught the disease outside of China.It’s Simon Murphy here taking over the live blog after hot-footing it back from the Department of Health and Social Care’s press conference, at which England’s chief medical officer revealed that the third person to be diagnosed with coronavirus in the UK caught the disease outside of China.
Prof Chris Whitty also said the government was now advising people who had travelled to a number of as yet unspecified Asian countries and had returned to the UK and developed symptoms to immediately self-isolate and call NHS 111 for advice. Anyone displaying symptoms will be tested for the disease. The advice previously only related to those returning from Wuhan.Prof Chris Whitty also said the government was now advising people who had travelled to a number of as yet unspecified Asian countries and had returned to the UK and developed symptoms to immediately self-isolate and call NHS 111 for advice. Anyone displaying symptoms will be tested for the disease. The advice previously only related to those returning from Wuhan.
Whitty said: “We knew this ratchet-up might well happen and this is the moment where we feel it’s prudent, getting ahead of the epidemiology, to make this shift.”Whitty said: “We knew this ratchet-up might well happen and this is the moment where we feel it’s prudent, getting ahead of the epidemiology, to make this shift.”
He added:He added:
The WHO director general, Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, and Dr Mike Ryan, the executive director of WHO’s health emergencies programme, answered some questions from the press.The WHO director general, Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, and Dr Mike Ryan, the executive director of WHO’s health emergencies programme, answered some questions from the press.
When asked to comment on the doctors and nurses striking in Hong Kong to protest the government’s decision not to close its borders with mainland China, Ghebreyesus said: “This is a time of solidarity. There is a common enemy now. A very unknown virus. And I advise all of us to focus on the virus – the common enemy.When asked to comment on the doctors and nurses striking in Hong Kong to protest the government’s decision not to close its borders with mainland China, Ghebreyesus said: “This is a time of solidarity. There is a common enemy now. A very unknown virus. And I advise all of us to focus on the virus – the common enemy.
“I can understand the pressure on health workers and that’s why Mike said they’re the heroes. I fully agree and I want them to continue being like that.”“I can understand the pressure on health workers and that’s why Mike said they’re the heroes. I fully agree and I want them to continue being like that.”
When asked if the world was nearing the peak of the outbreak, Ghebreyesus said: “It’s too early right now to make predictions on numbers, although we are pleased it is the first day in which the overall numbers of new confirmed cases reported in China have dropped.”When asked if the world was nearing the peak of the outbreak, Ghebreyesus said: “It’s too early right now to make predictions on numbers, although we are pleased it is the first day in which the overall numbers of new confirmed cases reported in China have dropped.”
He added: “We are still in the middle of an intense outbreak and we need to be very careful on making any predictions.”He added: “We are still in the middle of an intense outbreak and we need to be very careful on making any predictions.”
The WHO press conference on the coronavirus has ended. Here are some key takeaways:The WHO press conference on the coronavirus has ended. Here are some key takeaways:
As of 0500 GMT today, there are 28,060 confirmed cases of the coronavirus in China and 564 deaths. Outside China, there are 225 cases in 24 countries and one death.As of 0500 GMT today, there are 28,060 confirmed cases of the coronavirus in China and 564 deaths. Outside China, there are 225 cases in 24 countries and one death.
WHO is asking for $675m to stop the outbreak.WHO is asking for $675m to stop the outbreak.
The organisation doesn’t know the source of the outbreak, doesn’t know what its natural reservoir is, nor does it properly understand its transmissibility or severity. There is also no vaccine to prevent infections nor antibiotics to treat patients.The organisation doesn’t know the source of the outbreak, doesn’t know what its natural reservoir is, nor does it properly understand its transmissibility or severity. There is also no vaccine to prevent infections nor antibiotics to treat patients.
In the meantime, there are simple things everyone can do – such as washing hands regularly and covering your nose or your mouth with your elbow when you sneeze or cough – to help contain the outbreak.In the meantime, there are simple things everyone can do – such as washing hands regularly and covering your nose or your mouth with your elbow when you sneeze or cough – to help contain the outbreak.
WHO called on countries to invest in prevention and research.WHO called on countries to invest in prevention and research.
The World Health Organization is bringing together global scientists to tackle the coronavirus.The World Health Organization is bringing together global scientists to tackle the coronavirus.
On 11 and 12 February the WHO is convening a global research and innovation forum to identify research priorities and coordinate an international effort into developing vaccines and medicines for the disease.On 11 and 12 February the WHO is convening a global research and innovation forum to identify research priorities and coordinate an international effort into developing vaccines and medicines for the disease.
WHO director general, Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, announced the event at a press conference on Thursday: “We’re shadow boxing, we need to bring this virus out into the light so we can attack it properly.”WHO director general, Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, announced the event at a press conference on Thursday: “We’re shadow boxing, we need to bring this virus out into the light so we can attack it properly.”
He also announced that Japan has donated $10m USD to go towards tackling the outbreak.He also announced that Japan has donated $10m USD to go towards tackling the outbreak.
The third person to be diagnosed with coronavirus in the UK contracted the disease outside of China, it has emerged.The third person to be diagnosed with coronavirus in the UK contracted the disease outside of China, it has emerged.
The patient, who it is understood was diagnosed in Brighton but is being transferred to a London hospital, did not contract the disease in the UK or mainland China but another country in Asia.The patient, who it is understood was diagnosed in Brighton but is being transferred to a London hospital, did not contract the disease in the UK or mainland China but another country in Asia.
The details have been confirmed by England’s chief medical officer, Prof Chris Whitty, who refused to disclose whether the individual was a British national or which specific country they contracted the disease in.The details have been confirmed by England’s chief medical officer, Prof Chris Whitty, who refused to disclose whether the individual was a British national or which specific country they contracted the disease in.
Speaking about the new case, Whitty said:Speaking about the new case, Whitty said:
NHS doctors are being advised to widen the pool of countries to look out for returning individuals who display symptoms.NHS doctors are being advised to widen the pool of countries to look out for returning individuals who display symptoms.
Whitty explained: “If a doctor in the NHS sees a patient who has travelled from Asia, now they will start thinking about testing from a wider geographical area than would have been the case before. So we are shifting geography for NHS doctors to test.”Whitty explained: “If a doctor in the NHS sees a patient who has travelled from Asia, now they will start thinking about testing from a wider geographical area than would have been the case before. So we are shifting geography for NHS doctors to test.”
The countries will be confirmed later on Thursday.The countries will be confirmed later on Thursday.
The Chinese doctor who tried to warn other medics about the coronavirus has been reported dead after contracting the infection in Wuhan.The Chinese doctor who tried to warn other medics about the coronavirus has been reported dead after contracting the infection in Wuhan.
According to local media, Dr Li Wenliang, an ophthalmologist, died from the virus on Thursday.According to local media, Dr Li Wenliang, an ophthalmologist, died from the virus on Thursday.
Li was summoned by police when he tried to warn others about the virus in December.Li was summoned by police when he tried to warn others about the virus in December.
He sent a message to fellow medics in a group chat on 30 December, and days later was summoned to the Public Security Bureau to sign a letter in which he was accused of making “false comments”.He sent a message to fellow medics in a group chat on 30 December, and days later was summoned to the Public Security Bureau to sign a letter in which he was accused of making “false comments”.
Li was one of eight people being investigated by police for “rumour-mongering”.Li was one of eight people being investigated by police for “rumour-mongering”.
A virus expert has said it is “not surprising” that a third case of coronavirus has been confirmed in the UK, as the infection has spread across China and could infect more people returning from the country.A virus expert has said it is “not surprising” that a third case of coronavirus has been confirmed in the UK, as the infection has spread across China and could infect more people returning from the country.
Jonathan Ball, a professor of molecular virology at the University of Nottingham, said:Jonathan Ball, a professor of molecular virology at the University of Nottingham, said:
He said the overall number of infections in the UK was still low and crucially therehad not been any significant human-to-human transmission. He added:He said the overall number of infections in the UK was still low and crucially therehad not been any significant human-to-human transmission. He added:
Meanwhile, Ian Jones, a professor of virology at the University of Reading, said:Meanwhile, Ian Jones, a professor of virology at the University of Reading, said:
Two more coronavirus cases have been confirmed in Singapore, bringing the total number of cases in the country to 30.Two more coronavirus cases have been confirmed in Singapore, bringing the total number of cases in the country to 30.
One of the new patients is a close contact of one of those previously confirmed to have the virus, while the other has no recent travel history to mainland China and does not appear to be linked with previous cases, the Straits Times reports.One of the new patients is a close contact of one of those previously confirmed to have the virus, while the other has no recent travel history to mainland China and does not appear to be linked with previous cases, the Straits Times reports.
The previously confirmed cases were all either Chinese nationals from Hubei, or individuals with links to travellers who are Chinese nationals.The previously confirmed cases were all either Chinese nationals from Hubei, or individuals with links to travellers who are Chinese nationals.
All UK hospitals have been told to prepare secure coronavirus zones to “avoid a surge” in emergency departments, a leaked NHS letter has shown.All UK hospitals have been told to prepare secure coronavirus zones to “avoid a surge” in emergency departments, a leaked NHS letter has shown.
The letter, dated 31 January, tells hospitals to set up “coronavirus priority assessment pods”, which can be decontaminated after each use.The letter, dated 31 January, tells hospitals to set up “coronavirus priority assessment pods”, which can be decontaminated after each use.
All chief executives and medical directors are instructed to have the pods up and running by Friday 7 February.All chief executives and medical directors are instructed to have the pods up and running by Friday 7 February.
Prof Keith Willett, who is leading the NHS’s response to coronavirus, told NHS bosses in the letter: “Plans have been developed to avoid a surge in emergency departments due to coronavirus.Prof Keith Willett, who is leading the NHS’s response to coronavirus, told NHS bosses in the letter: “Plans have been developed to avoid a surge in emergency departments due to coronavirus.
Since the letter was written a third coronavirus case has been confirmed in the UK.Since the letter was written a third coronavirus case has been confirmed in the UK.
A third person in the UK has tested positive for the coronavirus, it has been confirmed.A third person in the UK has tested positive for the coronavirus, it has been confirmed.
The patient was diagnosed in Brighton, the Guardian understands, and is being transferred to an infectious diseases unit in a London hospital.The patient was diagnosed in Brighton, the Guardian understands, and is being transferred to an infectious diseases unit in a London hospital.
Prof Chris Whitty, chief medical officer for England, said:Prof Chris Whitty, chief medical officer for England, said:
There have been two other confirmed coronavirus cases in the UK - an unnamed Chinese student from York University and his mother, who are being treated at the Royal Victoria Infirmary in Newcastle.There have been two other confirmed coronavirus cases in the UK - an unnamed Chinese student from York University and his mother, who are being treated at the Royal Victoria Infirmary in Newcastle.
The University of York has said the student confirmed to have contracted the virus did not come into contact with other students.The University of York has said the student confirmed to have contracted the virus did not come into contact with other students.
China is not prepared for the scale of the coronavirus outbreak it is facing, but has mobilised the entire country to tackle the epidemic, Beijing’s ambassador to the UK, Liu Xiaoming, has said.China is not prepared for the scale of the coronavirus outbreak it is facing, but has mobilised the entire country to tackle the epidemic, Beijing’s ambassador to the UK, Liu Xiaoming, has said.
Answering questions from the media this morning, Liu said:Answering questions from the media this morning, Liu said:
He added that the Chinese president, Xi Jinping, had held a meeting yesterday in which he had instructed medical personnel to work “around the clock” to treat patients.He added that the Chinese president, Xi Jinping, had held a meeting yesterday in which he had instructed medical personnel to work “around the clock” to treat patients.
Liu said he could understand the complaints of some residents in locked-down Wuhan, but said it would take some time for them to understand the urgency of the situation. He offered reassurances that all residents’ basic necessities were being provided for.Liu said he could understand the complaints of some residents in locked-down Wuhan, but said it would take some time for them to understand the urgency of the situation. He offered reassurances that all residents’ basic necessities were being provided for.
He stressed the rest of China was not in the same locked-down state as the Hubei province, but said some local authorities might have overreacted in their responses to the outbreak.He stressed the rest of China was not in the same locked-down state as the Hubei province, but said some local authorities might have overreacted in their responses to the outbreak.
Finally, he said that communication between Xi and Boris Johnson was good, contrary to reports this morning which suggested there were concerns the prime minister had not sent a personal message of support over the coronavirus outbreak.Finally, he said that communication between Xi and Boris Johnson was good, contrary to reports this morning which suggested there were concerns the prime minister had not sent a personal message of support over the coronavirus outbreak.
The Chinese ambassador to the UK, Liu Xiaoming, warned against “rumours and panic” and called on the UK government to support to support China in its handling of the coronavirus outbreak.The Chinese ambassador to the UK, Liu Xiaoming, warned against “rumours and panic” and called on the UK government to support to support China in its handling of the coronavirus outbreak.
He defended China’s handling of the outbreak, saying the country had been “open, transparent and responsible with its cooperation with the world”.He defended China’s handling of the outbreak, saying the country had been “open, transparent and responsible with its cooperation with the world”.
He emphasised that any impact on China’s economy would be temporary and said the country disapproved of some travel and trade restrictions that had been imposed by other nations.He emphasised that any impact on China’s economy would be temporary and said the country disapproved of some travel and trade restrictions that had been imposed by other nations.
Finally he condemned “insulting and discriminatory behaviour targeting the overseas Chinese community” fed by panic over the virus.Finally he condemned “insulting and discriminatory behaviour targeting the overseas Chinese community” fed by panic over the virus.