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Barr defends Trump as report clears FBI of illegal surveillance – live updates Barr defends Trump as report clears FBI of illegal surveillance – as it happened
(30 minutes later)
Report concludes FBI had an ‘authorized purpose’ in monitoring communications of Trump election campaign adviser Carter PageReport concludes FBI had an ‘authorized purpose’ in monitoring communications of Trump election campaign adviser Carter Page
That’s all for today, thanks for following along during this newsy start to the week. Some links and key events:That’s all for today, thanks for following along during this newsy start to the week. Some links and key events:
A report by the justice department’s inspector general demolished three years of claims by the president that he was the victim of a “deep state” conspiracy and that the investigation was based on a dossier compiled by an ex-British intelligence operative, Christopher Steele.A report by the justice department’s inspector general demolished three years of claims by the president that he was the victim of a “deep state” conspiracy and that the investigation was based on a dossier compiled by an ex-British intelligence operative, Christopher Steele.
The FBI director, Christopher Wray, also dismissed the idea that there is an underground liberal deep state organization within the US intelligence community.The FBI director, Christopher Wray, also dismissed the idea that there is an underground liberal deep state organization within the US intelligence community.
The government watchdog concluded that the FBI investigation into the Trump election campaign’s alleged collusion with Russia was justified and not motivated by political bias against him.The government watchdog concluded that the FBI investigation into the Trump election campaign’s alleged collusion with Russia was justified and not motivated by political bias against him.
Christopher Steele had a “personal” relationship with Ivanka Trump and gifted her a “family tartan from Scotland” as a present, the report revealed.Christopher Steele had a “personal” relationship with Ivanka Trump and gifted her a “family tartan from Scotland” as a present, the report revealed.
House Democrats reached a tentative agreement with labor leaders and the White House over a rewrite of the US-Mexico-Canada trade deal.House Democrats reached a tentative agreement with labor leaders and the White House over a rewrite of the US-Mexico-Canada trade deal.
Pete Buttigieg was given the green light by consulting giant McKinsey to disclose his clients, and the campaign said he plans to release information soon.Pete Buttigieg was given the green light by consulting giant McKinsey to disclose his clients, and the campaign said he plans to release information soon.
The Washington Post published a major investigative report revealing that senior US officials repeatedly failed to tell the truth about the war in Afghanistan and hid evidence that the war was un-winnable, leading to calls for hearings.The Washington Post published a major investigative report revealing that senior US officials repeatedly failed to tell the truth about the war in Afghanistan and hid evidence that the war was un-winnable, leading to calls for hearings.
The White House confirmed that Trump is meeting with Russia’s foreign minister, Sergei Lavrov, tomorrow, along with Mike Pompeo.The White House confirmed that Trump is meeting with Russia’s foreign minister, Sergei Lavrov, tomorrow, along with Mike Pompeo.
Congressional Democrats drew a step nearer to the impeachment of Trump, as Republicans strained to short-circuit the process, insisting the president had not engaged in a “sinister mob shakedown” with Ukraine.Congressional Democrats drew a step nearer to the impeachment of Trump, as Republicans strained to short-circuit the process, insisting the president had not engaged in a “sinister mob shakedown” with Ukraine.
The attorney general, William Barr, is still planning to host a major holiday party at the Trump international hotel in Washington, a justice department spokesperson confirmed today to the Washington Post. The event was originally supposed to happen over the weekend, but has been rescheduled, though the DOJ has declined to say when it is happening.The attorney general, William Barr, is still planning to host a major holiday party at the Trump international hotel in Washington, a justice department spokesperson confirmed today to the Washington Post. The event was originally supposed to happen over the weekend, but has been rescheduled, though the DOJ has declined to say when it is happening.
Barr signed a contract with the hotel that required a minimum of $31,500 in spending and he already put down a $10,000 deposit, according to the Post.Barr signed a contract with the hotel that required a minimum of $31,500 in spending and he already put down a $10,000 deposit, according to the Post.
Barr is reportedly paying for the party himself. But his choice of venue has still raised ethical questions, considering that Trump is still profiting from his businesses while president.Barr is reportedly paying for the party himself. But his choice of venue has still raised ethical questions, considering that Trump is still profiting from his businesses while president.
Here’s Senate minority leader Chuck Schumer today on the justice department’s inspector general report and the president’s “deep state” conspiracy theories:Here’s Senate minority leader Chuck Schumer today on the justice department’s inspector general report and the president’s “deep state” conspiracy theories:
More from Schumer:More from Schumer:
His full statement is here.His full statement is here.
In non-Trump news, there are more details out today about congressman Duncan Hunter, who recently pleaded guilty to corruption charges related to his misuse of campaign funds.In non-Trump news, there are more details out today about congressman Duncan Hunter, who recently pleaded guilty to corruption charges related to his misuse of campaign funds.
The Republican from California used those funds to pay for video games, vacation, groceries and flights for a pet rabbit, according to an ethics committee report released earlier.The Republican from California used those funds to pay for video games, vacation, groceries and flights for a pet rabbit, according to an ethics committee report released earlier.
Hunter and his wife were indicted last year, and the congressman recently announced his plans last week to resign after the holidays. From today’s committee report, via CNN:Hunter and his wife were indicted last year, and the congressman recently announced his plans last week to resign after the holidays. From today’s committee report, via CNN:
Today’s hearing has just come to and. Here’s an excerpt from congressman Jerry Nadler’s closing remarks:Today’s hearing has just come to and. Here’s an excerpt from congressman Jerry Nadler’s closing remarks:
Some other highlights from the day:Some other highlights from the day:
Senator Kirsten Gillibrand, a member of the armed services committee, has called for a hearing on Afghanistan, following the Washington Post’s major investigative report today revealing that senior US officials repeatedly failed to tell the truth about the war and hid evidence that the war was un-winnable:Senator Kirsten Gillibrand, a member of the armed services committee, has called for a hearing on Afghanistan, following the Washington Post’s major investigative report today revealing that senior US officials repeatedly failed to tell the truth about the war and hid evidence that the war was un-winnable:
The Post’s reporting was based on thousands of pages of unpublished notes of interviews with people directly involved in the war, including generals, diplomats, aid workers and Afghan officials.The Post’s reporting was based on thousands of pages of unpublished notes of interviews with people directly involved in the war, including generals, diplomats, aid workers and Afghan officials.
Next year America faces an epic choice ... and the results could define the country for a generation.Next year America faces an epic choice ... and the results could define the country for a generation.
A message from Guardian US editor-in-chief:A message from Guardian US editor-in-chief:
These are perilous times. Over the last three years, much of what the Guardian holds dear has been threatened – democracy, civility, truth. This US administration is establishing new norms of behaviour. Anger and cruelty disfigure public discourse and lying is commonplace. Truth is being chased away.These are perilous times. Over the last three years, much of what the Guardian holds dear has been threatened – democracy, civility, truth. This US administration is establishing new norms of behaviour. Anger and cruelty disfigure public discourse and lying is commonplace. Truth is being chased away.
In the coming year, many vital aspects of American public life are in play – the supreme court, abortion rights, climate policy, wealth inequality, Big Tech and much more. The stakes could hardly be higher – and the need for a robust, independent press has never been greater.In the coming year, many vital aspects of American public life are in play – the supreme court, abortion rights, climate policy, wealth inequality, Big Tech and much more. The stakes could hardly be higher – and the need for a robust, independent press has never been greater.
As 2020 approaches, we’re asking our US readers to help us raise $1.5m by early January to support our journalism. We hope you’ll consider making a year-end gift.As 2020 approaches, we’re asking our US readers to help us raise $1.5m by early January to support our journalism. We hope you’ll consider making a year-end gift.
We also want to say a huge thank you to everyone who has supported the Guardian in 2019. You provide us with the motivation and financial support to keep doing what we do.We also want to say a huge thank you to everyone who has supported the Guardian in 2019. You provide us with the motivation and financial support to keep doing what we do.
Make a contribution.Make a contribution.
The White House has officially confirmed to reporters that Trump is meeting with Russia’s foreign minister, Sergei Lavrov, tomorrow, along with Mike Pompeo “to discuss the state of the bilateral relationship”:The White House has officially confirmed to reporters that Trump is meeting with Russia’s foreign minister, Sergei Lavrov, tomorrow, along with Mike Pompeo “to discuss the state of the bilateral relationship”:
Some context:Some context:
If you’ve tuned away from the hearings this afternoon, it’s worth watching this clip of Congressman Eric Swalwell, who summarized the key framework of impeachment in these five minutes:If you’ve tuned away from the hearings this afternoon, it’s worth watching this clip of Congressman Eric Swalwell, who summarized the key framework of impeachment in these five minutes:
The White House is backing bipartisan legislation aimed at curbing rising healthcare costs, including taking steps to restrict “surprise” medical bills in the emergency room. The AP reports:The White House is backing bipartisan legislation aimed at curbing rising healthcare costs, including taking steps to restrict “surprise” medical bills in the emergency room. The AP reports:
Hospital groups have opposed the bill:Hospital groups have opposed the bill:
Some more background here:Some more background here:
Hello – Sam Levin in Los Angeles here, taking over our live coverage for the rest of this busy Monday.Hello – Sam Levin in Los Angeles here, taking over our live coverage for the rest of this busy Monday.
Pete Buttigieg’s campaign has confirmed that it plans to “soon” release a list of clients the Democratic candidate served while her worked for McKinsey from 2007 to 2010. The South Bend mayor has faced intensifying pressure in recent days to disclose details of his work history, especially following revelations about McKinsey’s work with the Trump administration.Pete Buttigieg’s campaign has confirmed that it plans to “soon” release a list of clients the Democratic candidate served while her worked for McKinsey from 2007 to 2010. The South Bend mayor has faced intensifying pressure in recent days to disclose details of his work history, especially following revelations about McKinsey’s work with the Trump administration.
Earlier today, McKinsey confirmed that it has authorized Buttigieg to release information about his clients. Here’s his senior advisor:Earlier today, McKinsey confirmed that it has authorized Buttigieg to release information about his clients. Here’s his senior advisor:
The impeachment hearing is still going and there’s more of everything coming up in the next few hours. East coast handing blog to the west coast now, and my colleague in Los Angeles, Sam Levin.The impeachment hearing is still going and there’s more of everything coming up in the next few hours. East coast handing blog to the west coast now, and my colleague in Los Angeles, Sam Levin.
Here’s what’s happened this afternoonHere’s what’s happened this afternoon
The FBI director, Christopher Wray, has given an interview where he accepts the findings of the Department of Justice internal watchdog that the agency was justified and legitimate in its launch of an investigation into the Trump election campaign’s dealings with Russia during the 2016 election.The FBI director, Christopher Wray, has given an interview where he accepts the findings of the Department of Justice internal watchdog that the agency was justified and legitimate in its launch of an investigation into the Trump election campaign’s dealings with Russia during the 2016 election.
The UN security council will meet tomorrow over rising tensions between the US and North Korea. The meeting is at the request of the US.The UN security council will meet tomorrow over rising tensions between the US and North Korea. The meeting is at the request of the US.
The new US-Mexico-Canada (USMCA) trade deal is oh so close.The new US-Mexico-Canada (USMCA) trade deal is oh so close.
Management consulting kingpin McKinsey will allow 2020 Democratic candidate Pete Buttigieg to disclose which clients he served when working for McKinsey from 2007 to 2010.Management consulting kingpin McKinsey will allow 2020 Democratic candidate Pete Buttigieg to disclose which clients he served when working for McKinsey from 2007 to 2010.
The FBI director, Christopher Wray, tells ABC the idea that there’s a secret, underground liberal deep state organization with the US intelligence community, working to undermine Donald Trump, is an affront to the agency.The FBI director, Christopher Wray, tells ABC the idea that there’s a secret, underground liberal deep state organization with the US intelligence community, working to undermine Donald Trump, is an affront to the agency.
Democratic 2020 election candidate Pete Buttigieg has been given the green light by consulting giant McKinsey to disclose the clients he worked for while he was at McKinsey in the not-too-distant past.Democratic 2020 election candidate Pete Buttigieg has been given the green light by consulting giant McKinsey to disclose the clients he worked for while he was at McKinsey in the not-too-distant past.
As the Guardian wrote just last week: Secrecy surrounds much of the work of McKinsey, seen by many as the gold standard in management consulting. While it has worked with Fortune 500 companies, it has also been accused by the Massachusetts attorney general of fanning the flames of the opioid epidemic by advising Purdue Pharma on how to “turbocharge” sales of the drug, and it has worked to expand the influence of authoritarian regimes such as Russia and Saudi Arabia. In his book The Firm: The Story of McKinsey and Its Secret Influence on American Business, Duff McDonald wrote that McKinsey “may be the single greatest legitimizer of mass layoffs”.As the Guardian wrote just last week: Secrecy surrounds much of the work of McKinsey, seen by many as the gold standard in management consulting. While it has worked with Fortune 500 companies, it has also been accused by the Massachusetts attorney general of fanning the flames of the opioid epidemic by advising Purdue Pharma on how to “turbocharge” sales of the drug, and it has worked to expand the influence of authoritarian regimes such as Russia and Saudi Arabia. In his book The Firm: The Story of McKinsey and Its Secret Influence on American Business, Duff McDonald wrote that McKinsey “may be the single greatest legitimizer of mass layoffs”.
Buttigieg’s time at the firm warrants greater scrutiny and transparency, no doubt about it.Buttigieg’s time at the firm warrants greater scrutiny and transparency, no doubt about it.
Next year America faces an epic choice ... and the results could define the country for a generation.Next year America faces an epic choice ... and the results could define the country for a generation.
A message from Guardian US editor-in-chief:A message from Guardian US editor-in-chief:
These are perilous times. Over the last three years, much of what the Guardian holds dear has been threatened – democracy, civility, truth. This US administration is establishing new norms of behaviour. Anger and cruelty disfigure public discourse and lying is commonplace. Truth is being chased away.These are perilous times. Over the last three years, much of what the Guardian holds dear has been threatened – democracy, civility, truth. This US administration is establishing new norms of behaviour. Anger and cruelty disfigure public discourse and lying is commonplace. Truth is being chased away.
In the coming year, many vital aspects of American public life are in play – the supreme court, abortion rights, climate policy, wealth inequality, Big Tech and much more. The stakes could hardly be higher – and the need for a robust, independent press has never been greater.In the coming year, many vital aspects of American public life are in play – the supreme court, abortion rights, climate policy, wealth inequality, Big Tech and much more. The stakes could hardly be higher – and the need for a robust, independent press has never been greater.
As 2020 approaches, we’re asking our US readers to help us raise $1.5m by early January to support our journalism. We hope you’ll consider making a year-end gift.As 2020 approaches, we’re asking our US readers to help us raise $1.5m by early January to support our journalism. We hope you’ll consider making a year-end gift.
We also want to say a huge thank you to everyone who has supported the Guardian in 2019. You provide us with the motivation and financial support to keep doing what we do.We also want to say a huge thank you to everyone who has supported the Guardian in 2019. You provide us with the motivation and financial support to keep doing what we do.
Make a contribution.Make a contribution.
USMCA draws near. The US trade representative, Robert Lighthizer, and Jared Kushner, senior adviser to his father-in-law Potus, are off to Mexico tomorrow to try to get the new US-Mexico-Canada trade deal in the bag.USMCA draws near. The US trade representative, Robert Lighthizer, and Jared Kushner, senior adviser to his father-in-law Potus, are off to Mexico tomorrow to try to get the new US-Mexico-Canada trade deal in the bag.