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Protester crying 'treason' disrupts opening of Trump impeachment hearing – live Protester crying 'treason' disrupts opening of Trump impeachment hearing – live
(32 minutes later)
Protester shouted at committee chairman Jerry Nadler that he and Democrats are committing ‘treason’ in their inquiryProtester shouted at committee chairman Jerry Nadler that he and Democrats are committing ‘treason’ in their inquiry
About that disruption...pizzagate
The protester who interrupted the start of today’s impeachment hearing was Owen Shroyer, who works as a host at the far right-wing conspiracy site InfoWars.
Shroyer was active in spreading the most bizarre conspiracy theory of the 2016 presidential election, that Hillary Clinton was running a pedophile ring through a string of pizza restaurants, the Guardian’s Julian Borger writes.
The spreading of the extravagant fabricated allegations led to staff at the targeted restaurants being subjected to threats and harassment. An armed man turning up a Washington pizzeria in December 2016 with an AR-15 assault rifle, threatening staff and shooting off the lock of a cupboard, in pursuit of “investigating” the pedophile claims. He was sentenced to four years in jail.
Standing up at the back of the hearings room, interrupting committee chairman Jerry Nadler, Shroyer yelled: “You’re the one committing treason. America is done with this.”
He was removed by the police. His Twitter feed later reported that he had been arrested, promoting the hashtag #FreeOwenShroyer
If you’re a Democratic operative or candidate battling in the parts of the midwest, the alarming headline from Axios today is: Poll finds impeachment helping Trump in Michigan, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin.
Polling by the Republican firm Firehouse Strategies, with Optimus, a few months ago showed Trump struggling in Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin. But in the newest edition, he beats every Democrat in the 2020 race, Axios reports.
Trump won by an average of 6% in hypothetical match-ups against all current Democratic candidates, including Joe Biden, who was out-performing Trump in earlier polls.
AND a majority of likely 2020 voters surveyed do not support impeaching and removing Trump from office, the pollsters found
Firehouse partner Alex Conant told Axios: “Democrats racing towards impeachment are at serious risk of leaving behind the voters they need to retake the White House.”
House counsel for Democrats gives opening argumentsHouse counsel for Democrats gives opening arguments
Barry Burke, House counsel, is giving opening oratory on behalf of the Democrats at the judiciary committee impeachment hearing on Capitol Hill.Barry Burke, House counsel, is giving opening oratory on behalf of the Democrats at the judiciary committee impeachment hearing on Capitol Hill.
He’s running through some of the highlights of the Democrats’ case, relating to the charge that Trump has abused his office. He’s replayed some of the points from the previous intelligence committee hearings, and reminding us of Donald Trump saying Ukraine “should investigate the Bidens” - ie his 2020 election rival Joe Biden and the former vice president’s son, Hunter Biden.He’s running through some of the highlights of the Democrats’ case, relating to the charge that Trump has abused his office. He’s replayed some of the points from the previous intelligence committee hearings, and reminding us of Donald Trump saying Ukraine “should investigate the Bidens” - ie his 2020 election rival Joe Biden and the former vice president’s son, Hunter Biden.
And also Trump citing article 2 of the US Constitution in saying: “I have the right to do whatever I want as president.” Burke says that is fundamentally wrong. He also calls on members of Congress to “put aside political rancor”. Ha.And also Trump citing article 2 of the US Constitution in saying: “I have the right to do whatever I want as president.” Burke says that is fundamentally wrong. He also calls on members of Congress to “put aside political rancor”. Ha.
More procedural bickering. The Guardian’s world affairs editor, Julian Borger, is at the hearing and will bring you reports and observations as the day goes on.More procedural bickering. The Guardian’s world affairs editor, Julian Borger, is at the hearing and will bring you reports and observations as the day goes on.
Congressional staff member Stephen Castor, for the Republicans, has just begun his opening arguments. Oh, he goes straight to “baloney!” to characterize the impeachment inquiry.Congressional staff member Stephen Castor, for the Republicans, has just begun his opening arguments. Oh, he goes straight to “baloney!” to characterize the impeachment inquiry.
Just prior:Just prior:
Supreme Court rules on abortion lawSupreme Court rules on abortion law
The US Supreme Court just decided to leave in place a Kentucky law requiring doctors to perform ultrasounds and show fetal images to patients before performing abortions.The justices did not comment in refusing to review an appeals court ruling that upheld the law, the AP writes.The US Supreme Court just decided to leave in place a Kentucky law requiring doctors to perform ultrasounds and show fetal images to patients before performing abortions.The justices did not comment in refusing to review an appeals court ruling that upheld the law, the AP writes.
The American Civil Liberties Union had challenged the law on behalf of Kentucky’s lone remaining abortion clinic. The ACLU argued that so-called “display and describe” ultrasound laws violate physicians’ speech rights under the First Amendment of the US Constitution.The American Civil Liberties Union had challenged the law on behalf of Kentucky’s lone remaining abortion clinic. The ACLU argued that so-called “display and describe” ultrasound laws violate physicians’ speech rights under the First Amendment of the US Constitution.
The federal appeals court in Cincinnati, Ohio, upheld the Kentucky law, but its sister court in Richmond, Virginia, struck down a similar measure in North Carolina.Doctors’ speech also has been an issue in non-abortion cases. The federal appeals court in Atlanta struck down parts of a 2011 Florida law that sought to prohibit doctors from talking about gun safety with their patients.The federal appeals court in Cincinnati, Ohio, upheld the Kentucky law, but its sister court in Richmond, Virginia, struck down a similar measure in North Carolina.Doctors’ speech also has been an issue in non-abortion cases. The federal appeals court in Atlanta struck down parts of a 2011 Florida law that sought to prohibit doctors from talking about gun safety with their patients.
Under the law, doctors faced fines and the possible loss of their medical licenses for discussing guns with patients.In Kentucky, doctors must describe the ultrasound in detail while the pregnant woman listens to the fetal heartbeat.Under the law, doctors faced fines and the possible loss of their medical licenses for discussing guns with patients.In Kentucky, doctors must describe the ultrasound in detail while the pregnant woman listens to the fetal heartbeat.
Women can avert their eyes and cover their ears to avoid hearing the description or the fetal heartbeat. Doctors failing to comply face fines and can be referred to the state’s medical licensing board.Women can avert their eyes and cover their ears to avoid hearing the description or the fetal heartbeat. Doctors failing to comply face fines and can be referred to the state’s medical licensing board.
The law was passed in 2017 and was signed by the state’s anti-abortion governor, Republican Matt Bevin. He narrowly lost his reelection bid last month. But Republicans remain in control of the state legislature.The law was passed in 2017 and was signed by the state’s anti-abortion governor, Republican Matt Bevin. He narrowly lost his reelection bid last month. But Republicans remain in control of the state legislature.
Squabbling in the impeachment hearing. Bang, bang, bang goes Nadler’s gavel.Squabbling in the impeachment hearing. Bang, bang, bang goes Nadler’s gavel.
While order is restored, let’s catch up with the fact that the Interfax news agency reports that Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov will meet Donald Trump during talks with his US counterpart in Washington tomorrow, Reuters writes.While order is restored, let’s catch up with the fact that the Interfax news agency reports that Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov will meet Donald Trump during talks with his US counterpart in Washington tomorrow, Reuters writes.
Lavrov’s trip to Washington for talks with US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo comes as bilateral ties are at post-Cold War lows, strained over everything from alleged election meddling to the wars in Ukraine and Syria.Time is also running out for the two sides to strike a deal that would replace or extend their New START nuclear arms treaty that is set to expire in February 2021.Lavrov’s trip to Washington for talks with US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo comes as bilateral ties are at post-Cold War lows, strained over everything from alleged election meddling to the wars in Ukraine and Syria.Time is also running out for the two sides to strike a deal that would replace or extend their New START nuclear arms treaty that is set to expire in February 2021.
Russian president Vladimir Putin last week offered the United States an extension on the deal without any pre-conditions or further discussion.Russia’s foreign ministry confirmed Lavrov’s trip to Washington in a statement. It did not mention a meeting with Trump, but Interfax cited a foreign ministry source saying there would be such a meeting.Russian president Vladimir Putin last week offered the United States an extension on the deal without any pre-conditions or further discussion.Russia’s foreign ministry confirmed Lavrov’s trip to Washington in a statement. It did not mention a meeting with Trump, but Interfax cited a foreign ministry source saying there would be such a meeting.
US intelligence agencies have said Russia interfered in the 2016 presidential election campaign in order to tilt the vote in Trump’s favor. Moscow denies it.US intelligence agencies have said Russia interfered in the 2016 presidential election campaign in order to tilt the vote in Trump’s favor. Moscow denies it.
Paul Volcker, the towering former Federal Reserve chairman who tamed US inflation in the 1980s and decades later inspired tough Wall Street reforms in the wake of the global financial crisis, died on Monday at the age of 92, according to the New York Times, which quoted his daughter.Paul Volcker, the towering former Federal Reserve chairman who tamed US inflation in the 1980s and decades later inspired tough Wall Street reforms in the wake of the global financial crisis, died on Monday at the age of 92, according to the New York Times, which quoted his daughter.
Volcker, who media reports said had been suffering from prostate cancer, was the first to bring celebrity status to the job of U.S. central banker, serving as chairman of the Federal Reserve from 1979 to 1987. As with the man who succeeded him, Alan Greenspan, Volcker could soothe or excite financial markets with just a vague murmur, Reuters writes.Volcker, who media reports said had been suffering from prostate cancer, was the first to bring celebrity status to the job of U.S. central banker, serving as chairman of the Federal Reserve from 1979 to 1987. As with the man who succeeded him, Alan Greenspan, Volcker could soothe or excite financial markets with just a vague murmur, Reuters writes.
In 2018 he published a memoir, “Keeping at It: The Quest for Sound Money and Good Government,” and expressed concern about the direction of the federal government and the loss of respect for it.“The central issue is we’re developing into a plutocracy,” he told the New York Times in October 2018. “We’ve got an enormous number of enormously rich people that have convinced themselves that they’re rich because they’re smart and constructive. And they don’t like government and they don’t like to pay taxes.”In 2018 he published a memoir, “Keeping at It: The Quest for Sound Money and Good Government,” and expressed concern about the direction of the federal government and the loss of respect for it.“The central issue is we’re developing into a plutocracy,” he told the New York Times in October 2018. “We’ve got an enormous number of enormously rich people that have convinced themselves that they’re rich because they’re smart and constructive. And they don’t like government and they don’t like to pay taxes.”
In 2009, Volcker began serving as a key financial adviser to President Barack Obama and faced a maelstrom of financial turmoil, government bailouts and fallout from the deepest recession since the 1930s Great Depression.In working to help the U.S. economy recover from the 2008 crisis, he proposed what became known as the Volcker rule that restricted banks from making high-risk investments with depositors’ cash. Since Donald Trump, who favors fewer regulations, became president in 2017, the rule has been under review.In 2009, Volcker began serving as a key financial adviser to President Barack Obama and faced a maelstrom of financial turmoil, government bailouts and fallout from the deepest recession since the 1930s Great Depression.In working to help the U.S. economy recover from the 2008 crisis, he proposed what became known as the Volcker rule that restricted banks from making high-risk investments with depositors’ cash. Since Donald Trump, who favors fewer regulations, became president in 2017, the rule has been under review.
What’s the key phrase?What’s the key phrase?
Ranking member Doug Collins has kicked off his now-familiar sarcasm show.Ranking member Doug Collins has kicked off his now-familiar sarcasm show.
He asks what will turn out to be the key phrase from this impeachment process?He asks what will turn out to be the key phrase from this impeachment process?
He reminds us that the key phrase, burned into our memories over the decades, from the Nixon Watergate process was: “What did the president know and when did he know it?” A: a lot, from the beginning.He reminds us that the key phrase, burned into our memories over the decades, from the Nixon Watergate process was: “What did the president know and when did he know it?” A: a lot, from the beginning.
The memorable sentence from the Bill Clinton impeachment was: “I did not have sexual relations with that women.” A: Yep, you did.The memorable sentence from the Bill Clinton impeachment was: “I did not have sexual relations with that women.” A: Yep, you did.
And Collins suggests the key phrase from the impeachment of Donald Trump will be: “Where is the impeachable offense?” Very lame, Doug. The key phrase is already and will likely remain: “I would like you to do us a favor, though.”And Collins suggests the key phrase from the impeachment of Donald Trump will be: “Where is the impeachable offense?” Very lame, Doug. The key phrase is already and will likely remain: “I would like you to do us a favor, though.”
That’s what Donald Trump said in a July phone call to the politically and militarily vulnerable, new president of Ukraine, Volodymyr Zelenskiy, when asking for an investigation of his US political rivals in exchange for military aid.That’s what Donald Trump said in a July phone call to the politically and militarily vulnerable, new president of Ukraine, Volodymyr Zelenskiy, when asking for an investigation of his US political rivals in exchange for military aid.
The hearing of the House Judiciary Committee got underway at 9.07AM local time in Washington but there was an early interruption.The hearing of the House Judiciary Committee got underway at 9.07AM local time in Washington but there was an early interruption.
A protester, appearing to on the side of Donald Trump and against impeachment, shouted at committee chairman Jerry Nadler, a New York Democrat, that he and the Democrats are committing “treason” in their inquiry, according to CNN’s Manu Raju.A protester, appearing to on the side of Donald Trump and against impeachment, shouted at committee chairman Jerry Nadler, a New York Democrat, that he and the Democrats are committing “treason” in their inquiry, according to CNN’s Manu Raju.
Nadler, who is punctuating his opening statement with occasional clearing of his throat with a short, rattling cough, is pushing on regardless.Nadler, who is punctuating his opening statement with occasional clearing of his throat with a short, rattling cough, is pushing on regardless.
“Donald Trump put himself before country,” he has said, twice already. Nadler is outlining “corruption of public office” by the president’s pressuring Ukraine to investigate his domestic political rivals (aka “Do us a favor, though”) in return for crucial military aid for its existential battle against aggressive Russian forces on its Crimean flank.“Donald Trump put himself before country,” he has said, twice already. Nadler is outlining “corruption of public office” by the president’s pressuring Ukraine to investigate his domestic political rivals (aka “Do us a favor, though”) in return for crucial military aid for its existential battle against aggressive Russian forces on its Crimean flank.
Attempted Republican interruption to make a motion. Squished by Nadler.Attempted Republican interruption to make a motion. Squished by Nadler.
Horowitz expected to outline justification for Trump-Russia probeHorowitz expected to outline justification for Trump-Russia probe
The US Justice Department’s internal watchdog will release a highly anticipated report today that’s expected to reject Donald Trump’s repeated claims that the investigation into whether he or his campaign colluded with Russia was illegitimate or illegal and that it was not blighted by political bias in the FBI.The US Justice Department’s internal watchdog will release a highly anticipated report today that’s expected to reject Donald Trump’s repeated claims that the investigation into whether he or his campaign colluded with Russia was illegitimate or illegal and that it was not blighted by political bias in the FBI.
But it is also expected to document errors during the investigation that may animate Trump supporters, The Associated Press writes.But it is also expected to document errors during the investigation that may animate Trump supporters, The Associated Press writes.
The report, as described by people familiar with its findings, is expected to conclude there was an adequate basis for opening one of the most politically sensitive investigations in FBI history.The report, as described by people familiar with its findings, is expected to conclude there was an adequate basis for opening one of the most politically sensitive investigations in FBI history.
It began in secret during Trump’s 2016 presidential run and was ultimately taken over by special counsel Robert Mueller after Trump fired FBI director James Comey early in his presidency in 2017.It began in secret during Trump’s 2016 presidential run and was ultimately taken over by special counsel Robert Mueller after Trump fired FBI director James Comey early in his presidency in 2017.
The release of DoJ Inspector General Michael Horowitz’s review is unlikely to quell the partisan battles that have surrounded the Russia investigation for years. It’s also not the last word: A separate internal investigation continues, overseen by Trump’s attorney general, William Barr, and led by a US attorney, John Durham. That investigation is criminal in natureThe release of DoJ Inspector General Michael Horowitz’s review is unlikely to quell the partisan battles that have surrounded the Russia investigation for years. It’s also not the last word: A separate internal investigation continues, overseen by Trump’s attorney general, William Barr, and led by a US attorney, John Durham. That investigation is criminal in nature
Horowitz’s report is expected to identify errors and misjudgments by some law enforcement officials, including by an FBI lawyer suspected of altering a document related to the surveillance of a former Trump campaign aide.Horowitz’s report is expected to identify errors and misjudgments by some law enforcement officials, including by an FBI lawyer suspected of altering a document related to the surveillance of a former Trump campaign aide.
But the report will not endorse some of the president’s theories on the investigation, including that it was a baseless “witch hunt” or that he was targeted by an Obama administration Justice Department desperate to see Republican Trump lose to Democrat Hillary Clinton in 2016.But the report will not endorse some of the president’s theories on the investigation, including that it was a baseless “witch hunt” or that he was targeted by an Obama administration Justice Department desperate to see Republican Trump lose to Democrat Hillary Clinton in 2016.
It also is not expected to undo Mueller’s findings or contradict his conclusion that Russia interfered in order to benefit the Trump campaign.It also is not expected to undo Mueller’s findings or contradict his conclusion that Russia interfered in order to benefit the Trump campaign.
The FBI opened its investigation in July 2016 after learning that a Trump campaign adviser, George Papadopoulos, had been told before it was publicly known that Russia had ‘dirt’ on the Clinton campaign via hacked emails.The FBI opened its investigation in July 2016 after learning that a Trump campaign adviser, George Papadopoulos, had been told before it was publicly known that Russia had ‘dirt’ on the Clinton campaign via hacked emails.
Good Morning, US politics watchers. It’s going to be nothing less than a manic Monday in Washington today, festive spirits be darned.Good Morning, US politics watchers. It’s going to be nothing less than a manic Monday in Washington today, festive spirits be darned.
The inspector general of the Department of Justice, Michael Horowitz, aka the DoJ internal watchdog, is going to make public his report into the origins of the Trump-Russia inquiry during and after the 2016 presidential election. It has extraordinary implications for the reputation of the FBI. It’s not clear yet exactly when the report will be released today - so do stay glued. It is expected to find that the intelligence community did have enough legitimate evidence in 2016 of links between Donald Trump’s campaign and Russian operatives seeking to interfere in his favor to obtain secret surveillance warrants. There was no illegal spying and that outweighs some secondary findings that there was some sloppiness and political bias on display from some FBI figures.The inspector general of the Department of Justice, Michael Horowitz, aka the DoJ internal watchdog, is going to make public his report into the origins of the Trump-Russia inquiry during and after the 2016 presidential election. It has extraordinary implications for the reputation of the FBI. It’s not clear yet exactly when the report will be released today - so do stay glued. It is expected to find that the intelligence community did have enough legitimate evidence in 2016 of links between Donald Trump’s campaign and Russian operatives seeking to interfere in his favor to obtain secret surveillance warrants. There was no illegal spying and that outweighs some secondary findings that there was some sloppiness and political bias on display from some FBI figures.
Beginning within minutes, at 9AM US eastern time, the House of Representatives judiciary committee will hold its second public hearing in the impeachment inquiry against the president. Congressional lawyers Daniel Goldman and Stephen Castor will be the witnesses, discussing the grounds for impeachment found by the intelligence committee in recent weeks. Expect stormy waters and a long hearing. We now move from the inquiry phase into the process for the Democratic controlled committee to draw up the articles of impeachment (effectively the indictment against Trump), to be voted on by the House before Christmas and leading to a congressional trial in the Senate early next year. Of special note: will the committee include obstruction of the Mueller report (the product of the Trump-Russia investigation) in the articles?Beginning within minutes, at 9AM US eastern time, the House of Representatives judiciary committee will hold its second public hearing in the impeachment inquiry against the president. Congressional lawyers Daniel Goldman and Stephen Castor will be the witnesses, discussing the grounds for impeachment found by the intelligence committee in recent weeks. Expect stormy waters and a long hearing. We now move from the inquiry phase into the process for the Democratic controlled committee to draw up the articles of impeachment (effectively the indictment against Trump), to be voted on by the House before Christmas and leading to a congressional trial in the Senate early next year. Of special note: will the committee include obstruction of the Mueller report (the product of the Trump-Russia investigation) in the articles?
Democratic 2020 candidate Elizabeth Warren says an all-women ticket in the election can beat Donald Trump. She and Joe Biden also seem to be, well, not closed to the idea of recruiting the other as their vice-president. How would a Warren-Kamala Harris ticket go down with America, for example. Stacey Abrams? Intriguing.Democratic 2020 candidate Elizabeth Warren says an all-women ticket in the election can beat Donald Trump. She and Joe Biden also seem to be, well, not closed to the idea of recruiting the other as their vice-president. How would a Warren-Kamala Harris ticket go down with America, for example. Stacey Abrams? Intriguing.
There’s also news on Rudy Giuliani, Afghanistan, Mike Pompeo, Michelle Obama, the Pensacola shooting and more. Stay tuned.There’s also news on Rudy Giuliani, Afghanistan, Mike Pompeo, Michelle Obama, the Pensacola shooting and more. Stay tuned.