Talking Shop: Stars at Christmas

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The stars of stage, screen, soap and song reveal their plans for Christmas in a festive edition of Talking Shop.

<a name="story"></a> <a class="bodl" href="#kate">KATE GARRAWAYGMTV host</a> <a class="bodl" href="#holby">CAST OF HOLBYNot real doctors</a><a class="bodl" href="#amelle">AMELLE BERRABAHSugababe</a><a class="bodl" href="#chris">CHRIS PARKERStrictly dancer</a> <a class="bodl" href="#maria">MARIA FRIEDMANStage star</a> <a class="bodl" href="#geraldine">GERALDINE BROOKSBestselling author</a> <a class="bodl" href="#leona">LEONA LEWISPop star</a><a class="bodl" href="#john">JOHN ALTMANAKA Nick Cotton</a><a class="bodl" href="#sanjeev">SANJEEV BHASKARComedian</a><a class="bodl" href="#stuart">STUART MANNINGHollyoaks' Russ</a><a class="bodl" href="#sd">SAME DIFFERENCEPop siblings</a><a class="bodl" href="#sarah">SARAH BRIGHTMANSinger</a> <a name="kate"></a>


What's the first Christmas you remember? I remember early Christmases, when you have that wonderful and magical feeling, waking up in the morning and wondering if Father Christmas has been.

You have a period when you're in your late teens and early 20s when Christmas takes on a different view, and what's great about having a little one is you get back the wide-eyed wonderment.

What's your favourite Christmas decoration? I like the Christmas tree. My mum and dad still have candles on theirs, not having health and safety in their house!

Do you own a copy of Wham's Last Christmas? Yes I do. I think I did some kind of ITV special where Andy Castle and I dressed up in those jumpers and did a version of it.

Does your Christmas pudding come with Brandy butter, cream or custard? I make it with custard but I do sometimes slosh a bit of brandy in it!

Brussels sprouts: Good or evil? They used to be the fear of evil as far as I was concerned. But something weird happened when I was in my early 30s - I actually started liking them. So now I think they're little balls of loveliness. <a name="leona"></a>

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What's the first Christmas you remember? It would have been in Wales. I don't know how old I was… I'm not even sure whether I remember it, or whether I remember looking at pictures of it. But I was about three. I got loads of teddies and stuff.

Do you still have any of those teddies? I used to have a big teddy bear collection, but I gave a lot of them away. I do have <i>one </i>that comes on the road with me. I was given it when I went to France.

What do you think about the last-minute reprieve for Christmas Top Of The Pops? Music TV in the UK is just shocking - look at what that is doing to the music industry. So we need it back.

What have you done this year that you hope Santa won't find out about? But if I tell you, he'll find out...

Who cooks Christmas dinner in your house? Mum. She does everything - and because I'm a vegetarian she does a special vegetarian Christmas dinner.

Do you find it hard to get veggie food when you're abroad? We research where the best vegetarian places are when I'm travelling - so when we go there we just Google it and then we know where to eat <a name="holby"></a>

<i>Leona Lewis's album, Spirit, is out now.</i>

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Clockwise from top left: Luke Roberts, Hari Dhillon, Amanda Mealing, Duncan PowWhat are you doing for Christmas this year? Hari Dhillon (Michael Spence): The family and I are going to India for some sun, relaxation and travel.

Luke Roberts (Joseph Byrne): Spending Christmas with the family in frosty old England.

How big is your stocking? Hari: Well, my partner Lara loves her Christmas stockings, so it seems the stockings for my daughter and I get bigger each year. And always overstuffed with chocolate. Naturally.

Amanda Mealing (Connie Beauchamp): That's a bit personal! I'm a size 10 so small. Ha ha!

What's the first Christmas you remember? Duncan Pow (Linden Cullen): 1984. I got a Commodore 64 with a Ghostbusters game.

Luke: I have an abiding memory of waking up very early on a number of Christmas mornings and blasting my brother and sister with silly string - a family tradition my seven-year-old nephew is keen to maintain. It's pretty irritating but then we supply him with the canister so I guess we must kind of like it in a nostalgic sado-masochistic way.

What is the correct response to the following statement: "He's behind you"? Luke: Not while I have my strength he isn't!

Amanda: As all good men should be.

Can you tell a Christmas cracker joke? Duncan: What's a specimen? An Italian astronaut.

Hari: What do you call a man with no shins? Tony.

What have you asked for this year? Hari: Since having a child, I get much more joy out of finding things for her. So this year, a stuffed animal - an owl, and a dolly.

Amanda: I have asked Father Christmas for a ring from Tiffany's or a new camera. I really love photography and want to get back into it.

Luke: I keep asking for Alesha Dixon but I'm not sure I've been good enough this year!

Duncan: For everyone to be nicer to one another.

<a name="john"></a>

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What are you doing for Christmas this year? I'm going to have a quiet one. I'll only have one day off from panto so I'll spend it at my place in London.

What have you asked for from Santa? There's not a lot I want really. Just to have a good day. There's nothing I need, unless it was a house on the French riviera or a yacht, but that's slightly out of the question!

What's the first Christmas you remember? I was probably about two. I remember the excitement of the stocking appearing in the middle of the night.

What have you done this year that you don't want Santa to find out about? I can't think of anything but Nick has stolen a load of mobiles and conned the old age pensioners for all their cash.

Brussels Sprouts: Good or evil? Well they're good for you, but they're not too much fun to eat. <a name="amelle"></a>

<i>John Altman is appearing as King Rat in Dick Whittington at the Reading Hexagon. He returns as Nick Cotton in EastEnders over the festive period.</i>

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What are you doing for Christmas this year? I'm spending it with family. We do the same thing every year. We all go to my mum's house, have a massive dinner and have a really nice day.

Who cooks Christmas dinner in your house? My mum! But I normally help with the mashed potato - I am a perfectionist when it comes to that.

What have you done this year that you don't want Santa to find out about? I've been a good girl this year… for once!

Can you tell a Christmas cracker joke? What do you call a man with a spade in his head. Doug

Do you own a copy of Wham's Last Christmas? Yes I do - doesn't everyone? I still love it. I listen to a lot of Elvis though at Christmas. It makes me feel really festive.

Will you be making a resolution for the new year? Yes, I'm hopefully going to get a few cookery books for Christmas and teach myself how to cook at least five new dishes. <a name="sanjeev"></a>

<i>The Sugababes' single, No Can Do, and album, Catfights and Spotlights, are out now.</i>

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What are you doing for Christmas this year? As usual, spent with family, this year coming to our house. Particularly exciting for our three-year-old, I expect.

How big is your stocking? I don't really wear them and especially just the one, but if you must know it's as big as my leg.

What's the first Christmas you remember? 2007.

What do you think about Christmas Top Of The Pops? I loved TOTP and the Christmas one was always on my 'must see' list. I even made it on to one when we recorded the Comic Relief single "Spirit in the Sky" with Gareth Gates.

Can you tell a Christmas cracker joke? How does an intruder get into the house? Intruder window. Don't blame me, you asked.

Do you own a copy of Wham's Last Christmas? Yes I do, and it is one of the seasonal highlights to play that and the Christmas Hits album that it's on.

What is the correct response to the following statement: "He's behind you"? "Is it George Clooney?"

Brussels sprouts: Good or Evil? Neither! They're sprouts for goodness sake, they are merely pawns in a game they cannot control. They simply do the bidding of their masters and thus can be USED for good or evil. Don't blame the sprout, blame the chef. <a name="chris"></a>

<i>Sanjeev Bhaskar is starring in Monty Python's Spamalot, running at the Palace Theatre until 3 January 2009.</i>

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What are you doing for Christmas this year? I'm going to be at my nan and grandad's with the whole family. My uncle is coming over with the kids from America, so it will be a nice family occasion.

How big is your stocking? It's not that big. Me and my two brothers have the same size stocking, but theirs always seems to be crammed more than mine.

What have you asked for? I have asked for a posh diary with my initials on the front. That's a sign of getting old. I turned 25 this year and I spent a week in having pizza and chocolate because I was really depressed about it.

What's the first Christmas you remember? I think the one that really stands out in my mind was a really big family occasion. I remember having a big Scalextric and my auntie helping me build it - then I was upstairs for the rest of the day playing with it.

Was it right to bring back Christmas Top Of The Pops? Yes definitely. Everyone loves watching TOTP at Christmas. Fearne's one of my closest friends and she was great on that show.

What's your favourite Christmas decoration? Mistletoe!

What is the correct response to the following statement: "He's behind you"? Erm... Oh no he's not? Is that right? <a name="stuart"></a>

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What are you doing for Christmas this year? This year I'll be going home for Christmas to spend it with my Mum, Brother and Nan, it will all be very traditional.

How big is your stocking? My stocking will be a small one this year because we have decided not to do gifts, just family things together. So this year I'll be taking my Mum and Nan to the theatre and a nice meal afterwards.

What's the first Christmas you remember? The first Christmas I remember was when I was five and I got a Blue BMX but I couldn't go on it because it was snowing outside.

What do you think about the last-minute reprieve for Christmas Top Of The Pops? I miss Top Of The Pops because me and my family would watch it together and laugh about all the bands miming. We judged them on whether their performances were good or bad. The most memorable one was when Oasis were on - but Liam played guitar and Bonehead sang.

What's your favourite Christmas decoration? Well, it would have to be the tree!

Does your Christmas pudding come with Brandy butter, cream or custard? My mum always does two Christmas puds, one with cream and one with Brandy butter - I have a bit of both.

<a name="maria"></a>

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What are you doing for Christmas this year? Christmas Eve: Party with family and old friends. The children all gather in one room and Father Christmas arrives 'in person' to deliver their presents. They're allowed to open one but the rest have to wait!

Christmas Day: We open our stockings together in bed followed by presents downstairs. Then we are off to my sister's house - a converted pub nearby - where we'll all (about 30 of us!) join in with the cooking and play games and make music. It usually ends around 1am with a nightcap and oysters back at home.

How big is your stocking? Not big - a traditional size, usually filled with nuts, satsumas and little gifts!

What have you asked for? A Gucci handbag and world peace (that's a joke!).

What do you think about the last-minute reprieve for Christmas Top Of The Pops? Great fun - nostalgia. But no TV on Christmas Day!!

What's your favourite Christmas decoration? The tree - and some 'angels' from Switzerland that spin when you light the candle in the centre.

Can you tell a Christmas cracker joke? What did Adam say on the day before Christmas? It's Christmas, Eve!

What is the correct response to the following statement: "He's behind you"? Goodie!

What have you done this year that you don't want Santa to find out about? Why, what have you heard?!

Brussels sprouts: Good or evil? Good! Especially with chestnuts and bacon. <a name="sd"></a>

<i>Maria Friedman is appearing in Maria Friedman: Re-arranged at the Trafalgar Studios in London until 4 January.</i>

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What are you doing for Christmas this year? Sean: Hopefully, fingers crossed, we'll get a couple of days off to spend with our family. We've hardly seen them this year, so I want to make it a lovely family Christmas, like old times.

Are the family down in Portsmouth? Sarah:Yeah, they're all in Portsmouth. Every Christmas we get up in the morning and have our presents and then we go and visit all the family, because they literally live within a mile. We literally go to everyone's houses and give all the kids their presents. It's a real family-orientated thing.

How big are your stockings? Sarah: Oooh! They've got smaller and smaller as we've got older. It's quite depressing, really. I used to be like "who's got the most presents, me or Sean?" But now we only get a few bits and bobs. I suppose we're adults now.

Have you asked for anything this year? Sarah: Not really. I suppose we just wanted a successful album. Sean: Or a Playstation 3. Sarah: Yes, if he gets up on Christmas Day and he hasn't got one, he's going to throw a paddy.

Will you be getting Singstar for it? Sean: I've got Singstar already for the Wii! So we play that a lot.

Is it the High School Musical SingStar? In unison: <i>Yes!</i> Sean: The funny thing is Sarah loves that song When There Was Me And You, but it's too high for her on it - so when it gets to the high notes, she bottles it. Sarah: It just goes, 'failed, failed, failed!

What's the first Christmas you remember? Sarah: It was when I got a toy kitchen. Obviously, I still believed in Santa Claus and my dad came in drunk from Christmas Eve - because our parents always go out to a party on Christmas Eve - and he tried to set up this kitchen. But it had an alarm on it to let you know when the food was done and he set the alarm off in the middle of the night.

So I came down and I was like: "Oh my God!" and there was dad making it up. He was absolutely drunk and trying to explain it… "Oh, Santa just dropped this off and he asked me to make it because he didn't have time." And I was so disappointed because I wanted to see Santa!

What have you done this year that you don't want Santa to find out about? Sarah: In the shop yesterday, our single was on one pile and I took them all off and put them all across the shop! <a name="geraldine"></a>

<i>Same Difference's album, Pop, is out now.</i>

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What are you doing over the holiday season? Trying to explain the fine points of Chanukah to my newly adopted five-year-old son from Ethiopia, who is having understandable difficulties separating out Santa and fir trees from lakes and dreidels.

What's your favourite Christmas movie? Love Actually, actually. Just the right mix of corn, comedy and fine casting.

What's the worst Christmas gift you've ever given? I regifted a scarf - to the person who'd gifted it to me in the first place.

What have you done this year that you don't want Santa to find out about? You think I'd tell? You must be daft.

What will you be reading as you curl up in front of the fire? Home, by Marilyn Robinson, if anyone takes my numerous hints and gifts it to me.

Which of the following is most likely to happen in your neighbourhood? a) Chestnuts roasting on an open fire b) Jack Frost nipping at your nose c) Yuletide carols being sung by a choir d) Folks dressed up like eskimos

D. It's bloody cold here. I wish I was in Sydney...

What are your plans for 2009? To write a novel called Caleb's Crossing before my editor has an aneurism about missed deadlines. <a name="sarah"></a>

<i>Geraldine Brooks' latest novel, People Of The Book, is out now. She won the Pulitzer Prize in 2006 for March.</i>

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How will you be spending Christmas? Going to spend it in New York where hopefully the weather will be really cold but bright and sunny.

What's the worst Christmas gift you've ever given? A pair of nutcrackers!

Can you tell a Christmas cracker joke? What is Santa's Favourite Pizza? Deep pan, crisp and even.

Taking off wrapping paper - what's your style? I rip it off as quickly as I can, although when it is beautifully wrapped I do feel guilty.

What's your favourite Christmas song? I Believe in Father Christmas by Greg Lake.

What have you done this year that you don't want Santa to find out about? Eaten too many chocolates! <a name="maria"></a>

<i>Sarah Brightman's album, Winter Symphony, is out now.</i><a class="bodl" href="#story">Return to menu</a>