The Admiral vs. the President

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To the Editor:

Re “We’re Under Attack From the President,” by William H. McRaven, a retired Navy admiral (Op-Ed, Oct. 18):

The poignant article by Admiral McRaven, describing the honor and humility of the military that he knows so well, brought me to tears when contrasted so starkly with the dishonor and hubris emanating from the White House.

There is not one area of my life that has not been sullied by the tampering of the White House and the Republican Senate. As the niece of two Marines who perished at Iwo Jima and Guadalcanal, and the daughter of the last surviving son who served his duty stateside, I am dismayed to my core at the dishonor brought to the title of commander in chief and the dark shadow that he casts on our military, our allies and our citizens.

Vickie Murphy AhumadaOceanside, Calif.