Which Candidates Won Last Night’s Democratic Debate? Six Experts Weigh In


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Before Tuesday’s Democratic primary debate, we asked political debate coaches and experts to tell us what each candidate needed to do to have a good night. Here’s that story. Today, we asked the experts how the candidates did.

Our panel

Karen Dunn, debate adviser to the Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama campaigns

Aaron Kall, director of debate, University of Michigan

Meredith Kelly, communications director for Senator Kirsten Gillibrand’s campaign

Brett O’Donnell, debate coach for George W. Bush, John McCain and Mitt Romney

Geoff Potter, debate director for Gov. Jay Inslee’s campaign

Karen Finney, senior spokeswoman for Mrs. Clinton’s 2016 campaign

KELLY The former vice president had his strongest debate performance yet — his answers were tighter and he came off as powerful and convincing. Despite expectations that he’d be mired in false equivalencies on Ukraine, he quickly and strongly dispelled with questions on his son Hunter Biden, which demonstrated how he’d handle such attacks in a debate with Trump. He also made a memorable case that his age and record equate to unique wisdom and an ability to get the job done on day one, which viewers know we need on the world stage now more than ever.

O’DONNELL Had a solid night, but not outstanding. His “clipping coupons in the stock market” line illustrates his problem. He is solid on issues, but gets lost from time to time on execution. The moderators let him off the hook after he contradicted himself on his Ukraine answer and was never really pressed on this issue. His son had said earlier in the day that he used “poor judgment” in taking a role in Ukraine, but Joe Biden said he was proud of his son’s judgment. If he is the nominee, the attack from President Trump will be much more direct.

POTTER Senator Warren survived her first time out as front-runner and did very well on the first question about impeachment, but will need to sharpen her performance to mitigate the risk of a serious stumble in a future debate.

FINNEY Whether you agree with her policies or not, Warren was strong, clear and unflappable, depicting stable leadership on foreign and domestic policy. I would have liked to see her say more about “Medicare for all” and how it would work.

DUNN The good news: No one, including him, focused on his health. The bad news: everyone, including him, talked about how that “damn bill” he wrote will raise middle-class taxes. He may get points on the primary debate stage for honesty but this doesn’t make him a more viable general election candidate. But on balance a good night because it is always better to have people talk about your health plan than your actual health!

KELLY Senator Sanders was warmer and more dynamic than in previous debates. The Sanders campaign also deserves credit for setting up a newsmaker onstage about a big rally with a “special guest,” followed by the endorsements of Representatives Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Ilhan Omar, and possibly Rashida Tlaib. While there’s still little Senator Sanders can do about his own age or health, earning high-profile support from young, influential leaders in the party may be the next best thing at this critical time for him.

O’DONNELL Mayor Pete had his best debate last night. He finally went on offense and was one of the few who was actually able to get the better of Elizabeth Warren in their exchange on health care. His exchange with Beto over guns may have ended Beto’s candidacy. If he performs like this in future debates and on the campaign trail, he could become an alternative for Biden supporters.

FINNEY Mayor Buttigieg had his strongest performance, particularly strong on gun safety, Syria and foreign policy, and was clearly trying to take the mantle of the moderate that can bring the party together. The question is whether or not he gets a bounce out of tonight and can leverage that into movement in the polls.

POTTER Senator Harris spent most of the evening presenting a deadly serious, passionate candidate who could credibly take on the president, and suggested she’s identified a message that could take her through a long primary.

O’DONNELL Senator Booker attempted to play the role of unifier last night. However, while well spoken, he always seemed to be one or two questions behind. He inserted his rehearsed answer defending Biden from the Ukraine attack on a question about jobs and was a couple of questions behind at other points in the debate. Yes, he is likable, and playing the role of unifier is great if you’re auditioning for a role in one of the other candidate’s cabinet, but it won’t cause voters to come his way. Cory Booker claimed he was having déjà vu all over again, but I think it was his irrelevant debate performance that was causing it.

DUNN Senator Klobuchar had a great night again. She had it all: intelligence, humor, authenticity, relatability; she knew how to play offense without appearing mean or angry. She was even the first to mention Ohio! Her consistently excellent performances, along with those of Senator Booker and Andrew Yang, should make us all stop and wonder why the D.N.C. set up a debate process seemingly designed to reinforce the inevitability of the top few candidates while making sure they are attacked as much as possible before the general election.

KALL Considering it was his inaugural debate performance, Tom Steyer turned in a pretty solid overall performance last night. Mr. Steyer was referred to as the only billionaire onstage by the moderator Erin Burnett, which he playfully shrugged off. I do think he missed an opportunity here to contrast himself further with President Donald Trump, who shares a similar financial status. Since Steyer has already qualified for next month’s debate in Atlanta, he likely viewed Tuesday night as just the opening salvo in a two-part act. Judging by the negative reaction on social media during the debate, he should also consider a different tie choice for November’s debate.

FINNEY Castro had a good night overall but given the momentum the front-runners have did not see a breakthrough moment that would give him a post-debate bump.

KALL The unexpected buzz surrounding previous Andrew Yang debate performances seems to have dissipated slightly on Tuesday night. The portion of the debate which focused on automation is a testament to the strength and prominence of Yang’s campaign to date. Yang was directly confronted on the stage at times and his facial expressions looked quite perturbed. If his fund-raising prowess allows him to continue in this race with a shrinking field of candidates, this will become more commonplace and he must prepare accordingly.

POTTER O’Rourke’s presentation was heavy on moral clarity, but he was washed out by more well-honed, aggressive candidates; these debates are just not good settings for him.

FINNEY Most noticeable on Gabbard was that while trying to invoke Hillary Clinton who moved the Democratic Party platform farther than ever before on women’s health and reproductive freedom, Gabbard used the 1992 frame on abortion: “safe, rare and legal.” Her dated language stood out from the others who spoke to the law, as about bodily autonomy, protecting Roe v. Wade and reproductive freedom.