Canada leaders' debate: tarnished Trudeau puts climate crisis at heart of election

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On a crowded stage where debate often devolved into a cacophony of crosstalk, Canada’s federal leaders – including a fringe far-right candidate – have sought to sway voters before the country’s election.

Over two hours, federal political leaders lobbed the majority of their attacks at the prime minister, Justin Trudeau, in the only official English language debate before 21 October.

Held in Gatineau, Quebec, the event marked the first time leaders from all six parties – Liberal, Conservative, New Democratic, Green, Bloc Québécois and People’s party – have appeared on stage together.

“The choice tonight is between two parties that have very different views on climate change,” said Trudeau, making his pitch for a second majority government, and positioning his re-election campaign around the looming climate crisis.

“Please God you don’t get a majority this time around,” Green party leader Elizabeth May told Trudeau, arguing the Liberal plan was not ambitious enough.

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The wildcard coming into the evening was Maxime Bernier, leader of the far-right populist party the People’s party of Canada. Formed amid a feud between Bernier and the Conservative party, its platform is defined by restrictive immigration politics and climate change denial. Activist groups had protested against his presence on stage, arguing it was wrong to give his policies a highly visible platform. But the Leaders’ Debates Commission found Bernier – once a foreign minister under the Conservatives – had a “legitimate chance” of electing more than one candidate in the election.

Throughout the evening he played the spoiler, frequently interrupting each candidate as they spoke.“I think, within a few minutes tonight, Canadians can see why I didn’t think you had a place on this stage,” Jagmeet Singh, leader of the New Democratic party, told Bernier.

Despite the number of candidates on stage, only two have emerged as clear frontrunners: Trudeau and the Conservative leader, Andrew Scheer.

Polling suggests that while Trudeau’s Liberal party has an edge in seat projections, after weeks of campaigning the prime minister and Scheer are tied in popular opinion.

Scheer used the opening moments of the debate to attack Trudeau for wearing blackface, reviving a scandal that damaged the prime minister’s progressive image. Scheer also accused the prime minister of wearing a “mask” when it comes to his feminist credentials and attempts at reconciliation with indigenous peoples.

“Mr Trudeau, you are a phoney and you’re a fraud and you do not deserve to govern this country,” said Scheer in his opening remarks.

Trudeau repeatedly attacked Scheer on perceptions of credibility, accusing the Conservative leader of dishonesty and obfuscation on taxes and abortion.

Despite running a largely gaffe-free campaign, Scheer was put on the defensive last week after the Globe and Mail reported he held dual citizenship with the United States. Scheer’s troubles were exacerbated given his history – as well as his party’s – of criticising elected representatives who are dual nationals, including the former governor general Michaëlle Jean.

Singh, the first non-white leader of a major political party in the country’s history, worked to cast himself as a third option for Canadian voters, accusing both Conservatives and Liberals of kowtowing to affluent donors and corporate interests.

“You vote New Democrats, we’re going to make sure we’re going to make these things happen because we don’t work for the powerful and wealthy,” said Singh. “We work for you.”

In a debate that often became confusing with its numerous formats and moderators, Singh scored moments of levity. After candidates – and a moderator – repeatedly called him “Scheer” by mistake, Singh objected in mock protest. “C’mon! I wore bright orange turban today. What will it take?” he said, prompting laughter from the room.

Even before the debate began, the event was shrouded in controversy. The Leaders’ Debates Commission declined to accredit two rightwing organisations, Rebel Media and True North Centre for Public Policy. Opponents to the two organisations have argued they are far-right groups that do not produce journalism. But a last-minute injunction, ordered by a federal court only two hours before the debate, granted the two organisations access.

Candidates will debate once more, in French, on Friday.


Justin Trudeau



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