It's the Magazine's 7 Days 7 Questions weekly quiz - but this week with a credit-crunch beating 14% off - so let's call it 7 Days 6 Questions (although for a limited period only we are adding a bonus question incentive).
It's the Magazine's 7 Days 7 Questions weekly quiz - but this week with a credit-crunch beating 14% off - so let's call it 7 Days 6 Questions (although for a limited period only we are adding a bonus question incentive).
1.) Missing Word Question
1.) Missing Word Question
All stock now * 50% off
All stock now * 50% off
up to
at least
up to
at least
Squint and look closely in the top right-hand corner of the sign... see it?
Squint and look closely in the top right-hand corner of the sign... see it?
2.) Multiple Choice Question
2.) Multiple Choice Question
A slip of the tongue from Gordon Brown in PMQs, but how did he try to correct himself? "We not only saved the world...
A slip of the tongue from Gordon Brown in PMQs, but how did he try to correct himself? "We not only saved the world...
"Er, saved the banks and led the way..."
"Er, led the world in saving banks..."
"We not only worked with other countries to save the world's banking system..."
"Er, saved the banks and led the way..."
"Er, led the world in saving banks..."
"We not only worked with other countries to save the world's banking system..."
Sam 'n' Dave Cameron opted for a casual "at home" image for their Christmas Card this year, while there's been no sign in papers of the Browns' festive missive...
Sam 'n' Dave Cameron opted for a casual "at home" image for their Christmas Card this year, while there's been no sign in papers of the Browns' festive missive...
3.) Multiple Choice Question
3.) Multiple Choice Question
...but which of these will friends and contacts of LibDem leader Nick Clegg be receiving this year?
...but which of these will friends and contacts of LibDem leader Nick Clegg be receiving this year?
Three kings
For the kiddies
Fishing boats
Three kings
For the kiddies
Fishing boats
4.) Multiple Choice Question
4.) Multiple Choice Question
One British pound buys just over one euro, the lowest level since it was created in 1999. What's the highest its ever been?
One British pound buys just over one euro, the lowest level since it was created in 1999. What's the highest it's ever been?
ã1 = 2 euros
ã1 = 1.75 euros
ã1 = 1.45 euros
ã1 = 2 euros
ã1 = 1.75 euros
ã1 = 1.45 euros
5.) Multiple Choice Question
5.) Multiple Choice Question
Kate Winslet has two Golden Globe nominations, a reliable bellweather for being shortlisted for the Oscars - for which she has five nominations but no statuettes. But which was her first Academy Award nomination?
Kate Winslet has two Golden Globe nominations, a reliable bellwether for being shortlisted for the Oscars - for which she has five nominations but no statuettes. But which was her first Academy Award nomination?
Heavenly Creatures
Sense and Sensibility
Heavenly Creatures
Sense and Sensibility
6.) Multiple Choice Question
6.) Multiple Choice Question
Who "is under medical advice not to perform"?
Who "is under medical advice not to perform"?
David Tennant, laid low with a bad back instead of playing Hamlet
Daniel Hoevels, who slit his throat on stage when a prop knife turned out to be real
Italian tenor Giuseppe Filianoti, replaced by a US understudy at La Scala
David Tennant, laid low with a bad back instead of playing Hamlet
Daniel Hoevels, who slit his throat on stage when a prop knife turned out to be real
Italian tenor Giuseppe Filianoti, replaced by a US understudy at La Scala
7.) Multiple Choice Question
7.) The bonus question
Animation fans mourned Oliver Postgate this week, the creator of Bagpuss, the Clangers and Noggin the Nog. Also Ivor the Engine. But what was the name of Ivor's employer?
Animation fans mourned Oliver Postgate this week, the creator of Bagpuss, the Clangers and Noggin the Nog. Also Ivor the Engine. But what was the name of Ivor's employer?
Llaniog and Llareggub Rail Traction Company
Merioneth and Llantisilly Rail Traction Company
Cwmderi and Carmarthen Rail Traction Company
Llaniog and Llareggub Rail Traction Company
Merioneth and Llantisilly Rail Traction Company
Cwmderi and Carmarthen Rail Traction Company
It's "up to", which appeared in significantly smaller print than the other words. Shoppers complained on Thursday that, despite the "half-price" headlines, much of the stock in Woolies' closing down sale was rather more modestly discounted.
He said: "We not only saved the world - er, saved the banks and led the way..." but didn't get any further for a good half minute as the House of Commons erupted.
It's one - designed by seven-year-old Archie Noble of Sheffield. Number 2 is being sent by the Police Service of Northern Ireland to ex-cons; 3 is last year's offering from the Browns and 4 is this year's card from SNP leader Alex Salmond.
One pound was worth 1.75 euros in May 2000. Even at the end of last year, ã1 bought 1.45 euros.
Her first was 1995's Sense and Sensibility. Heavenly Creatures, in 1994, wasn't Oscar nominated, but 1997's Titanic, 2001's Iris, 2004's Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind and 2006's Little Children were short-listed. Meanwhile, the Golden Globe nominees were revealed on Thursday.
It's Tennant, replaced at short notice by his understudy. Hoevels was rushed to hospital after his curtain call, but was back on stage the next day. And Filianoti was replaced after making mistakes in the dress rehearsal.
It's Merioneth and Llantisilly. And trivia fans might like to know that Jones The Steam's Christian name was Edwin.
It's "up to", which appeared in significantly smaller print than the other words. Shoppers complained on Thursday that, despite the "half-price" headlines, much of the stock in Woolies' closing down sale was rather more modestly discounted.
He said: "We not only saved the world - er, saved the banks and led the way..." but didn't get any further for a good half minute as the House of Commons erupted.
It's one - designed by seven-year-old Archie Noble of Sheffield. Number 2 is being sent by the Police Service of Northern Ireland to ex-cons; 3 is last year's offering from the Browns and 4 is this year's card from SNP leader Alex Salmond.
One pound was worth 1.75 euros in May 2000. Even at the end of last year, ã1 bought 1.45 euros.
Her first was 1995's Sense and Sensibility. Heavenly Creatures, in 1994, wasn't Oscar nominated, but 1997's Titanic, 2001's Iris, 2004's Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind and 2006's Little Children were short-listed. Meanwhile, the Golden Globe nominees were revealed on Thursday.
It's Tennant, replaced at short notice by his understudy. Hoevels was rushed to hospital after his curtain call, but was back on stage the next day. And Filianoti was replaced after making mistakes in the dress rehearsal.
It's Merioneth and Llantisilly. And trivia fans might like to know that Jones The Steam's Christian name was Edwin.