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Tory leadership: Johnson, Gove and Hunt progress as Javid is eliminated – live news Tory leadership: Johnson, Gove and Hunt progress as Javid is eliminated – live news
(32 minutes later)
Three former prime ministers, Tony Blair, Gordon Brown and David Cameron, joined Theresa May at Westminster Abbey earlier for the memorial service for Jeremy Heywood, who was cabinet secretary before his death last November.
MPs have just started voting in the fifth ballot of the contest.
Boris Johnson, Michael Gove and Jeremy Hunt are the only names left in the contest. The top two will be on the ballot for the 160,000-strong Conservative party membership.
MPs will vote until 5.30pm, and we will get the result at around 6pm.
Voting has opened in the Fifth (and final) Ballot in the Tory leadership election between Boris Johnson, Jeremy Hunt and Michael Gove. First MP in to vote was Nusrat Ghani.
This is from Jonathan Isaby, editor of the BrexitCentral website.This is from Jonathan Isaby, editor of the BrexitCentral website.
This really will go down to the wire. Of 24 MPs noted by @GuidoFawkes or @ConHome or me as Javid voters, my back-of-a-fag-packet maths gives Johnson 11, Hunt 8 and Gove 5, giving Hunt a one-vote lead over Gove with 10 unidentified Javid votes still in play... #TooCloseToCallThis really will go down to the wire. Of 24 MPs noted by @GuidoFawkes or @ConHome or me as Javid voters, my back-of-a-fag-packet maths gives Johnson 11, Hunt 8 and Gove 5, giving Hunt a one-vote lead over Gove with 10 unidentified Javid votes still in play... #TooCloseToCall
Experts from Rolls Royce, Queens University and the Police Force of Northern Ireland have been named as part of a new group to advise the government on arrangements that could help keep the Irish border invisible post Brexit.Experts from Rolls Royce, Queens University and the Police Force of Northern Ireland have been named as part of a new group to advise the government on arrangements that could help keep the Irish border invisible post Brexit.
The 15-strong technical advisory group was meeting for the first time today in a session chaired by Brexit secretary Steve Barclay and Treasury minister Jesse Norman.The 15-strong technical advisory group was meeting for the first time today in a session chaired by Brexit secretary Steve Barclay and Treasury minister Jesse Norman.
In a statement, the Department for Exiting the EU said two other groups - one comprising business interests and the other politicians - would seen be announced with a budget of £20m for their work.In a statement, the Department for Exiting the EU said two other groups - one comprising business interests and the other politicians - would seen be announced with a budget of £20m for their work.
The “technical advisory group” announced today includes: academic Katy Hayward, a sociology reader at Queen’s University, who has recently returned from a six-week Eisenhower fellowship trip to the US to study arrangements on the Canadian and Mexican border; Declan Billington of the Northern Ireland Food and Drink Association, who has said the government’s tariff policy for the region could wipe out dairy farming on the border; and Tim Mairs, the Police Service of Northern Ireland’s assistant chief constable, who is likely reflect the impact of no-deal on smuggling, organised crime and co-operation with the Gardai without data exchange or the Euro arrest warrant.The “technical advisory group” announced today includes: academic Katy Hayward, a sociology reader at Queen’s University, who has recently returned from a six-week Eisenhower fellowship trip to the US to study arrangements on the Canadian and Mexican border; Declan Billington of the Northern Ireland Food and Drink Association, who has said the government’s tariff policy for the region could wipe out dairy farming on the border; and Tim Mairs, the Police Service of Northern Ireland’s assistant chief constable, who is likely reflect the impact of no-deal on smuggling, organised crime and co-operation with the Gardai without data exchange or the Euro arrest warrant.
DExEU had announced the first of three groups to examine alternatives to the backstop. The technical group includes some of the leading critics of the hard Brexiters/ERG claims about the Irish border including academic @hayward_katy of Queen's Uni and Declan Billington. had announced the first of three groups to examine alternatives to the backstop. The technical group includes some of the leading critics of the hard Brexiters/ERG claims about the Irish border including academic @hayward_katy of Queen's Uni and Declan Billington.
Others on the group are experts on customs, freight forwarding and the former head of central technology at Rolls Royce, David Smith. Notably absent are any voices representing farming but these are expected to be represented in the second group of experts.Others on the group are experts on customs, freight forwarding and the former head of central technology at Rolls Royce, David Smith. Notably absent are any voices representing farming but these are expected to be represented in the second group of experts.
“These groups will help inform the UK’s negotiations with the EU on developing alternative arrangements to the Northern Ireland backstop, set out in the withdrawal agreement, with the aim of replacing it by December 2020 so that it is never needed,” said DExEU in a statement.“These groups will help inform the UK’s negotiations with the EU on developing alternative arrangements to the Northern Ireland backstop, set out in the withdrawal agreement, with the aim of replacing it by December 2020 so that it is never needed,” said DExEU in a statement.
Steve Barclay, the Brexit secretary who was chairing the first meeting of the group today along with Treasury minister Jesse Norman, said in a statement:Steve Barclay, the Brexit secretary who was chairing the first meeting of the group today along with Treasury minister Jesse Norman, said in a statement:
The technical group will provide a forum for experts to discuss workable alternative arrangements, assessing both capability and timelines and bringing their significant experience to bear.The technical group will provide a forum for experts to discuss workable alternative arrangements, assessing both capability and timelines and bringing their significant experience to bear.
The Labour MP Rachel Reeves, chair of the Commons business committee, has welcomed what the chancellor, Philip Hammond (see 9.23am), and Mark Rutte, the Dutch prime minister (see 10.13am), have been saying about Brexit today. In a statement released by the People’s Vote campaign she said:The Labour MP Rachel Reeves, chair of the Commons business committee, has welcomed what the chancellor, Philip Hammond (see 9.23am), and Mark Rutte, the Dutch prime minister (see 10.13am), have been saying about Brexit today. In a statement released by the People’s Vote campaign she said:
The Dutch prime minister and the chancellor of the exchequer are doing the one thing that Boris Johnson hates more any other: telling the truth about Brexit.The Dutch prime minister and the chancellor of the exchequer are doing the one thing that Boris Johnson hates more any other: telling the truth about Brexit.
Neither Mark Rutte nor Philip Hammond get many laughs, but they are serious and responsible figures who deserve to be listened to at this crucial time for our country.Neither Mark Rutte nor Philip Hammond get many laughs, but they are serious and responsible figures who deserve to be listened to at this crucial time for our country.
The prime minister of the Netherlands this morning exposed the vacuity of Boris Johnson’s renegotiation fantasies. And this evening, the chancellor will blow a huge hole in the idea that forcing a destructive no-deal Brexit on the British people has even the semblance of economic or political credibility.The prime minister of the Netherlands this morning exposed the vacuity of Boris Johnson’s renegotiation fantasies. And this evening, the chancellor will blow a huge hole in the idea that forcing a destructive no-deal Brexit on the British people has even the semblance of economic or political credibility.
Ladbrokes has Jeremy Hunt ahead of Michael Gove to make it onto the ballot of party members. It has Hunt at 1/2 and Gove at 6/4.Ladbrokes has Jeremy Hunt ahead of Michael Gove to make it onto the ballot of party members. It has Hunt at 1/2 and Gove at 6/4.
And this is from the Daily Mail’s Jason Groves.And this is from the Daily Mail’s Jason Groves.
Knives out for Boris Johnson's unofficial chief whip Gavin Williamson. Minister on a rival team describes him as a 'scheming c***', adding: 'It says a lot about Boris's judgment that he's allowed him anywhere near him.'Knives out for Boris Johnson's unofficial chief whip Gavin Williamson. Minister on a rival team describes him as a 'scheming c***', adding: 'It says a lot about Boris's judgment that he's allowed him anywhere near him.'
From the FT’s Jim PickardFrom the FT’s Jim Pickard
Tory MP: “Most of us are working on the assumption that we’ll have to endure another leadership contest within the next 18 months....”Tory MP: “Most of us are working on the assumption that we’ll have to endure another leadership contest within the next 18 months....”
Some worrying news from the BBC’s Chris Mason ...Some worrying news from the BBC’s Chris Mason ...
Just spoke to a member of the 1922 Executive Committee about exactly this -- and if it's a dead heat for 2nd place, there will be ANOTHER vote this evening... spoke to a member of the 1922 Executive Committee about exactly this -- and if it's a dead heat for 2nd place, there will be ANOTHER vote this evening...
Paul Goodman, editor of ConservativeHome, a website that is very influential with Tory members, has written a good preview of the final ballot starting at 3.30pm this afternoon. He suggests it might be easier for the party if Jeremy Hunt is on the ballot for members, not Michael Gove. Here is an extract.Paul Goodman, editor of ConservativeHome, a website that is very influential with Tory members, has written a good preview of the final ballot starting at 3.30pm this afternoon. He suggests it might be easier for the party if Jeremy Hunt is on the ballot for members, not Michael Gove. Here is an extract.
We end with the thought that, if Hunt wins through, it is relatively easy to imagine him as deputy prime minister or first secretary of state – rowing in behind [Boris] Johnson as a dependable deputy. The latter flourishes when strong support is to hand. Simon Milton in London was the quintessential example.We end with the thought that, if Hunt wins through, it is relatively easy to imagine him as deputy prime minister or first secretary of state – rowing in behind [Boris] Johnson as a dependable deputy. The latter flourishes when strong support is to hand. Simon Milton in London was the quintessential example.
If Gove survives the remaining ballot instead, we don’t see how he could be deployed by Johnson in a similar way. There is too much tricky history between the two men. There would be too much media sensitivity to power struggles, appointments and policy differences.If Gove survives the remaining ballot instead, we don’t see how he could be deployed by Johnson in a similar way. There is too much tricky history between the two men. There would be too much media sensitivity to power struggles, appointments and policy differences.
This is from Jeremy Hunt.This is from Jeremy Hunt.
Critical decision now for all colleagues is what choice do we present to the country? And what future? Choose me for unity over division, and I will put Boris through his paces and then bring our party and country back together.Critical decision now for all colleagues is what choice do we present to the country? And what future? Choose me for unity over division, and I will put Boris through his paces and then bring our party and country back together.
Turning away from London, in Brussels, where the EU summit is getting underway, Leo Varadkar, the Irish taoiseach (prime minister) has said there is “enormous hostility” in the EU to the idea of granting the UK another extension. These are from my colleague Jennifer Rankin.Turning away from London, in Brussels, where the EU summit is getting underway, Leo Varadkar, the Irish taoiseach (prime minister) has said there is “enormous hostility” in the EU to the idea of granting the UK another extension. These are from my colleague Jennifer Rankin.
Leo Varadkar sets out EU's well-known position on Brexit.▶️Negotiations can only happen between the UK and the EU.▶️ The withdrawal agreement is not going to be reopened. ▶️No withdrawal agreement = no transition period.Leo Varadkar sets out EU's well-known position on Brexit.▶️Negotiations can only happen between the UK and the EU.▶️ The withdrawal agreement is not going to be reopened. ▶️No withdrawal agreement = no transition period.
Leo Varadkar: "while I have endless patience, some of my colleagues have lost patience with the UK and there is enormous hostility to a further extension."He thinks this would only happen if there was general election or second ref, not indicative votes.Leo Varadkar: "while I have endless patience, some of my colleagues have lost patience with the UK and there is enormous hostility to a further extension."He thinks this would only happen if there was general election or second ref, not indicative votes.
Michael Gove and Jeremy Hunt have both said they would not rule out asking for an extension of Brexit beyond 31 October, if both sides were close to a deal and more time were needed. Boris Johnson has said that he would not do this although, as noted earlier, many Tories believe that in practice he might want an extension. (See 12.22pm.)Michael Gove and Jeremy Hunt have both said they would not rule out asking for an extension of Brexit beyond 31 October, if both sides were close to a deal and more time were needed. Boris Johnson has said that he would not do this although, as noted earlier, many Tories believe that in practice he might want an extension. (See 12.22pm.)
For article 50 to be extended again, beyond 31 October, the UK would have to request that, and the EU 27 would have to agree unanimously.For article 50 to be extended again, beyond 31 October, the UK would have to request that, and the EU 27 would have to agree unanimously.
UPDATE: Here are the full quotes from Leo Varadkar.UPDATE: Here are the full quotes from Leo Varadkar.
On the backstopOn the backstop
There’s no withdrawal agreement without a backstop and there’s no implementation period without a withdrawal agreement.There’s no withdrawal agreement without a backstop and there’s no implementation period without a withdrawal agreement.
On an extensionOn an extension
There’s very much a strong view across the European Union that there shouldn’t be any more extensions. While I have endless patience, some of my colleagues have lost patience, quite frankly, with the UK and there’s enormous hostility to any further extension.There’s very much a strong view across the European Union that there shouldn’t be any more extensions. While I have endless patience, some of my colleagues have lost patience, quite frankly, with the UK and there’s enormous hostility to any further extension.
So, I think an extension could only really happen if it were to facilitate something like a general election in the UK or perhaps even something like a second referendum if they decided to have one.So, I think an extension could only really happen if it were to facilitate something like a general election in the UK or perhaps even something like a second referendum if they decided to have one.
What won’t be entertained is an extension for further negotiations or further indicative votes: the time for that has long since passed.What won’t be entertained is an extension for further negotiations or further indicative votes: the time for that has long since passed.
Chris Skidmore, the universities minister and a Sajid Javid supporter, says he is now voting for Boris Johnson.Chris Skidmore, the universities minister and a Sajid Javid supporter, says he is now voting for Boris Johnson.
I am sorry to see @sajidjavid depart the Conservative leadership contest. He ran an excellent, positive campaign that I am proud to have been a part. We now need to unite around delivering Brexit and come together as a party. But we also need a new policy agenda for change 1/2I am sorry to see @sajidjavid depart the Conservative leadership contest. He ran an excellent, positive campaign that I am proud to have been a part. We now need to unite around delivering Brexit and come together as a party. But we also need a new policy agenda for change 1/2
I have decided that with the support of the majority of MPs and members, @BorisJohnson can unite the party and deliver Brexit with a liberal agenda for the future, that backs freedom of talent and must as a priority protect our European research and education partnerships 2/2I have decided that with the support of the majority of MPs and members, @BorisJohnson can unite the party and deliver Brexit with a liberal agenda for the future, that backs freedom of talent and must as a priority protect our European research and education partnerships 2/2
Here is ITV’s Robert Peston on Boris Johnson’s dilemma.Here is ITV’s Robert Peston on Boris Johnson’s dilemma.
Many supporters of @BorisJohnson are genuinely horrified at the idea of facing @michaelgove in the ballot of members - because they know he can inflict harm on their hero. So here is the dilemma for Johnson and his team. Johnson has the numbers - the votes of half...Many supporters of @BorisJohnson are genuinely horrified at the idea of facing @michaelgove in the ballot of members - because they know he can inflict harm on their hero. So here is the dilemma for Johnson and his team. Johnson has the numbers - the votes of half...
Tory MPs - to be able to decide by personal fiat who he faces in the run-off. The point is that he he could instruct a proportion of his foot soldiers to vote for @Jeremy_Hunt and see off Gove. But if Johnson's vote does not rise in the fifth and final round, and...Tory MPs - to be able to decide by personal fiat who he faces in the run-off. The point is that he he could instruct a proportion of his foot soldiers to vote for @Jeremy_Hunt and see off Gove. But if Johnson's vote does not rise in the fifth and final round, and...
especially if it falls, everyone will know that he has gerrymandered, which would taint him. In a way it would have been infinitely cleverer to lend votes to Hunt in the previous round, if he were so inclined, because the...especially if it falls, everyone will know that he has gerrymandered, which would taint him. In a way it would have been infinitely cleverer to lend votes to Hunt in the previous round, if he were so inclined, because the...
rigging would have been harder to detect. "What to do, what to do?" as he may well be askingrigging would have been harder to detect. "What to do, what to do?" as he may well be asking
This is from a Tory in the Jeremy Hunt camp.This is from a Tory in the Jeremy Hunt camp.
Boris and Michael are great candidates but we have seen their personal psychodrama before: it’s time to offer the country someone the EU will actually talk to. Jeremy is the candidate who can best unify the party and deliver Brexit.Boris and Michael are great candidates but we have seen their personal psychodrama before: it’s time to offer the country someone the EU will actually talk to. Jeremy is the candidate who can best unify the party and deliver Brexit.
From the BBC’s Sarah SmithFrom the BBC’s Sarah Smith
Scottish Tory leader Ruth Davidson is now supporting Michael Gove for the Conservative party leadershipScottish Tory leader Ruth Davidson is now supporting Michael Gove for the Conservative party leadership
This is not hugely surprising – because Michael Gove is a Scot.This is not hugely surprising – because Michael Gove is a Scot.
Boris Johnson, his main rival, is seen as toxic to Tory prospects north of the border.Boris Johnson, his main rival, is seen as toxic to Tory prospects north of the border.
Here’s Michael Gove pitching for the Sajid Javid vote.Here’s Michael Gove pitching for the Sajid Javid vote.
Well done @sajidjavid for a brilliant and inspirational campaign. You are a hero and a great friend. You have so much more to give the party and the country in the future.Well done @sajidjavid for a brilliant and inspirational campaign. You are a hero and a great friend. You have so much more to give the party and the country in the future.
Sources close to Sajid Javid are saying he will not be endorsing any of the remaining candidates today.Sources close to Sajid Javid are saying he will not be endorsing any of the remaining candidates today.