Trump’s D-Day Tribute, and His Own War Avoidance

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To the Editor:

Re “Trump Honors D-Day Troops: ‘Your Legend Will Never Die’” (, June 6):

Like many, I awoke early on Thursday to watch President Trump and other leaders mark the 75th anniversary of D-Day. This was a moving ceremony, reminding us of a critical moment in history and celebrating the contributions of those who fought gallantly and gave their lives to save the world.

As a partisan, I am normally critical of Mr. Trump’s rhetoric. In that vein, I was delighted that President Emmanuel Macron of France used his speech diplomatically but clearly to lecture Mr. Trump about the importance of Western values that really made America great. However, as a scholar of communication who understands the importance of separating political beliefs from professional judgments, I salute Mr. Trump for his excellent speech (perhaps his best ever). It hit the right note both in content and form.

I wish that Mr. Trump would not return, as no doubt he will, to his usual habit of following scripted speeches with shameful and unpresidential tweets and remarks undermining Americans, American institutions, America’s closest friends and allies, and our most cherished democratic values.

I hope — perhaps naïvely — that Mr. Trump was sincere today, and that his future deeds and discourse will reflect the words in his D-Day anniversary speech. If nothing else, those words can be used to document his hypocrisy.

Richard CherwitzAustin, Tex.The writer is a professor at the Moody College of Communication, University of Texas.

To the Editor:

President Trump was asked by Piers Morgan on “Good Morning Britain” whether he regretted the fact that he had not served during the Vietnam War. He expressed no regrets, saying that he was “never a fan” of that war and it “was very far away, and at that time nobody ever heard of the country.”

He went on to say that he was making up for it now by spending a tremendous amount on the military budget. There is so much wrong with all of this that I don’t know where to start.

First, I am about the same age as the president. I was also in college as the war was unfolding, and I wasn’t a “fan” of that war either. However, I didn’t burn my draft card, I didn’t head to Canada and my parents never arranged to get “a note from my doctor” to keep me out of the Army. Instead, I waited it out and ended up with a high number in the draft lottery. The luck of the draw made my decision for me.

What disgusts me about the president’s response is that he continues to think that paying money is a substitute for sacrifice. I do regret not serving. I believe that I took the easy way out by waiting for the lottery to bail me out. If my opposition to the war was sincere, I should have become a conscientious objector.

Friends and classmates of mine died in that faraway place. This was a shameful time in American history when rich parents could buy their sons exemptions from service. Dollars are no substitute for personal sacrifice. Fifty years later, the president is still dodging the draft.

Bill WilsonMilton, Wis.