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Tory leadership battle intensifies as McVey and Rudd tout visions Tory leadership battle intensifies as McVey and Rudd tout visions
(3 days later)
The race to succeed Theresa May has escalated as 10 contenders from the Conservative party spent Monday either touting their visions for the future or busily refusing to rule out running.The race to succeed Theresa May has escalated as 10 contenders from the Conservative party spent Monday either touting their visions for the future or busily refusing to rule out running.
With the prime minister’s final attempt to pass a Brexit deal being dismissed by all wings of the party and her time in Downing Street being measured in weeks, there were two full-blown launches of new party groupings on Monday.With the prime minister’s final attempt to pass a Brexit deal being dismissed by all wings of the party and her time in Downing Street being measured in weeks, there were two full-blown launches of new party groupings on Monday.
On the hardline Brexiter wing, the former work and pensions secretary, Esther McVey, kicked off a movement to reconnect the Tories with working-class voters by promising to slash the overseas aid budget and give the money saved to schools and police.On the hardline Brexiter wing, the former work and pensions secretary, Esther McVey, kicked off a movement to reconnect the Tories with working-class voters by promising to slash the overseas aid budget and give the money saved to schools and police.
At an event seen as the start of her leadership campaign, though not billed as such, McVey said her new group, Blue Collar Conservatism, would push for the overseas aid budget to be cut from the current level of about £14.5bn a year to the £8.5bn seen in 2010, with the balance going to domestic priorities.At an event seen as the start of her leadership campaign, though not billed as such, McVey said her new group, Blue Collar Conservatism, would push for the overseas aid budget to be cut from the current level of about £14.5bn a year to the £8.5bn seen in 2010, with the balance going to domestic priorities.
Later in the day, McVey’s successor in the work and pensions job, Amber Rudd, led a push from the centrist, remain-minded wing of the Conservatives for their views to be heard, notably in rejecting a no-deal Brexit.Later in the day, McVey’s successor in the work and pensions job, Amber Rudd, led a push from the centrist, remain-minded wing of the Conservatives for their views to be heard, notably in rejecting a no-deal Brexit.
“The Conservative party is entering a new phase and we here in this room are determined to shape that phase,” Rudd told the One Nation caucus.“The Conservative party is entering a new phase and we here in this room are determined to shape that phase,” Rudd told the One Nation caucus.
The most resistant segment of the European Research Group of Eurosceptic Tory MPs comprises 28 pro-Brexit backbenchers who have refused to be wooed by Theresa May and opposed her third attempt to pass her Brexit deal. Steve Baker, Andrew Bridgen and Mark Francois are the most vocal members. Jacob Rees-Mogg remains close to the group despite backing May’s deal. Another 100 MPs have been associated with the ERG, including the potential Tory leadership candidates Boris Johnson, Michael Gove and Andrea Leadsom.The most resistant segment of the European Research Group of Eurosceptic Tory MPs comprises 28 pro-Brexit backbenchers who have refused to be wooed by Theresa May and opposed her third attempt to pass her Brexit deal. Steve Baker, Andrew Bridgen and Mark Francois are the most vocal members. Jacob Rees-Mogg remains close to the group despite backing May’s deal. Another 100 MPs have been associated with the ERG, including the potential Tory leadership candidates Boris Johnson, Michael Gove and Andrea Leadsom.
Esther McVey, a Brexiter who reluctantly voted for Theresa May’s deal, is the latest Tory to breathe life into the idea of blue-collar conservatism, previously championed by Robert Halfon, the chair of the education select committee. McVey launched her version on 20 May at an event widely seen as the unofficial start of her leadership bid. She and fellow MPs including Eddie Hughes, Ben Bradley and Scott Mann plan to tour UK pubs to spread their message. McVey’s supporters claim to have up to 40 MPs signed up to the group; other Brexiters claim the figure is less than 20.Esther McVey, a Brexiter who reluctantly voted for Theresa May’s deal, is the latest Tory to breathe life into the idea of blue-collar conservatism, previously championed by Robert Halfon, the chair of the education select committee. McVey launched her version on 20 May at an event widely seen as the unofficial start of her leadership bid. She and fellow MPs including Eddie Hughes, Ben Bradley and Scott Mann plan to tour UK pubs to spread their message. McVey’s supporters claim to have up to 40 MPs signed up to the group; other Brexiters claim the figure is less than 20.
Amber Rudd has spearheaded this pro-remain, anti-no-deal group of MPs, which includes the international development secretary, Rory Stewart, and the former cabinet ministers Nicky Morgan and Damian Green. The group claims to have more than 60 MPs onboard and plans to stand against “narrow nationalism” and division and in favour of internationalism, environmental policies and protecting consumers from corporations and an “over-mighty state”.Amber Rudd has spearheaded this pro-remain, anti-no-deal group of MPs, which includes the international development secretary, Rory Stewart, and the former cabinet ministers Nicky Morgan and Damian Green. The group claims to have more than 60 MPs onboard and plans to stand against “narrow nationalism” and division and in favour of internationalism, environmental policies and protecting consumers from corporations and an “over-mighty state”.
Led by the hugely popular Ruth Davidson, the leader of the Scottish Tories in Holyrood, and the Scottish secretary, David Mundell, this group’s overtly remain tendencies put them at odds with the likes of the ERG. Among the 13 Scottish Tory MPs and 31 MSPs there is controversy over Boris Johnson, who is a highly divisive figure in Scotland.Led by the hugely popular Ruth Davidson, the leader of the Scottish Tories in Holyrood, and the Scottish secretary, David Mundell, this group’s overtly remain tendencies put them at odds with the likes of the ERG. Among the 13 Scottish Tory MPs and 31 MSPs there is controversy over Boris Johnson, who is a highly divisive figure in Scotland.
A loose term nowadays, since the former Cameroons are largely nowhere to be seen. Those flying the flag for a more socially progressive, relatable kind of conservatism include the former education secretary Justine Greening and the health secretary, Matt Hancock, who even set up his own app in an attempt to keep up with the digital age. Both Greening and Hancock want to move on from Brexit so that other issues can be dealt with, but they are split on what that should look like. Greening has promoted a second referendum, while Hancock is urging all Brexiters to get behind May’s deal.A loose term nowadays, since the former Cameroons are largely nowhere to be seen. Those flying the flag for a more socially progressive, relatable kind of conservatism include the former education secretary Justine Greening and the health secretary, Matt Hancock, who even set up his own app in an attempt to keep up with the digital age. Both Greening and Hancock want to move on from Brexit so that other issues can be dealt with, but they are split on what that should look like. Greening has promoted a second referendum, while Hancock is urging all Brexiters to get behind May’s deal.
Other cabinet moderates who might stand for the leadership role – Rory Stewart and David Gauke – entered the meeting for a private briefing as the media were ushered out.Other cabinet moderates who might stand for the leadership role – Rory Stewart and David Gauke – entered the meeting for a private briefing as the media were ushered out.
It fell to Nicholas Soames to sum up the frustration of centrist Tories, who he said had been “drowned out by the very aggressive and intolerant tone of the ERG”.It fell to Nicholas Soames to sum up the frustration of centrist Tories, who he said had been “drowned out by the very aggressive and intolerant tone of the ERG”.
Both Rudd and McVey are seen as outside chances to succeed May in a race where Boris Johnson is still clear favourite. Rudd has not even officially said she will stand. As such, their events were as much about shoring up their position in a future administration, both in terms of ministerial jobs and overall vision.Both Rudd and McVey are seen as outside chances to succeed May in a race where Boris Johnson is still clear favourite. Rudd has not even officially said she will stand. As such, their events were as much about shoring up their position in a future administration, both in terms of ministerial jobs and overall vision.
McVey made it plain that in her view the new prime minister must be a true Brexit believer – a definition that would rule out not just the likes of Rudd but also the born-again Brexiters Jeremy Hunt and Sajid Javid.McVey made it plain that in her view the new prime minister must be a true Brexit believer – a definition that would rule out not just the likes of Rudd but also the born-again Brexiters Jeremy Hunt and Sajid Javid.
Hunt and Javid themselves, while widely assumed to be interested in the post, were notably coy when asked about it on Monday. Javid, asked about his ambitions after a speech on counter-terrorism, said: “The prime minister has said she will step down. When she does there will be no shortage of candidates and whether I’m one of them, you’ll have to wait and see.”Hunt and Javid themselves, while widely assumed to be interested in the post, were notably coy when asked about it on Monday. Javid, asked about his ambitions after a speech on counter-terrorism, said: “The prime minister has said she will step down. When she does there will be no shortage of candidates and whether I’m one of them, you’ll have to wait and see.”
Hunt, speaking at an event in Geneva, said voters “want Brexit sorted … as quickly as possible and we have a responsibility to find every which way to do that”.Hunt, speaking at an event in Geneva, said voters “want Brexit sorted … as quickly as possible and we have a responsibility to find every which way to do that”.
Hunt said a no-deal departure would be “immensely disruptive”, and he declined to be drawn on a leadership bid, telling Channel 4 News: “What I can confirm is I want to sort Brexit along with my cabinet colleagues and that’s what we’re discussing tomorrow.”Hunt said a no-deal departure would be “immensely disruptive”, and he declined to be drawn on a leadership bid, telling Channel 4 News: “What I can confirm is I want to sort Brexit along with my cabinet colleagues and that’s what we’re discussing tomorrow.”
The environment secretary is to pitch himself as a “unity candidate” capable of attracting leavers and remainers, as he formally declared his candidacy saying: “I believe that I’m ready to unite the Conservative and Unionist party, ready to deliver Brexit and ready to lead this great country.” But robust Brexiters in particular dislike the fact that he stayed loyal even in the final days of the crumbling May regime. The environment secretary’s campaign plan was knocked off course by revelations about drug-taking.
He has sought to regain his place as the leading ‘Stop Boris’ with a series of policy pledges, from a new social insurance to pay for social care, to changing human rights law to prevent service personnel being pursued over historical crimes. He has better Brexiter credentials than Hunt, is liked by the moderate wing of the party, and is a better orator than almost any other candidate.
He has played up his senior role in the Vote Leave campaign, saying he had ‘led from the front’ because he believed it was ‘the right thing to do, at a critical moment in our history’.
On Brexit he has publicly discussed the idea of extending the Brexit deadline slightly beyond 31 October, if needed to finalise a deal. Has not completely ruled out a no-deal Brexit.
He received 37 votes in the first round, coming third.He received 37 votes in the first round, coming third.
Fears that the foreign secretary would be another overly woolly compromise choice were hardly assuaged when after a set-piece speech he seemed unable to outline why his brand of Conservatism might appeal to voters. Hunt has been backed by Liam Fox.  The foreign secretary has made the case that he is the most serious and experienced would-be leader, in an apparent rebuke to his main rival, Boris Johnson. 
On Brexit he believes a new deal is possible by 31 October, and would send a new, cross-party negotiating team to Brussels. Would countenance leaving EU without a deal, but has warned that could lead to a confidence vote and potentially an election.
Hunt’s problem is he is seen as the continuity candidate, the safe pair of hands, when colleagues are starting to see the attraction of a new style. 
He received 43 votes in the first round, placing him second.He received 43 votes in the first round, placing him second.
The home secretary still has the same weaknesses: he is an uninspiring speaker and some worry he is too fond of headline-grabbing, illiberal political gestures. But he is almost as ubiquitous as Liz Truss, and clearly believes this is his time. Javid struggled to define himself in the first days of the campaign, not a fresh face, not a safe pair of hands, or a true Brexit believer. But his campaign picked up, with the endorsement of popular Scottish Tory leader Ruth Davidson, a polished leadership video telling the moving story of his background, and a lively launch speech. It was still only enough to place him fifth, though.
On Brexit, Javid says he wants to leave with a deal, but has talked down the idea of another extension and would be prepared to opt for no deal.
He is expected to make a new push to define himself as the change candidate who can talk to Tory voters in new places – though he may also be tempted to drop out to tuck in behind one of the frontrunners. It is hard to see how he could make it into the final two from this position.
He received 23 votes in the first round.He received 23 votes in the first round.
The out-and-out favourite, so popular with the Tory grassroots that it would be hard for MPs to not make Johnson one of the final two. He has been relatively quiet recently, beyond his regular Telegraph column, but this is very deliberate. The former foreign secretary already has enough support to progress through to the members’ ballot. All Johnson needs to do is sit tight, keep his MPs sweet and try not to ruin it for himself. He has kept a low profile in the media and stayed in the tearooms and in his office, methodically talking round colleagues. His team know that one negative news cycle because of an off-guard comment could see his star plummet and Johnson is more prone to those than most.
On Brexit he has promised the UK will leave the EU on 31 October, come what may, even without a deal if a new agreement cannot be reached in time.
Johnson won the first round with 114 votes.Johnson won the first round with 114 votes.
The former work and pensions secretary, who quit last year over May’s Brexit plans, has launched her own in-party campaign group/leadership vehicle called Blue Collar Conservatism, promising to make the party more amenable to voters in deprived communities mainly through a promise to deliver a strong Brexit and policies such as diverting much of the foreign aid budget to schools and police. The former Brexit secretary has had a rocky start to his campaign after telling broadcasters he was not a feminist and missing out on a slew of endorsements from the Brexiter right of the party, which instead went to Boris Johnson
On Brexit Raab has said he would actively seek a no-deal departure, and has repeatedly refused to rule out proroguing parliament to make sure MPs could not block this. ‘We’ve been humiliated as a country in these talks with the EU,’ he said. ‘We’re divided at home, and demeaned abroad.’
His limited chance of success really now depends on whether Johnson stumbles and a more moderate candidate gains momentum, in which case Raab could be the beneficiary.
Raab got 27 votes in the first round.Raab got 27 votes in the first round.
Few things say “would-be leader in waiting” like a kitchen photoshoot with your spouse, and the former Brexit secretary duly obliged with this imageawash with tasteful pastel hues. He formally launched his bid in the Mail on Sunday. Among the more core constituency of Conservative MPs, Raab has been pushing hard, as has his semi-official “Ready for Raab” Twitter feed. Stewart said he was ‘over the moon’ to scrape into the next round of voting with 19 votes, one-sixth of Johnson’s tally, and insisted afterwards he could still make the final two. He still has a mountain to climb to get into the next round, where he will need to get another 14 endorsements and avoid coming last or he will be automatically eliminated.
The safe money would say it is likely that he will not make it through the next round, yet it is just about possible that his mounting popularity with the public could convince colleagues to take a gamble on him if they hope to find an outsider with a chance of beating Johnson.
On Brexit he is by far the softest of the candidates – he so vehemently rules out no deal that he has discussed holding an impromptu parliament elsewhere in Westminster if a new PM opted to prorogue the Commons.
Stewart got 19 votes in the first round.Stewart got 19 votes in the first round.
Falling somewhere between the two approaches was Matt Hancock. The health secretary simultaneously refused to definitively confirm a pitch for No 10 while outlining at some length what his personal vision would be if he did.Falling somewhere between the two approaches was Matt Hancock. The health secretary simultaneously refused to definitively confirm a pitch for No 10 while outlining at some length what his personal vision would be if he did.
Sent out for a round of media interviews to talk up May’s seemingly doomed Brexit plan, which returns to the Commons at the start of next month, Hancock told the BBC: “I don’t rule out standing for the leadership of the Conservative party.”Sent out for a round of media interviews to talk up May’s seemingly doomed Brexit plan, which returns to the Commons at the start of next month, Hancock told the BBC: “I don’t rule out standing for the leadership of the Conservative party.”
Hancock was later obliged to explain why he, as health secretary, was pictured eating a high-fat waffle for breakfast.Hancock was later obliged to explain why he, as health secretary, was pictured eating a high-fat waffle for breakfast.
The defence secretary, Penny Mordaunt, used her first Commons outing in the new job since taking from the sacked Gavin Williamson to say Jeremy Corbyn was wrong on a series of global issues ranging from the Falklands to Russia and to Hamas.The defence secretary, Penny Mordaunt, used her first Commons outing in the new job since taking from the sacked Gavin Williamson to say Jeremy Corbyn was wrong on a series of global issues ranging from the Falklands to Russia and to Hamas.
At an event on Monday night with several leadership hopefuls, the former Brexit minister Dominic Raab called for a 5p cut in the basic rate of income tax.At an event on Monday night with several leadership hopefuls, the former Brexit minister Dominic Raab called for a 5p cut in the basic rate of income tax.
The other possible contenders speaking at the Telegraph event – Hancock, Liz Truss, James Cleverly and Victoria Atkins – also urged the Tory leadership to put money back in voters’ pockets, solve the housing crisis and deliver Brexit to see off the threat of Jeremy Corbyn and Nigel Farage.The other possible contenders speaking at the Telegraph event – Hancock, Liz Truss, James Cleverly and Victoria Atkins – also urged the Tory leadership to put money back in voters’ pockets, solve the housing crisis and deliver Brexit to see off the threat of Jeremy Corbyn and Nigel Farage.
Conservative leadershipConservative leadership
Esther McVeyEsther McVey
Amber RuddAmber Rudd
Theresa MayTheresa May
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