Nuclear disarmament of Russia, US and China could lead to real war – Russian MP

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Mutually assured destruction – a pillar of global stability – would disappear if Russia, China and the US agreed to get rid of nuclear weapons, according to lawmaker Leonid Slutsky.

“Balance of powers between Moscow and Washington is based on so-called mutual assured destruction,” the lawmaker told Russian TV, commenting on an interview with US President Donald Trump where he called on other countries to reduce their nuclear arsenals.

“If it won’t be the case anymore, there would be a risk of a real war, no more no less.”

In the interview, the US president called on the US, Russia, and China to give up their nuclear weapons. “We all have to get rid [of them]. Russia has to get rid of them, and China has to get rid of them,” Trump stated.

His comments came amid reports that the White House is preparing an ambitious arms control treaty with Russia and China.

However, Slutsky, the head of the Committee on International Affairs of Russia’s Lower House, was skeptical about the US nuclear disarmament, pointing out that the US increased its military budget up to $716 billion this year. In February, the US also unilaterally withdrew from the 1987 INF Treaty, which bans ground-based missiles with a range of between 500km and 5,500km, he added.

“Thus, Donald Trump’s statement could only be interpreted as a publicity move, typical for this president. He often makes contradicting statements one after another,” Slutsky concluded.

Earlier, President Trump and several top officials, including US national security adviser John Bolton, hinted at negotiations for a new nuclear treaty, including China and Russia, but no particular suggestions have been made.

By contrast, the Trump administration has a very solid record of withdrawing from international agreements. Since entering the Oval Office in 2016, Trump withdrew from the Paris climate agreement, the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), a trade agreement between 12 Pacific Rim countries, and the North American Free Trade Agreement, or NAFTA, which links US, Canada, and Mexico. In 2018, the US announced its withdrawal from the nuclear deal with Iran, causing international uproar and criticism.

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