Notre-Dame, Bernie Sanders, Parkland: Your Tuesday Evening Briefing

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Good evening. Here’s the latest.

1. “We will rebuild Notre-Dame because that is what the French expect.”

President Emmanuel Macron said he hoped the fire-ravaged cathedral could be rebuilt within five years. At least one expert said it could take three times that. Here’s our timeline of the blaze, and a collection of photos.

More than $600 million has been committed for reconstruction, including $100,000 from the U.S. university Notre Dame. The giving spirit even prompted donations to three Louisiana churches that recently fell victim to arson.

Our travel writers reflected on the Gothic jewel, and our chief diplomatic correspondent in Europe examined what the fire revealed about the soul of France.


2. House Democrats are increasingly wary of their embrace of Representative Ilhan Omar, above.

There was a cautiousness in the Democratic pushback to President Trump’s attack against the freshman Democrat from Minnesota. Her support of the movement to boycott Israel and her own attacks on supporters of Israel have made her a complicated figure for some Democrats to defend.

She isn’t the only lawmaker causing the party headaches: Internal opposition to Bernie Sanders has some warning of a Democratic schism.

And we sorted through the Democratic presidential candidates’ campaign finance filings. Here’s where they stand.


3. Also out of Washington:

David Bernhardt, the newly installed Interior Secretary, is under investigation by the department’s internal watchdog over ethics complaints. Lawmakers and government ethics watchdog groups have requested that formal investigations be opened into various aspects of Mr. Bernhardt’s conduct, including questions about his lobbying ties.

And Gina Haspel, the C.I.A. director, has proved to be an adept tactician in dealing with the president, though there is little evidence he has heeded her. She’s speaking at Auburn University on Thursday.


4. Travel the country. Talk to people. Assume nothing. Don’t rely on Twitter.

That was the advice political journalists offered one another last week on covering the upcoming presidential race. Convened by the strategist David Axelrod, above far right, they gathered at Google’s offices in Chicago to discuss the mistakes of 2016 and how to avoid them the next time around.

The ideas that emerged from the panels were so basic to the practice of reporting that they often get ignored, our media reporter found. Here is what’s on the minds of leading journalists as the 2020 race begins.


5. Can Nissan and Renault save their alliance?

With their former leader, Carlos Ghosn, in a Tokyo jail, the union he stitched together seems to be teetering on the edge. Above, Mr. Ghosn released a video this month.

In recent weeks, Renault has scrambled to keep its Japanese partner happy. It created a new leadership board that gives Nissan and Mitsubishi Motors equal weight, and has largely let Nissan dismantle the power structures that they say Mr. Ghosn put in place. (Our Tokyo bureau chief talked about the rise and fall of Mr. Ghosn on “The Daily.”)

But there’s still one source of tension: The French automaker’s outsize stake in a more successful Nissan.


6. BRCA gene mutations, linked to a high risk of inherited breast cancer, may often go undetected by a popular genetic testing company.

23andMe’s test focused on just a few BRCA variants, missing nearly 90 percent of people with related mutations, a study found. The company, which has 10 million customers, says the criticism is overblown.

“The F.D.A. should not have permitted this out-of-date approach to be used for medical purposes,” said a professor who helped discover BRCA1. “Misleading, falsely reassuring results from their incomplete testing can cost women’s lives.”


7. We surprised ourselves. We built a legal facial recognition for $60.

The Times ran publicly available images of people who work near a New York City park and a day’s worth of surveillance camera footage through a commercially available facial recognition service. It cost less than $100 and was all completely legal.

We’ve deleted the data, but the experiment, part of our Privacy Project, highlights just how easy it is to track people without their knowledge.


8. The Golden State Warriors had a 31-point lead over the Los Angeles Clippers on Monday night. And then came Lou Williams.

The guard led the Clippers to a 135-131 win, collecting 36 points and 11 assists. It was the biggest comeback in N.B.A. playoff history. He carries himself with a brand of quiet composure, our basketball reporter writes, that has a power all its own.

From professional to college basketball: The N.C.A.A. will vote on a rule change that would restrict early recruiting.


9. The roller coaster career of the chef Kwame Onwuachi is not over yet.

He went from a struggling childhood in the Bronx to an overnight success in Washington, only to have his fancy restaurant close after 11 weeks. He thought that was it. Now he’s drawing attention with a new book and approach, and finally getting the accolades he once sought.

And as Passover approaches, our food reporter examines a new book that tackles a timely argument starter: What qualifies as a Jewish food?


10. Finally, a nod to young journalists.

Yesterday, we told you about this year’s Pulitzer Prize winners. Today, we’re highlighting a runner-up: The Eagle Eye, the newspaper at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Fla., for the students’ coverage of the mass shooting of their classmates.

It was the first publication named during the awards ceremony.

“These budding journalists remind us of the media’s unwavering commitment to bearing witness, even in the most wrenching of circumstances, in service to a nation whose very existence depends on a free and dedicated press,” Dana Canedy, the awards administrator, said. “There is hope in their example.”

Have an uplifting night.


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