A Troubling Gun Case in New York


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To the Editor:

Re “When Localities Weigh In on Guns” (Op-Ed, March 12):

Jonathan M. Metzl is correct in noting the effectiveness of local gun laws, tailored to fit local needs. That is why there is reason for concern that a challenge to the New York City law restricting gun-carrying for “premises license” holders (who are allowed to possess guns only at their homes and travel with them to shooting ranges and clubs within city borders) was accepted for review by the Supreme Court when it has rejected appeals to virtually every gun case in the last decade.

The court may well use this as an opportunity to extend gun-carry rights to the streets. If it does, however, it will be contradicting its own historical standard, never mind common sense.

As the country grew, so did its gun restrictions. By the start of the 20th century, every state except four had enacted anti-carry laws. Our ancestors knew that civilian gun-carrying was an invitation to trouble. That is no less true today.

Robert J. SpitzerCortland, N.Y. The writer, a professor of political science at SUNY Cortland, is the author of books about gun policy, including “Guns Across America.”