Testing kit or ban? How universities are tackling student drug use


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James* found his dealer within the first five minutes of being on campus at the University of Leicester. While waiting for friends close to the student’s union, he was approached with an offer of weed from a dealer. But James wanted more contacts for his time studying “just in case” and found that most were advertising on social media. “There are Snapchat videos, Instagram posts and Whatsapp broadcasts that go out to lots of contacts” he says. “These dealers post all the time – it’s constant.”

For many like James, experimenting with drugs is a fairly normal part of student life. “It’s easier and quicker than ordering food,” he admits. “I can get what I want at 3am after a night out.” Social media has enabled the drugs economy to flourish; it’s fast, convenient and offers more choice than ever.

The link between drugs and tech was recently explored in a 2019 study called #DrugsForSale, conducted by researchers from Royal Holloway, the University of Liverpool and Griffith University. They interviewed 350 users, whose average age was 18 years-old, and found the most popular app for buying drugs was Snapchat, with 76% of survey participants listing it as their preferred medium, while 21% opted for Instagram. Dating apps like Tinder and Grindr were also cited as popular choices, as were the messaging apps Whatsapp and Telegram.

The study found that many participants viewed the photos and videos of the drugs on offer as proof enough that the substances were legitimate. Many believed that the digital communication was all encrypted and therefore protected from law enforcement intervention. However, the researchers also compiled a table of security flaws for each social media app: Snapchat’s unopened photos are stored on servers and the company is also required to comply with any law enforcement requests; Whatsapp’s privacy policy allows information to be shared with Facebook and third-party advertisers, which is also the case with Instagram. It’s very possible that those deals might leave an online footprint somewhere.

James tells of his shock when many other dealers in the area suddenly started to follow him on Instagram. “They’d made private accounts advertising their products. They’d obviously targeted me because they knew I’d bought before. I’m not worried about the privacy issues, though.”

Social media apps still seem to be the safe, accessible middle-ground for many students when it comes to picking up their drugs. Sara, 20 from the University of Liverpool, agrees. “Loads of dealers broadcast what they’re selling on Whatsapp so it goes out to all contacts. They post a menu with loads of emojis.” she says. Sara hasn’t used the dark web but says some friends “buy in bulk” because it’s cheaper. “Most people are really wary as they think it’s dangerous, but one friend I know loves it because all the drugs are customer-reviewed, like Amazon.”Some UK universities have stepped up their drug deterrent policies in the face of the evolving drug economy. In an attempt to become the UK’s first “drug-free” university, the University of Buckingham recently announced plans to force students to sign a contract pledging not to take drugs on campus – failure to comply could result in expulsion.

But some institutions are focusing on harm reduction techniques instead. Newcastle University lifted their zero-tolerance ban on campus drugs in 2015, replacing it with drugs testing and medical amnesty for anyone seeking healthcare from illegal actions. The University of Birmingham recently announced a three-step awareness program for its students, covering alcohol, policy and drug education whilst also offering free drug testing kits. Similarly, the University of Manchester runs a £2.50 drug testing service from their students’ union.

Fergal, 19, is in his second year at the University of Nottingham and was caught with weed in his campus halls last year. He says the security “just came in” after tip-off. “They unlocked my door after knocking three times and I had to sit there whilst they searched my room and went through all my things. They discovered a bit of weed.” Fergal says he received a formal warning and a £150 fine.

Fergal recalls that when he lived on campus last year, the security was more lax, but that Nottingham have become more diligent when it comes to checking campus traffic. “When I was in first year, the dealers would just drive onto campus. But now I’ve noticed that between certain hours they stop every car and make sure you’re going there for a valid reason.”

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A 2018 report from the National Union of Students and the charity Release found that 56% of the 2,810 students surveyed have ever used drugs, stating that “drug use is a fairly common, although infrequent, behaviour” among students. Although drug use is not widespread enough to be pandemic, universities are waking up to the fact they have to take action – be it via harm reduction techniques or clamping down on drug use altogether.

Eva Crossan Jury is the NUS vice president for welfare. She believes that a “punitive approach” from some universities may be doing more harm than good. Referring to the NUS report, she says: “The fact that at least 21 students were permanently excluded from their studies for simply possessing a drug, and one in four students caught with drugs for their own personal use were reported to the police, is archaic and harmful. This type of approach prevents people from seeking support if they need it.”

Jury welcomes a variety of approaches from institutions, arguing that minority students could potentially be hit harder by policy responses that “focus solely on disciplining students and fail to recognise the complex reasons that lead people to use drugs”. But she acknowledges the gravity of the problem. “We are witnessing record-high deaths involving cocaine and MDMA/ecstasy, and it is incumbent on institutions to take steps to protect the health and wellbeing of students who use drugs.

“The reality is that students take drugs, and educational institutions must have policies and procedures in place that protect them. This can only be done by providing vital harm reduction information, so that they can make more informed choices and be as safe as possible.”

* Names have been changed.


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