Cat dumped in Essex alley with gaffer-taped paws

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A cat has been found dumped in an alley with its front and back paws tightly bound together by tape.

The "petrified" animal was found in Kelvedon Hatch in Essex on Tuesday.

He was discovered by a volunteer from Wanderers Haven Animal Sanctuary who said the tom cat had "clearly tried to bite the tape off his front legs".

The volunteer and her colleagues removed the tape and the cat, nicknamed Kelvin, is being looked after at the centre while they trace his owner.

He was "freaked out" when staff tried to rescue him and had to be wrapped in a thick towel because he fought hard against being picked up, staff said.

'Trembling and cowering'

They believe Kelvin may have been dumped close to the alley and managed to drag himself to the spot where he was found.

Writing on the rescue centre's Facebook page, staff in Upminister said: "Who actually does things like this? Disgusting.

"Taping his feet together and dumping him away from public view."

So far they been unable to officially sex Kelvin or scan him for a microchip because he is too distressed for them to get near him.

He spent the first night "trembling and cowering every time he sees someone", they said.

He has since calmed down a little and does not appear to have any obvious physical injuries, however, they have not been able to handle Kelvin.

"He'll remain at the sanctuary for now and will get all he needs and, we hope, given time, he'll relax and want to trust us and make friends," staff wrote on Facebook.