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State of the Union: Trump's address will be postponed, claims Pelosi aide – live State of the Union: Trump's address will be postponed, claims Pelosi aide – live
(35 minutes later)
An early endorsement for Kamala Harris, from Congressman Ted Lieu:
I endorse @KamalaHarris for President. Known Kamala for many years & worked together on various issues. She embraces the future, not the past, and is the person we need to move America forward.Watch the #HarrisTownHall tonight at 7 pm PT / 10 pm ET to learn more about Kamala.
The Iowa caucuses are just 12 months away! Could this be a game-changer?
Will Maryland governor Larry Hogan, a Republican, mount a presidential primary challenge against Donald Trump?
Probably not, but it hasn’t stopped news organizations from speculating. CNN is particularly keen on the idea, noting that Hogan “enjoys high approval ratings” in Maryland.
But CNN adds, a little underwhelmingly: “There’s been no indication of any concrete steps toward a primary bid and a spokesperson for Hogan did not respond to CNN’s request for comment.”
There’s nothing like a bit of Brexit news to make one feel better about US politics.There’s nothing like a bit of Brexit news to make one feel better about US politics.
The latest development in the ongoing shambles is that a top EU official believes the risk of a “no-deal Brexit” – which essentially amounts to the UK crashing out of the EU with no clear plan forward – is now “very high”.The latest development in the ongoing shambles is that a top EU official believes the risk of a “no-deal Brexit” – which essentially amounts to the UK crashing out of the EU with no clear plan forward – is now “very high”.
The Guardian’s man in Westminster Andrew Sparrow has the latest developments.The Guardian’s man in Westminster Andrew Sparrow has the latest developments.
And if you’re still confused – like me – about terms like “backstop”, “Norway plus”, and “SuperCanada”, then here’s a handy guide.And if you’re still confused – like me – about terms like “backstop”, “Norway plus”, and “SuperCanada”, then here’s a handy guide.
The border wall-inspired government shutdown cost the economy $3bn in the fourth quarter of 2018 and is expected to cost $8bn in the first quarter of 2019, according to the non-partisan Congressional Budget Office.The border wall-inspired government shutdown cost the economy $3bn in the fourth quarter of 2018 and is expected to cost $8bn in the first quarter of 2019, according to the non-partisan Congressional Budget Office.
Some of $11bn that will be recovered once federal workers start getting paid again, the CBO says. But not all:Some of $11bn that will be recovered once federal workers start getting paid again, the CBO says. But not all:
Although most of the real GDP lost during the fourth quarter of 2018 and the first quarter of 2019 will eventually be recovered, CBO estimates that about $3bn will not be. That amount equals 0.02% of projected annual GDP in 2019. In other words, the level of GDP for the full calendar year is expected to be 0.02% smaller than it would have been otherwise.Although most of the real GDP lost during the fourth quarter of 2018 and the first quarter of 2019 will eventually be recovered, CBO estimates that about $3bn will not be. That amount equals 0.02% of projected annual GDP in 2019. In other words, the level of GDP for the full calendar year is expected to be 0.02% smaller than it would have been otherwise.
The CBO says the cost to the economy is due mainly to “the loss of furloughed federal workers’ contribution to GDP, the delay in federal spending on goods and services, and the reduction in aggregate demand (which thereby dampened private-sector activity)”.The CBO says the cost to the economy is due mainly to “the loss of furloughed federal workers’ contribution to GDP, the delay in federal spending on goods and services, and the reduction in aggregate demand (which thereby dampened private-sector activity)”.
Trump wanted $5.7bn for the border wall, in exchange for ending the shutdown.Trump wanted $5.7bn for the border wall, in exchange for ending the shutdown.
Lindsey “Donald Trump is a race-baiting, xenophic bigot” Graham is up and about, continuing his single-minded propping up of the president.Lindsey “Donald Trump is a race-baiting, xenophic bigot” Graham is up and about, continuing his single-minded propping up of the president.
If White House and Congress fail to reach a deal then President @realDonaldTrump must act through emergency powers to build wall/barrier.If White House and Congress fail to reach a deal then President @realDonaldTrump must act through emergency powers to build wall/barrier.
Donald Trump will not give his State of the Union address on Tuesday, according to an aide to Nancy Pelosi.Donald Trump will not give his State of the Union address on Tuesday, according to an aide to Nancy Pelosi.
CNN reports that the address – Trump’s second – is not going to happen as had been scheduled before the shutdown.CNN reports that the address – Trump’s second – is not going to happen as had been scheduled before the shutdown.
The back-and-forth over Trump giving his State of the Union speech in the House chamber was a running sidenote to the government shtdown. The back-and-forth over Trump giving his State of the Union speech in the House chamber was a running sidenote to the government shutdown.
Pelosi asked Trump to postpone the address until after the shutdown ended, citing security concerns. Trump rejected that, saying he was going to do it anyway. Pelosi again said he would not be allowed to. The master dealmaker then caved, agreeing to postpone the speech.Pelosi asked Trump to postpone the address until after the shutdown ended, citing security concerns. Trump rejected that, saying he was going to do it anyway. Pelosi again said he would not be allowed to. The master dealmaker then caved, agreeing to postpone the speech.
It’s now unclear when Trump will address the nation.It’s now unclear when Trump will address the nation.
There’s more bad news for Trump today – in the form of a Washington Post-ABC poll that finds the president “has largely underperformed the even modest expectations that Americans had for him as he took office”.There’s more bad news for Trump today – in the form of a Washington Post-ABC poll that finds the president “has largely underperformed the even modest expectations that Americans had for him as he took office”.
Nearly six out of ten Americans have an unfavorable view of Trump as a person, according to the survey. A majority of people also “doubt his empathy, honesty and ability to make political deals”, according to the Post.Nearly six out of ten Americans have an unfavorable view of Trump as a person, according to the survey. A majority of people also “doubt his empathy, honesty and ability to make political deals”, according to the Post.
The poll compares the expectations people had for Trump in January 2017 to current views of the president.The poll compares the expectations people had for Trump in January 2017 to current views of the president.
Midway through first term, Trump is failing to meet the public’s expectations for his job performance, Post-ABC poll finds through first term, Trump is failing to meet the public’s expectations for his job performance, Post-ABC poll finds
When Trump took office 50% of people thought he would do a good job on reducing the federal deficit, according to the poll. Now only 33% think he is doing well.When Trump took office 50% of people thought he would do a good job on reducing the federal deficit, according to the poll. Now only 33% think he is doing well.
The federal deficit was a longtime rallying cry for Republicans under Obama, but McConnell and co were strangely silent as Trump’s tax cuts caused the deficit to balloon to $779bn in 2018 – an increase of 17%.The federal deficit was a longtime rallying cry for Republicans under Obama, but McConnell and co were strangely silent as Trump’s tax cuts caused the deficit to balloon to $779bn in 2018 – an increase of 17%.
Howard Schultz’s announcement that he is considering a run for the White House as an independent has caused consternation among Democrats, who fear a third-party run from a candidate with many of their policies – Schultz himself told CBS he’s a “lifelong Democrat” and listed some progressive-ish policy positions – could split the vote and hand a second term to Trump.Howard Schultz’s announcement that he is considering a run for the White House as an independent has caused consternation among Democrats, who fear a third-party run from a candidate with many of their policies – Schultz himself told CBS he’s a “lifelong Democrat” and listed some progressive-ish policy positions – could split the vote and hand a second term to Trump.
Trump himself duly tweeted about the former Starbucks chief executive on Monday morning, saying that Schultz is not “the smartest person” … because he is. No presidential nickname has yet been coined.Trump himself duly tweeted about the former Starbucks chief executive on Monday morning, saying that Schultz is not “the smartest person” … because he is. No presidential nickname has yet been coined.
Schultz himself acknowledged that his ambitions are not for everyone, telling the news site Axios he knows he is:Schultz himself acknowledged that his ambitions are not for everyone, telling the news site Axios he knows he is:
going to create hate, anger, disenfranchisement from friends, from Democrats.going to create hate, anger, disenfranchisement from friends, from Democrats.
Axios reports that the billionaire businessman is, however, convinced he is doing the right thing. He’s certainly doing the write thing, releasing a campaign-oriented biography today with a launch in his native New York.Axios reports that the billionaire businessman is, however, convinced he is doing the right thing. He’s certainly doing the write thing, releasing a campaign-oriented biography today with a launch in his native New York.
It’s called From the Ground Up: A Journey to Reimagine the Promise of America. Before you rush to the store to order it, consider this from the Guardian’s Lloyd Green, on the often (if not always) dubious pedigree of the presidential campaign book:It’s called From the Ground Up: A Journey to Reimagine the Promise of America. Before you rush to the store to order it, consider this from the Guardian’s Lloyd Green, on the often (if not always) dubious pedigree of the presidential campaign book:
'We need to speak truth': how does Kamala Harris's 2020 book stack up?'We need to speak truth': how does Kamala Harris's 2020 book stack up?
Good morning and welcome to our live coverage of the day’s political news.Good morning and welcome to our live coverage of the day’s political news.
In Washington and around the country, hundreds of thousands of federal employees will return to work for the first time in 2019 as museums and national parks prepare to open. A surprising climb down by Donald Trump ended the longest shutdown in US history on Friday, but it could be a several more days before employees receive their pay.In Washington and around the country, hundreds of thousands of federal employees will return to work for the first time in 2019 as museums and national parks prepare to open. A surprising climb down by Donald Trump ended the longest shutdown in US history on Friday, but it could be a several more days before employees receive their pay.
Congress has less than three weeks to present Trump with a border security plan he likes. A bipartisan group of members were selected to lead the negotiations but Trump has already dismissed the prospect that they will come up with a proposal he would sign. In that case, Trump has vowed to declare a national emergency to build his wall along the south-western border. And on the talk shows on Sunday, acting White House chief of staff Mick Mulvaney said the president could shut down the government again.Congress has less than three weeks to present Trump with a border security plan he likes. A bipartisan group of members were selected to lead the negotiations but Trump has already dismissed the prospect that they will come up with a proposal he would sign. In that case, Trump has vowed to declare a national emergency to build his wall along the south-western border. And on the talk shows on Sunday, acting White House chief of staff Mick Mulvaney said the president could shut down the government again.
Trump has no public events scheduled today but that doesn’t mean we haven’t heard from him and won’t be hearing more.Trump has no public events scheduled today but that doesn’t mean we haven’t heard from him and won’t be hearing more.
Already this morning he has tweeted about tarrifs and bible study classes. He also taunted former Starbucks chief executive Howard Schultz, saying he doesn’t have the “guts”’to run for president.Already this morning he has tweeted about tarrifs and bible study classes. He also taunted former Starbucks chief executive Howard Schultz, saying he doesn’t have the “guts”’to run for president.
Howard Schultz doesn’t have the “guts” to run for President! Watched him on @60Minutes last night and I agree with him that he is not the “smartest person.” Besides, America already has that! I only hope that Starbucks is still paying me their rent in Trump Tower!Howard Schultz doesn’t have the “guts” to run for President! Watched him on @60Minutes last night and I agree with him that he is not the “smartest person.” Besides, America already has that! I only hope that Starbucks is still paying me their rent in Trump Tower!