President Trump, Hungary, Gatwick: Your Monday Briefing

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Good morning.

The briefing will be off for a couple of days. We’ll see you again on Thursday.

Now, back to the news: President Trump moves up Jim Mattis’s departure, Hungarians take to the streets again and confusion continues at Gatwick Airport. Here’s the latest:

The president accelerated the departure of Defense Secretary Jim Mattis by two months to Jan 1., effectively firing a man who had already quit.

The president, who initially accepted Mr. Mattis’s resignation and spoke of him in glowing terms, grew increasingly angry after days of news coverage that framed the defense secretary’s decision as a brave rebuke of the president’s foreign policy, an administration aide said. Mr. Trump said Patrick Shanahan, Mr. Mattis’s deputy and a former Boeing executive, would be the acting defense secretary.

Why it matters: Mr. Mattis wanted to stay through a NATO meeting in February at which the alliance hopes to enshrine recent moves to bulk up security against Russia. The hastened departure has left many officials in allied nations uneasy. “No smooth transition. No effort at reassurance to allies,” said a former prime minister of Sweden.

What else is happening in D.C.: For the third time in two years, the government shut down. It may remain shuttered for a few weeks.

Go deeper: The tumultuous week is emblematic of a presidency at risk of spinning out of control, as Mr. Trump grows more sure of his own judgment and more isolated than any other time in office.

Thousands of demonstrators took to the streets of Budapest again on Friday, in an unusually persistent expression of anger, after new labor proposals were signed into law.

The details: The so-called Slave Law increases the yearly cap on overtime, requiring workers to put in up to 400 hours instead of the current 250 hours. In some cases, companies can avoid paying extra for the overtime under the new code. The government passed the measure because it is running out of workers. Prime Minister Viktor Orban’s anti-immigrant policies combined with a high level of emigration have created labor shortages.

Why it matters: The move struck a chord among many Hungarians, who already work longer hours than their western neighbors for less pay, according to figures from the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development.

A couple in Britain who were detained in connection with the illegal use of drones were released without charge and are no longer thought to be involved.

The police said that they had recovered a “damaged” drone near the airport, and that it was being forensically examined. They announced a reward of 50,000 pounds, or about $63,000, for information leading to “the arrest and conviction of those responsible for the criminal act that disrupted flights.”

Why it matters: The drone incursion unleashed days of chaos during peak travel season, with the runway shutting down and reopening several times, and raised questions about the safety of Britain’s airports.

A new exhibition at the Jewish Museum has become the center of a diplomatic feud between Germany and Israel. A letter that surfaced this month, with support from Israeli officials, criticized the show as undermining the Jewish state and siding with the Palestinians.

The details: The exhibition, called “Welcome to Jerusalem,” explores the city’s role as the center of religious and political tension between Christians, Jews and Muslims over the centuries. One part examines disputes over the city since 1917.

Why it matters: In Germany, criticism of the Jewish state is often dangerous; it evokes historical associations with the Nazis and is widely viewed as anti-Semitic. And the exhibit comes at a time when Israel’s prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, has set a broader campaign to combat forces deemed hostile toward Israel.

Indonesia: A powerful tsunami struck the country’s two most populous islands without warning, killing at least 281 people, injuring more than 1,000 others and destroying hundreds of buildings, capping a devastating year of disasters for Indonesia.

Der Spiegel: The German newsmagazine announced it would press charges against Claas Relotius, a former star reporter who has been accused of fabricating stories. It might be the biggest journalism scandal in the country in 35 years, when another outlet published fake Hitler diaries.

Yellow Vests: The protests in France have weakened President Emmanuel Macron and discredited opposition parties. But political groups are already swooping in to try to capitalize on the popular movement’s energy and win over its support.

South Africa: The Gupta brothers, one of the richest families in the country, are in self-imposed exile in Dubai, United Arab Emirates, evading arrest for their role in a vast corruption scandal. The scandal has already brought down the nation’s president and tarnished the reputation of the once-legendary political party of Nelson Mandela.

The Dead Sea: The lake, famous for its high concentrations of salt, mud and minerals, is drying up as surrounding populations use up its water. The crisis reveals an eerie, enchanting landscape of crystal salt structures, peeking above the surface.

‘Aquaman’: The film is just “comic-book movie blah-blah,” writes our critic-at-large. But the lead actor, Jason Momoa — whose physique is so chiseled “you could make a taco with the crease in his back, and his pecs almost whisper for a pillowcase” — is a draw.

King’s Choir: Every year for the last century, the choir boys at the University of Cambridge college belt out the Festival of Nine Lessons and Carols, a treasured Christmas tradition that is broadcast to more than 370 million people around the world. This year, Stephen Cleobury will lead the choir for the last time in his 36-year career as its music director.

What is glitter?: Our reporter took a tour of a factory that produces the shiny, sparkly wonder.

Tips for a more fulfilling life.

Recipe of the day: This hearty garlic soup will cure what ails you.

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Time’s running out: Here are some last-minute gift suggestions.

If you love Christmas carols, thank Oberndorf bei Salzburg, a tiny riverside town in Austria.

That’s because “Silent Night, Holy Night” had its first performance there 200 years ago tonight.

The local priest wrote the words. The organist provided the melody. But the town’s organ was in such a poor state that they first sang it with a guitar.

The carol spread by word of mouth, reaching the U.S. via some Tirolean folk singers in 1839.

The original chapel is long gone, but a new one marks the spot, said Hermann Schneider, a retired baker who now gives tours.

Polish tourists celebrate Masses, he said, bringing their own priests. American brass bands sometimes appear. This month, a Sri Lankan group told him Buddhists sang the carol back home.

Why does “Silent Night” have such wide appeal?

“Because the melody’s so simple,” Mr. Schneider said. “You sing it once to someone, they’ll know it.”

Alex Marshall, our culture reporter in Europe, wrote today’s Back Story.

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