Kudos to the Judge in the Michael Flynn Case


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To the Editor:

Re “Flynn Was Looking for Leniency; Judge Gave Him a Stern Rebuke” (front page, Dec. 19):

Judge Emmet Sullivan injected a dose of sanity into the Michael Flynn matter with an appropriately sharp rebuke of this criminal. Up till then the civics message seemed to be: the greater your crime, the less your time ... as long as you cooperate with prosecutors. What, like cooperation is some kind of selfless gesture when you’re caught raiding the cookie jar?

The judge even brought up the “T” word when he asked prosecutors if Mr. Flynn had possibly committed treason. Geez, I hope not, insofar as the reverse logic of the prosecutors would have probably awarded this miscreant with a Trump penthouse for his generous cooperation.

Confessing to crimes you’ve already been indicted for should never constitute a “get out of jail free” card. Just as the failure of the Obama Justice Department to punish the worst offenders in the 2008 financial crisis has emboldened this shameless crowd to pursue their old tricks yet again, the soft-on-slime prosecution of the most corrupt among us will not deter bad behavior.

Richard GonciCambridge, Mass.

To the Editor:

Judge Emmet Sullivan is a straight shooter with a deep moral core. He spoke truth to Michael Flynn, and in doing so he reminded us what justice is all about. Years ago as a young attorney, I spent many hours in Judge Sullivan’s courtroom at the Superior Court of the District of Columbia, Probate Division.

I handled dozens of conservatorships involving elderly and incapacitated individuals in need of help. Etched in my memory is Judge Sullivan stepping down off the bench and approaching an elderly ward. He spoke one on one, softly and gently, easing apprehensions and connecting in a human way.

Conversely, Judge Sullivan would not tolerate specious arguments or excuses by attorneys or other parties. He made no attempt to hide his displeasure when faced with dissembling. However, when an attorney performed well and honestly, Judge Sullivan was always there with help and encouragement.

A judge with a moral core. We could use more of them.

Elizabeth LangerNew York