Acting governor wins election in Russia’s Primorsky Krai region – preliminary results

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The acting governor of Primorsky Krai, Oleg Kozhemyako, has a solid lead in the polls scoring over 60 percent of the votes, official preliminary results indicate. So far, over 94 percent of the ballots have been counted. A candidate from Russia’s Liberal-Democratic party – Andrey Andreychenko – is in second place, receiving the support of 25 percent of voters. The elections went quite smoothly, as only about a dozen of complaints over minor irregularities were made. The previous elections, held in Primorsky Krai in September, effectively resulted in a draw between candidates from the United Russia and Communist parties. The polls were marred by claims of numerous violations, which ultimately led to the annulment of the results and new elections. Both leading candidates of the September polls did not partake in the December rerun.