A Law to Protect Online Privacy


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To the Editor:

Re “Your Apps Know Where You’ve Been, and Can’t Keep a Secret” (front page, Dec. 10):

The internet industry believes that we need a modern American approach to privacy that empowers users and gives them more meaningful control over their data.

We support a federal privacy law that provides people the ability to access, correct, delete and download their data. Moreover, as the article points out, different approaches can leave consumers confused. A nationwide standard is needed to avoid a patchwork of state rules that will leave consumers less protected.

Consumers should be able to understand how the data they provide companies is collected and used, including by offline companies and opaque data brokers. That’s why any law needs to apply across the economy.

We can’t forget how data benefits our daily lives. Data helps us get to work on time with efficient navigation, find the perfect playlist and see the faces of loved ones hundreds of miles away. Americans deserve a federal law that protects their privacy and allows companies to develop products people love.

Michael BeckermanWashingtonThe writer is president and chief executive of the Internet Association, which represents the world’s leading internet companies.