Revellers tested by drugs machine Version 0 of 1. Hundreds of revellers in Aberdeen have been tested for drugs on their way into pubs and clubs, police revealed. A total of 753 people were screened using a pioneering drug detection device. The portable machine, known as the Itemiser, was used for the first time in Scotland in Aberdeen this weekend. Grampian Police said that 753 people had been tested for drugs with 13 people being searched and two people reported to the Procurator Fiscal. The Itemiser, which can detect the presence of drugs such as cocaine, cannabis, heroin and ecstasy, was used outside nine different pubs and nightclubs in Aberdeen city centre. 'Positive feedback' Swabs were taken from the hands of customers, which were then fed into the Itemiser for analysis, with results produced in seconds. Police revealed afterwards that nobody had refused to be tested. Inspector George MacDonald said the machine tied in with the force's efforts to tackle anti-social and violent behaviour in the city centre, adding: "It comes as no surprise that the majority of those involved in such incidents are intoxicated through alcohol and or drugs." He said: "From a national perspective it recognises the harm associated with drugs and how important joint working and education are to combat this and change attitudes. "The feedback from the public and licensees during the weekend has been consistently positive, this is supported by the fact that nobody refused to co-operate. "We will undoubtedly repeat this initiative, working in tandem with the Scottish Crime and Drug Enforcement Agency and indeed other partners, in the future to target the minority whose behaviour causes problems." |