Who are people barred from Britain?


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Yusuf al-Qaradawi was denied entry to Britain because of his viewsA total of 230 people have been prevented from entering the UK since 2005, as their presence was deemed not to be "conducive to the public good".

Those excluded include religious extremists, neo-Nazis and animal rights activists.

Home Secretary Jacqui Smith has announced a list of the names of those excluded is now to be published and shared with other countries.

But no way of knowing the names of these people has previously existed - unless they have drawn attention to their situation themselves.

About 80 of those barred have been so-called "preachers of hate".

Among those refused entry is Lebanon-based cleric Omar Bakri Mohammed, the former head of the now-disbanded group al-Muhajiroun, which gained notoriety for praising the 9/11 hijackers.

In 2005 the then Home Secretary Charles Clarke used existing powers to exclude Mr Mohammed as his presence was "not conducive to the public good".

Other preachers to have raised the ire of the authorities include Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan, from the US, and Yusuf al-Qaradawi, who lives in Qatar.

Louis Farrakhan failed in a court bid to have his exclusion reversed

In February 2008 Muslim cleric Mr al-Qaradawi was refused a visa, because the Home Office said the UK would not tolerate the presence of those who sought to justify acts of terrorist violence.

The Egyptian-born cleric was described at the time as "dangerous and divisive" by Conservative leader David Cameron.

The Guardian reports that a month later a member of Israel's Likud party was refused entry by current Home Secretary Jacqui Smith in relation to "unacceptable behaviour" on a visit to the UK in 2005.

It was feared the presence of Moshe Feiglin might have lead to inter-community violence because of his strident views.

A long-term ban against Louis Farrakhan had been in place for a number of years when he failed in 2002 to have it overturned by going through the courts.

Then Home Secretary David Blunkett said that a visit from the Nation of Islam leader, who had apparently described whites as devils, Jews as bloodsuckers and Hitler as a great man, would threaten public order.

But the exclusions have not just been directed at religious extremists - in 2004 Mr Blunkett wrote to US animal rights activist Dr Jerry Vlasak, who had reportedly incited violence against vivisectionists, to say he would not be allowed into the UK.

Martha Stewart and Snoop Dogg are also among those to have been denied entry to the UK from the US. The lifestyle guru and the rapper had been convicted of crimes, which formed the basis of their exclusions.