Palestinian killed on Gaza border

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Israeli troops have shot and killed a Palestinian man on the Gaza border, the army has said.

An Israeli military spokesman said soldiers opened fire after the man approached the heavily guarded border fence with a weapon and grenades.

Palestinian medical sources in Gaza City confirmed that the man died.

It was the first such death since a ceasefire came into force in the territory more than two weeks ago, despite violations of the truce.

From the start of the truce Palestinian militants have fired a number of rockets into Israel territory but they have caused no deaths or serious injuries, the BBC's Alan Johnston in Gaza says.

Often the militants have said that they were retaliating for Israeli raids, arrests or killings of Palestinians over in the occupied West Bank, not included in the ceasefire deal.

And in the weeks since the truce came into force, the Israelis have shot at Palestinians coming close to the Gaza boundary fence.

But this is the first time that they have killed anyone, our correspondent says.