‘Now that’s objectivity’ - MSNBC anchor admits media ‘going after’ Kavanaugh


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In a rare moment of honesty, MSNBC’s Stephanie Ruhle said “we’re going after” Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh, seemingly admitting to the media’s stance on the judge’s confirmation process.

Amid reports that the White House is confident Kavanaugh will be confirmed despite uncorroborated allegations of sexual assault, Ruhle pointed out that for President Trump, the Kavanaugh debacle has at least distracted the public from Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s ‘Russiagate’ investigation.

“No one is talking about Robert Mueller, not for the past week, and so that is a win for President Trump," Ruhle said. "Think about what I just said: ‘that is a win.' We're only going after his Supreme Court nominee."

While opinion pages in right-leaning newspapers have criticized Democrats for pushing patchy and unverified accusations against Kavanaugh, much of the mainstream media has played a starring role in opposing his nomination.

The New Yorker published a completely unverified and unprovable accusation of sexual assault by a former Yale classmate of Kavanaugh’s, Deborah Ramirez; while USA Today was forced to edit an article suggesting that Kavanaugh should no longer coach his daughters’ girls basketball teams, following an outcry online.

Meanwhile, the New York Times apologized on Tuesday for assigning an open opponent of Kavanaugh to report on his involvement in an alleged bar scuffle in 1985, during which he apparently threw ice at another drinker. While nobody was arrested and no charges filed, left-leaning media ran headlines like "Why Brett Kavanaugh’s 1985 college bar fight matters,” further fuelling the hysteria.

Ruhle’s apparent admission of bias raised some eyebrows on right-wing Twitter.

Ruhle’s personal investment in the Kavanaugh debacle should come as no surprise however. The anchor’s Twitter feed is choked with anti-Trump tweets, and her reporting often straddles the line between fact and opinion.

As cracks begin to appear in Christine Blasey Ford and Julie Swetnick’s stories, the FBI is currently investigating Ford’s claim that Kavanaugh sexually assaulted her at a high school party in 1982. Kavanaugh has vehemently denied the allegation, and Republican Senators Bob Corker (Tennessee) and Mitch McConnell (Kentucky) both said on Tuesday that a full Senate vote on Kavanaugh will take place by Saturday.

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