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Kavanaugh refuses to say yes to FBI inquiry as Republicans erupt at 'sham' hearing – live updates Kavanaugh refuses to say yes to FBI inquiry as Republicans erupt at 'sham' hearing – live updates
(35 minutes later)
The president has now praised Kavanaugh, saying his testimony was “powerful, honest, and riveting”:
Judge Kavanaugh showed America exactly why I nominated him. His testimony was powerful, honest, and riveting. Democrats’ search and destroy strategy is disgraceful and this process has been a total sham and effort to delay, obstruct, and resist. The Senate must vote!
Trump’s tweet made no mention of Dr Ford’s testimony.
Some more from the Associated Press about Trump’s reaction to the hearings:
A White House official told the AP that the West Wing saw the judge’s opening statement as “game changing” and said Trump appeared to be reacting positively.
Trump watched the Senate Judiciary Committee hearing on Air Force One as he traveled from New York, then resumed monitoring back at the White House.
Two Republicans close to the White House say Trump expressed sympathy for Kavanaugh and his family for having to listen to Ford’s tearful recounting of allegations. After seeing Ford’s testimony, White House aides and allies expressed concern that Kavanaugh would have an uphill climb to deliver a strong enough showing.
In a sign of how deeply this hearing has divided the Senate, Republican senator Tom Cotton, who is not on the committee, attacked his Democratic colleague, senator Richard Blumenthal’s lack of “courage and honesty”. He tweeted as Blumenthal questioned Kavanaugh’s credibility during the contentious hearing.
.@SenBlumenthal lied for years about serving in Vietnam, which is all you need to know about his courage & honesty. Maybe he should reconsider before questioning Judge Kavanaugh’s credibility.
Blumenthal did misrepresent his military service years, but it’s extraordinary to see a senator go after his colleague in this manner.
Republican senator John Kennedy asked the final questions of the evening, saying, “Do you believe in God?” Kavanaugh said he did.
Kennedy continued, “I want you to look me in the eye. Are Dr Ford’s allegations true?”
“They are not accurate as to me,” the judge responded. “I’ve never done this ... Never done this to her or anyone else.”
Asked about the Deborah Ramirez allegations, Kavanaugh said, “If that had happened, that would’ve been the talk of campus.”
“None of these allegations are true? No doubt in your mind?” asked Kennedy.
“Zero,” Kavanaugh responded.
The final question of the day: “Do you swear to God?”
“I swear to God,” Kavanaugh responded.
Democratic senator Kamala Harris asked Kavanaugh if he has taken a polygraph test in relation to the allegations.
Kavanaugh respoded, “No. I’ll do whatever the committee wants. Of course, those are not admissible in federal court.”
Harris asked Kavanaugh about the calls for a FBI investigation, saying, “Are you willing to ask the White House to conduct an investigation by the FBI?”
He repeatedly refused to answer the question until Harris said: “I’m going to take that as a no.”
Harris asked him about his comments of a “conspiracy”, citing the successful appointment of Neil Gorsuch. He said he already answered that question.
“Do you think it is possible for men to be both friends with women and treat other women badly?” she asked.
“Of course,” Kavanaugh responded, “But the point I’ve been emphasizing is if you go back to age 14 for me, you will find people ... lots of people I’v been friends with ... women ... It’s a consistent pattern all the way through, 65 women who knew me more than 35 years ago signed a letter to support me.”
Harris’ final question: “Did you watch Dr Ford’s testimony?”
“I did not. I plan to. I was preparing mine,” he said.
Republican Ted Cruz expressed sympathy for Kavanaugh:
This has been one of the most shameful chapters in the history of the United States Senate. Watching your mother’s pained face has been heart-wrenching as she’s seen her son’s character dragged through the mud ... The American people can set aside the partisan warfare of Washington and look toward substance and facts ... I do not believe Senate Democrats have treated you with respect ...
Cruz also attacked Democratic senator Dianne Feinstein for her handling of Dr Ford’s story. She responded:
I did not hide Dr Ford’s allegation. I did not leak her story. She asked me to hold it confidential, and I kept it confidential. She apparently was stalked by the press ... She felt she was forced to come forward. And her greatest fear was realized. She has been harassed. She has had death threats. She had to flee her home.
Asked if her staff leaked the information, Feinstein responded, “The answer is no ... It did not leak from us, I assure you of that.”
Democrat Cory Booker confirmed that Kavanaugh drank on weekdays in high school, and also confirmed that the judge’s position was that he never had gaps in memory when drinking.Democrat Cory Booker confirmed that Kavanaugh drank on weekdays in high school, and also confirmed that the judge’s position was that he never had gaps in memory when drinking.
Reading Kavanaugh’s comments from earlier, the senator continued, “Are you saying that Dr Ford’s efforts to come forward ... have all been part of an orchestrated political hit? Are you basically calling her some kind of political operative?”Reading Kavanaugh’s comments from earlier, the senator continued, “Are you saying that Dr Ford’s efforts to come forward ... have all been part of an orchestrated political hit? Are you basically calling her some kind of political operative?”
“My family has no ill will to Dr Ford,” Kavanaugh responded.“My family has no ill will to Dr Ford,” Kavanaugh responded.
“Do you wish that she never came forward? Do you wish she would just remain silent?” Booker said.“Do you wish that she never came forward? Do you wish she would just remain silent?” Booker said.
“All allegations should be taken seriously,” Kavanaugh responded, adding, “I don’t know her. We bear no ill will to her.”“All allegations should be taken seriously,” Kavanaugh responded, adding, “I don’t know her. We bear no ill will to her.”
Senator Thom Tillis echoed earlier comments from Kavanaugh in his remarks:Senator Thom Tillis echoed earlier comments from Kavanaugh in his remarks:
Judge Kavanaugh, I also have to say you’re the first major target of a new strategy that’s developed here... It’s basically “attack, attack, attack’... This is the playbook. This is the way we’re going to run this committee? ... Judge Kavanaugh, I also have to say you’re the first major target of a new strategy that’s developed here... It’s basically ‘attack, attack, attack’... This is the playbook. This is the way we’re going to run this committee? ...
I believe that you’re going to be on the bench.I believe that you’re going to be on the bench.
Senator Mazie Hirono, a Democrat, criticized Kavanaugh for his attacks on Democrats, citing Dr Ford’s powerful testimony:Senator Mazie Hirono, a Democrat, criticized Kavanaugh for his attacks on Democrats, citing Dr Ford’s powerful testimony:
We heard from Dr Christine Ford who spoke to us with quiet, raw emotional power about what happened to her. She said she was 100% certain it was you who attacked her. She explained how she came forward, how she struggled with her decision. ... When you and my colleagues on the other side accuse us of ambushing you .... I think we all have to remember Dr Ford’s testimony and her courage.We heard from Dr Christine Ford who spoke to us with quiet, raw emotional power about what happened to her. She said she was 100% certain it was you who attacked her. She explained how she came forward, how she struggled with her decision. ... When you and my colleagues on the other side accuse us of ambushing you .... I think we all have to remember Dr Ford’s testimony and her courage.
She asked him if he believed “temperament” was an important factor for senators to consider when evaluating him?She asked him if he believed “temperament” was an important factor for senators to consider when evaluating him?
Kavanaugh said he had been consistently praised for having good temperament in court.Kavanaugh said he had been consistently praised for having good temperament in court.
Asked about his behavior in college, he talked about his acceptance to Yale law: “I got into Yale Law School. That’s the number one law school in the country ... Look at my academic record. I don’t usually like to talk about myself this way. I worked very hard in college.”Asked about his behavior in college, he talked about his acceptance to Yale law: “I got into Yale Law School. That’s the number one law school in the country ... Look at my academic record. I don’t usually like to talk about myself this way. I worked very hard in college.”
We’re on a five-minute break. Republican senators have repeatedly mentioned an earlier quote from then-senator Joe Biden during the Anita Hill hearings about the FBI. Here’s a response from Biden’s spokesperson about FBI background investigations.We’re on a five-minute break. Republican senators have repeatedly mentioned an earlier quote from then-senator Joe Biden during the Anita Hill hearings about the FBI. Here’s a response from Biden’s spokesperson about FBI background investigations.
Biden’s spokesperson weighs in on the thrice-read quote from Biden about FBI background investigations —>’s spokesperson weighs in on the thrice-read quote from Biden about FBI background investigations —>
And a video from earlier in the day when senator Grassley mentioned Biden:And a video from earlier in the day when senator Grassley mentioned Biden:
Senator Grassley quotes then-Senator Joe Biden during Anita Hill hearings, saying the "FBI explicitly does not, in this or any other case, reach a conclusion." Grassley quotes then-Senator Joe Biden during Anita Hill hearings, saying the "FBI explicitly does not, in this or any other case, reach a conclusion."
Democratic senator Richard Blumenthal asked about Renate Dolphin, a former classmate. Kavanaugh was among those named as “Renate alumni” in his yearbook. Dolphin said the remarks were “hurtful”. Kavanaugh responded by chastising the senator for bringing up her name:Democratic senator Richard Blumenthal asked about Renate Dolphin, a former classmate. Kavanaugh was among those named as “Renate alumni” in his yearbook. Dolphin said the remarks were “hurtful”. Kavanaugh responded by chastising the senator for bringing up her name:
Your question is based on a false premise and really does great harm to her. You’re doing great harm to her by bringing her name up. ... Look what you’re doing. ... You’re just dragging her through the mud. It’s just unnecessary.Your question is based on a false premise and really does great harm to her. You’re doing great harm to her by bringing her name up. ... Look what you’re doing. ... You’re just dragging her through the mud. It’s just unnecessary.
Blumenthal also asked if the judge believed Anita Hill at the end of his remarks, but the questioned moved on and Kavanaugh did not answer.Blumenthal also asked if the judge believed Anita Hill at the end of his remarks, but the questioned moved on and Kavanaugh did not answer.
Republican senator Mike Lee has used his time to attack Democrats’ call for an FBI investigation after praising Kavanaugh as “attentive” and “responsive”:
If you have questions for Judge Kavanaugh, ask him. He’s right here. If you have questions of other witnesses ... Participate in the committee investigations that have been going on. ... If someone was really interested in the truth, this is what they would do. ...
“I extend to you my most profound sympathies,” the senator added.
Senator Chris Coons, a Democrat, asked Kavanaugh about “whether you’ve ever gotten aggressive while drinking or forgotten an evening after drinking”. The judge said:
The answer to that is basically no. I don’t really know what you mean by that. What are you talking about? No, is the basic answer unless you’re talking about something that I’m not aware of.
Coons also asked Kavanaugh about comments from a former classmate about his behavior while drinking – that he would sometimes get aggressive and drink frequently. Kavanaugh deflected in his response, not directly answering.
Coons also asked him to join him in calling for a week-long FBI investigation.
“Every day has been a lifetime,” Kavanaugh responded, referencing the last ten days.
Republican senator Orrin Hatch is now decrying the process as unfair.
This is worse than Clarence Thomas. I didn’t think it could get any worse than that. This is a national disgrace ...
He was an immature high schooler. So were we all. That he wrote or said stupid things does not make him a sexual predator ...
We’re back from the break. Kavanaugh opened up with a brief apology to Democratic senator Amy Klobuchar after he asked her about her drinking in response to her questions: “I’m sorry I did that. It’s a tough process.”
She responded, “I was truly just trying to get to the bottom of the facts and the evidence.”
Some observers are commenting on the stark contrast in gender expectations that the dueling testimony of Kavanaugh and Dr Ford has revealed:
These testimonies are a study on gender expectations. Dr. Christine Blasey Ford, who says she was sexually assaulted, was apologetic and pleasant. Brett Kavanaugh, the alleged assailant, is forceful and angry. #KavanaughHearings
Imagine a black woman yelling through her testimony?
Amazing contrast in gender norms and expectations. Ford (who says she was sexually assaulted) is almost apologetic in her testimony. Kavanaugh, the alleged perpetrator, is yelling and angry.
Ford was polite, deferential and accommodating. Kavanaugh is loud, angry and aggressive. Tells you a lot about what we expect from women and what we allow on the part of men.
If Brett Kavanaugh were a woman, they’d be calling this performance “hysterical.”
The White House is praising Lindsey Graham, who earlier called the hearing “despicable”:
.@LindseyGrahamSC has more decency and courage than every Democrat member of the committee combined. God bless him.
We are on another 15-minute break. In the meantime, here’s a report from the Associated Press, with experts backing up Dr Ford’s explanation of the mechanics of memory:
In her testimony Christine Blasey Ford dipped briefly into the mechanics of memory. Experts say she got her scientific facts basically right.
Asked how she could be sure it was Kavanaugh who put a hand over her mouth to keep her quiet, Ford, a psychologist, cited levels of chemical messengers called norepinephrine and epinephrine in her brain at the time of the alleged attack.
She said those chemicals helped encode memories in the hippocampus region of the brain, so that the main memory was “locked there” while other details “kind of drift.”
Later, she said a memory of Kavanaugh and another teen laughing during the assault was “indelible in the hippocampus”.
Memories are not highly detailed, objective recordings of events retrieved with perfect accuracy. They are shaped by beliefs and expectations. For that reason, experts told The Associated Press that both Ford and Kavanaugh, who denies that any assault happened, may both firmly believe what they say.
Experts in memory and the brain said Ford’s quick tour of memory machinery was generally correct. Levels of the brain substances she cited go up when a person is alarmed, and they help memories become laid down more strongly in the hippocampus, said Elizabeth Phelps, a Harvard University psychologist.
That helps people vividly recall central parts of an emotional experience, while details are typically lost, said Lila Davachi of Columbia University.
Democratic senator Amy Klobuchar questioned Kavanaugh about his drinking habits: “You’re saying there has never been a case where you drank so much you never remembered what happened the night before?”
Kavanaugh responded by repeatedly trying to ask the senator about her drinking habits: “I think you’ve probably had beers, senator.” Some of that exchange:
Kavanaugh bizarrely talks right over Klobuchar, doesn't let her ask questions or even attempt to answer the ones she manages to ask
Republican senator John Cornyn is up next in an indication that Mitchell, who questioned Dr Ford for the entirety of her testimony, may have already finished her interrogation of Kavanaugh.
Cornyn follows in Graham’s fiery tone. He compares the hearing to the McCarthy communist sympathiser hearings of 1954.
Kavanaugh watches on and appears to be sympathetic to the analogy.
“I’m never going to get my reputation back,” he says.
Democratic senator Dick Durbin asks Kavanaugh to turn to the White House counsel Don McGahn, who is apparently sitting in the front row, and call for an FBI investigation.
Predictably, Kavanaugh doesn’t take the bait.
He then asks the judge whether he wants an FBI investigation. Kavanaugh does not answer directly, “I am innocent,” he says.
Just after Durbin’s question, Republican senator Lindsey Graham launches into an extraordinary tirade, branding the hearing “the most despicable thing I’ve ever seen in politics”.
He turns to his Democratic colleagues, who he says have “destroyed this guy’s life”.
“I would never to do to them what you’ve done to this guy,” he says. “I hope the American people see through this sham. When it comes to this, you’re looking for a fair process, you’ve come to the wrong place.”
Kavanaugh says of the experience: “I’ve been through hell and then some.”