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Christine Blasey Ford hailed as 'heroic' as she concludes testimony – live updates Brett Kavanaugh launches into angry testimony and vows: 'You'll never get me to quit' – live updates
(35 minutes later)
Kavanaugh appears to almost break into tears as he says his daughters told him to pray for Dr Ford last night. He reiterates a key part of his defence, which is not to question that Ford was sexually assaulted, but to say categorically it was not him.
He then goes back over his record both in the executive branch of government and then the judiciary.
“I have handled some of the most significant cases for the liberty of the American people,” he says of his time on the bench.
Kavanaugh continues his extraordinary opening remarks, in a move that will undoubtedly draw comparisons to Clarence Thomas’s rebuttal of Anita Hill’s allegations in 1991.
“This has destroyed my family and my good name. A good name built up through decades of public service,” he says. He says the allegations are part of a “calculated political hit”.
He says “the consequences will be felt for decades”. He adds: “What goes around comes around.”
“I will not be intimidated into withdrawing from this process,” he says.
He adds: “Your co-ordinated and well funded effort to destroy my good name... will not drive me out.
“You may defeat me in the final vote. But you’ll never defeat me ever... I’m here to tell the truth, I have never sexually assaulted anyone.”
In an extraordinary, combative move Kavanaugh has scrapped his prepared statement he’d supplied to the committee yesterday. He says these are his words, written yesterday evening.
He says his reputation has been “totally and permanently destroyed”.
He says: “This confirmation process has become a national disgrace... you have replaced advise and consent with search and destroy.”
He blames a “frenzy on the left” which has “come up with something, anything to destroy my nomination.”
Kavanaugh has entered the committee room to roar of camera shutters.
He tells chairman Grassley he is ready to be sworn in. He raises his right hand and swears to tell the truth.
Senators are now filing back into the committee room, as Republican committee member John Cornyn seems to double down on his support of Kavanaugh’s nomination.
Senate Ds are arguing Judge Kavanaugh guilty of criminal conduct based on uncorroborated allegation
My colleague Lauren Gambino, who is in the committee room sends some more from the end of Dr Ford’s testimony:
The hearing ended on an odd note. The senators started to bicker and one of Ford’s lawyers interjected to ask if she could leave as it had been a long day. Chairman Grassley asked her to wait long enough for him to thank her for coming. When he finished, a handful of supporters in the room clapped and said “Thank you” and “Bravo”.
“Women have been fighting these battles for eternity,” said actress and #MeToo activist Alyssa Milano, said in an interview after the hearing. “I think if we’re to skip to the future in 100 years and look back on the timelines of Alice Ball to where we are today, I think that we would see very distinct moments in time that meant something. And this is one of those moments.”
Milano, who wore a tiny pin that said “I believe Christine Blasey Ford”, said she planned to stay to hear Kavanaugh’s testimony. “Someone’s got to be here to stare him down.”
My colleague Lauren Gambino was in the committee room to watch Dr Ford’s testimony up close. She’s sent these observations from just after the conclusion of Ford’s testimony a short while ago:My colleague Lauren Gambino was in the committee room to watch Dr Ford’s testimony up close. She’s sent these observations from just after the conclusion of Ford’s testimony a short while ago:
As the senators quibble, Ford's lawyers ask if she can be excused. Grassley interjects "Let's just be nice to her".As the senators quibble, Ford's lawyers ask if she can be excused. Grassley interjects "Let's just be nice to her".
Women shout "thank you Dr. Ford" and "Bravo Dr. Ford" when she finishesWomen shout "thank you Dr. Ford" and "Bravo Dr. Ford" when she finishes
.@RepMaloney and @Alyssa_Milano make a “power statement” at the Kavanaugh hearing. Milano said she would stay to watch Kavanaugh so she could “stare him down.” and @Alyssa_Milano make a “power statement” at the Kavanaugh hearing. Milano said she would stay to watch Kavanaugh so she could “stare him down.”
We’re only half way through proceedings today, and so much of Kavanaugh’s confirmation prospects still hang on his own performance before the committee.We’re only half way through proceedings today, and so much of Kavanaugh’s confirmation prospects still hang on his own performance before the committee.
Dr Ford’s appearance has captivated the entire nation and you can read our news wrap of events so far below.Dr Ford’s appearance has captivated the entire nation and you can read our news wrap of events so far below.
Dr Christine Blasey Ford, the woman who has accused US supreme court nominee Brett Kavanaugh of sexual assault, has detailed the agony of coming forward to “relive this trauma in front of the world” at an historic Senate hearing.Dr Christine Blasey Ford, the woman who has accused US supreme court nominee Brett Kavanaugh of sexual assault, has detailed the agony of coming forward to “relive this trauma in front of the world” at an historic Senate hearing.
With Kavanaugh’s confirmation to America’s highest bench hanging in the balance, Ford recounted in gripping detail how she was allegedly forced into a bedroom in the early 1980s by Kavanaugh and his friend Mark Judge, when they were teenagers.With Kavanaugh’s confirmation to America’s highest bench hanging in the balance, Ford recounted in gripping detail how she was allegedly forced into a bedroom in the early 1980s by Kavanaugh and his friend Mark Judge, when they were teenagers.
“I am here today not because I want to be. I am terrified,” said Ford, her voice cracking with emotion, in her her first public appearance before members of the Senate judiciary committee on Capitol Hill on Thursday.“I am here today not because I want to be. I am terrified,” said Ford, her voice cracking with emotion, in her her first public appearance before members of the Senate judiciary committee on Capitol Hill on Thursday.
“I am here because I believe it is my civic duty to tell you what happened to me while Brett Kavanaugh and I were in high school.”“I am here because I believe it is my civic duty to tell you what happened to me while Brett Kavanaugh and I were in high school.”
Kavanaugh, Donald Trump’s hardline conservative pick for the vacant seat on the supreme court, had been expected to sail through the confirmation process until Ford came forward earlier this month, followed by two other women who publicly accused him of sexual misconduct. Kavanaugh, who has denied the allegations, is slated to testify after Ford. Judge has also denied the allegations.Kavanaugh, Donald Trump’s hardline conservative pick for the vacant seat on the supreme court, had been expected to sail through the confirmation process until Ford came forward earlier this month, followed by two other women who publicly accused him of sexual misconduct. Kavanaugh, who has denied the allegations, is slated to testify after Ford. Judge has also denied the allegations.
Couple listening to the #KavanaughHearings on the uptown 1 train @wnyc listening to the #KavanaughHearings on the uptown 1 train @wnyc
Mitchell ends her questioning by acknowledging that her own method of questioning is not a best practice interview for survivors of sexual assault.Mitchell ends her questioning by acknowledging that her own method of questioning is not a best practice interview for survivors of sexual assault.
“Did you know that the best way to do it is to have a trained interview interview you in a private sense and have you do the talking?” she asks Dr Ford.“Did you know that the best way to do it is to have a trained interview interview you in a private sense and have you do the talking?” she asks Dr Ford.
“It’s called a cognitive interview. This is not a cognitive interview,” she adds.“It’s called a cognitive interview. This is not a cognitive interview,” she adds.
Mitchell then asks Ford whether anyone from Anna Eshoo’s office or Dianne Feinstein advised her to get a cognitive interview. She says they did not.Mitchell then asks Ford whether anyone from Anna Eshoo’s office or Dianne Feinstein advised her to get a cognitive interview. She says they did not.
And with that, Ford’s testimony comes to an end. “Lets be nice to her,” Senator Grassley says to his colleagues on the committee who start discussing evidence to be entered into the record. He then thanks Ford for appearing and the committee breaks for 45 minutes.And with that, Ford’s testimony comes to an end. “Lets be nice to her,” Senator Grassley says to his colleagues on the committee who start discussing evidence to be entered into the record. He then thanks Ford for appearing and the committee breaks for 45 minutes.
Brett Kavanaugh is set to appear after.Brett Kavanaugh is set to appear after.
Senator Harris starts her questioning with three powerful words: “I believe you,” she tells Dr Ford.Senator Harris starts her questioning with three powerful words: “I believe you,” she tells Dr Ford.
She then goes on, as all of her Democratic colleagues have, to lambast Republicans on the committee and the president for not commencing an FBI investigation into Ford’s allegations.She then goes on, as all of her Democratic colleagues have, to lambast Republicans on the committee and the president for not commencing an FBI investigation into Ford’s allegations.
“You have bravely come forward and I want to thank you,” Harris says. “History will show you are a true profile in courage.”“You have bravely come forward and I want to thank you,” Harris says. “History will show you are a true profile in courage.”
Back to Mitchell now. She asks Dr Ford if she’s aware of any outside parties funding her legal team.Back to Mitchell now. She asks Dr Ford if she’s aware of any outside parties funding her legal team.
Ford’s lawyers intervene to say they are both working to represent their client pro bono.Ford’s lawyers intervene to say they are both working to represent their client pro bono.
Ford is then asked about an old friend, who does she not want to name, who was a mutual friend of both her and Kavanaugh.Ford is then asked about an old friend, who does she not want to name, who was a mutual friend of both her and Kavanaugh.
She is then asked to list any other encounters she remembers between her and Kavanugh and asked if any of these involved separate allegations of sexual assault. She says there were no other interactions that involved assault.She is then asked to list any other encounters she remembers between her and Kavanugh and asked if any of these involved separate allegations of sexual assault. She says there were no other interactions that involved assault.
Mitchell then hands over to Democratic senator Kamala Harris.Mitchell then hands over to Democratic senator Kamala Harris.
Senator Booker asks how Dr Ford’s family, her two children and her husband, have coped since her name entered the public domain. “They’re doing fairly well, considering. Thank you for asking,” she responds.Senator Booker asks how Dr Ford’s family, her two children and her husband, have coped since her name entered the public domain. “They’re doing fairly well, considering. Thank you for asking,” she responds.
Like other Democratic senators, he hails Dr Ford’s courage in coming forward, which he labels “heroic”.Like other Democratic senators, he hails Dr Ford’s courage in coming forward, which he labels “heroic”.
Booker asks how Ford feels about the limited investigative efforts of the committee.Booker asks how Ford feels about the limited investigative efforts of the committee.
“I wish that I could be more helpful, and that others could be more helpful,” she says.“I wish that I could be more helpful, and that others could be more helpful,” she says.
Mitchell is now asking Dr Ford about the letter she wrote to Senator Dianne Feinstein on 30 July.Mitchell is now asking Dr Ford about the letter she wrote to Senator Dianne Feinstein on 30 July.
She confirms she did not expect the letter to be made public, and says she did not provide it to anyone else other than her attorneys. She says she does not know how the letter was made public.She confirms she did not expect the letter to be made public, and says she did not provide it to anyone else other than her attorneys. She says she does not know how the letter was made public.
Her five minutes is up again and the questions are handed to Democratic senator Cory Booker.Her five minutes is up again and the questions are handed to Democratic senator Cory Booker.
We’re back underway now.We’re back underway now.
Mitchell is now asking Dr Ford who paid for the polygraph test she took. Her lawyers interject to say that they funded the test, “as is routine”.Mitchell is now asking Dr Ford who paid for the polygraph test she took. Her lawyers interject to say that they funded the test, “as is routine”.
Another Republican senator on the judiciary committee, John Cornyn, appears to be unmoved by Dr Ford’s testimony.Another Republican senator on the judiciary committee, John Cornyn, appears to be unmoved by Dr Ford’s testimony.
He told CNN: “Basically she’s repeating what we already knew, which is she believes something happened. She believes it was Brett Kavanaugh but everybody she claims was in the house denies having any knowledge of it. There is no corroboration.”He told CNN: “Basically she’s repeating what we already knew, which is she believes something happened. She believes it was Brett Kavanaugh but everybody she claims was in the house denies having any knowledge of it. There is no corroboration.”
Jeff Flake, another GOP senator who may become a key vote in the process, has said he wants to hear all the evidence before passing comment.Jeff Flake, another GOP senator who may become a key vote in the process, has said he wants to hear all the evidence before passing comment.
Republican Lindsey Graham, who has already told reporters he is unswayed by Ford’s evidence, has just been accused of dismissing a woman outside of the hearing who told him she was sexually assaulted years ago:Republican Lindsey Graham, who has already told reporters he is unswayed by Ford’s evidence, has just been accused of dismissing a woman outside of the hearing who told him she was sexually assaulted years ago:
I was there for this —> was there for this —>
That was me! @LindseyGrahamSC said he did not believe Dr. Ford because she couldn’t recall the exact date of the assault. I told him I was raped 13yrs ago but don’t know the date. So would he believe me?He said “I’m sorry, but then you should go to the cops.”#BelieveSurvivors was me! @LindseyGrahamSC said he did not believe Dr. Ford because she couldn’t recall the exact date of the assault. I told him I was raped 13yrs ago but don’t know the date. So would he believe me?He said “I’m sorry, but then you should go to the cops.”#BelieveSurvivors
In an indication of how closely Donald Trump is watching this hearing, the White House has confirmed that a scheduled meeting between the president and deputy attorney general Rod Rosenstein has been postponed. The crucial meeting was called after the New York Times reported last week that Rosenstein, who is overseeing the investigation into Russian meddling in the 2016 election, had offered to wear a wire during a meeting with Trump.In an indication of how closely Donald Trump is watching this hearing, the White House has confirmed that a scheduled meeting between the president and deputy attorney general Rod Rosenstein has been postponed. The crucial meeting was called after the New York Times reported last week that Rosenstein, who is overseeing the investigation into Russian meddling in the 2016 election, had offered to wear a wire during a meeting with Trump.
From press secretary Sarah Sanders: “The president spoke with Rod Rosenstein a few minutes ago and they plan to meet next week. They do not want to do anything to interfere with the hearing.”From press secretary Sarah Sanders: “The president spoke with Rod Rosenstein a few minutes ago and they plan to meet next week. They do not want to do anything to interfere with the hearing.”
Meanwhile, its worth taking a look at how Ford’s testimony is playing out on conservative news channel Fox News:Meanwhile, its worth taking a look at how Ford’s testimony is playing out on conservative news channel Fox News:
On Fox News, Bret Baier says hearing from Blasey Ford "is a totally different thing" than reading her allegations.Chris Wallace: "This was extremely emotional, extremely raw, and extremely credible... This is a disaster for the Republicans." Fox News, Bret Baier says hearing from Blasey Ford "is a totally different thing" than reading her allegations.Chris Wallace: "This was extremely emotional, extremely raw, and extremely credible... This is a disaster for the Republicans."
The president’s son Donald Trump Jr, a regular contributor to Fox News, has been tweeting throughout Dr Ford’s evidence.The president’s son Donald Trump Jr, a regular contributor to Fox News, has been tweeting throughout Dr Ford’s evidence.
Trump Jr, who regularly spreads conspiracy theories and outright falsehoods using social media, appears to be suggesting that some of Ford’s testimony on her fear of flying undermines her account of the alleged sexual assault.Trump Jr, who regularly spreads conspiracy theories and outright falsehoods using social media, appears to be suggesting that some of Ford’s testimony on her fear of flying undermines her account of the alleged sexual assault.
I’m no psychology professor but it does seem weird to me that someone could have a selective fear of flying. Can’t do it to testify but for vacation, well it’s not a problem at all.I’m no psychology professor but it does seem weird to me that someone could have a selective fear of flying. Can’t do it to testify but for vacation, well it’s not a problem at all.
It’s a marked contrast to experienced prosecutors, like former federal US attorney Preet Bharara, who argue the line of questioning was not credible.It’s a marked contrast to experienced prosecutors, like former federal US attorney Preet Bharara, who argue the line of questioning was not credible.
The polygraph timing cross was even worse than the airplane cross.The polygraph timing cross was even worse than the airplane cross.
Meanwhile, a number of Republican senators on the judiciary committee appear to be unswayed by Ford’s evidence:Meanwhile, a number of Republican senators on the judiciary committee appear to be unswayed by Ford’s evidence:
Sen. Orrin Hatch says it’s too early to say if Ford is credible. “I don’t think she’s uncredible. I think she an attractive, good witness,” he said. Asked by @ElizLanders what he meant by “attractive,” he said, “In other words, she’s pleasing.”Sen. Orrin Hatch says it’s too early to say if Ford is credible. “I don’t think she’s uncredible. I think she an attractive, good witness,” he said. Asked by @ElizLanders what he meant by “attractive,” he said, “In other words, she’s pleasing.”
.@LindseyGrahamSC says he has not yet heard anything from Christine Blasey Ford that would change his mind about Kavanaugh.@LindseyGrahamSC says he has not yet heard anything from Christine Blasey Ford that would change his mind about Kavanaugh
As Ford testifies on Capitol Hill, all eyes are on a handful of Republican senators who could prove as crucial swing votes on the Kavanaugh nomination.As Ford testifies on Capitol Hill, all eyes are on a handful of Republican senators who could prove as crucial swing votes on the Kavanaugh nomination.
Two of the chamber’s most prominent Republican women, Senators Susan Collins of Maine and Lisa Murkowski of Alaska, have expressed reservations about Kavanaugh in the wake of the allegations.Two of the chamber’s most prominent Republican women, Senators Susan Collins of Maine and Lisa Murkowski of Alaska, have expressed reservations about Kavanaugh in the wake of the allegations.
“We are now in a place where it’s not about whether or not Judge Kavanaugh is qualified,” Murkowski told the New York Times this week.“We are now in a place where it’s not about whether or not Judge Kavanaugh is qualified,” Murkowski told the New York Times this week.
“It is about whether or not a woman who has been a victim at some point in her life is to be believed.”“It is about whether or not a woman who has been a victim at some point in her life is to be believed.”
Collins has reportedly raised concerns to her Republican colleagues in private about the judiciary committee’s refusal to subpoena Mark Judge, the close friend of Kavanaugh’s who Ford says was present during the alleged assault.Collins has reportedly raised concerns to her Republican colleagues in private about the judiciary committee’s refusal to subpoena Mark Judge, the close friend of Kavanaugh’s who Ford says was present during the alleged assault.
Both senators said they will be closely watching Thursday’s hearing to make a determination about how they believe the Kavanaugh nomination should proceed.Both senators said they will be closely watching Thursday’s hearing to make a determination about how they believe the Kavanaugh nomination should proceed.
Senator Jeff Flake, a Republican from Arizona, also expressed reservations amid the allegations and delivered a speech on the Senate floor on Wednesday urging both Ford and Kavanaugh to be treated with respect.Senator Jeff Flake, a Republican from Arizona, also expressed reservations amid the allegations and delivered a speech on the Senate floor on Wednesday urging both Ford and Kavanaugh to be treated with respect.
“These witnesses who will testify in a very important hearing tomorrow, these unwitting combatants in an undeclared war – these people are not props for us to make our political points, nor are they to be ‘demolished like Anita Hill’ as was said on conservative media the other night,” Flake said. “Nor is one them a ‘proven sex criminal’ as has been circulating on the left side of the internet.”“These witnesses who will testify in a very important hearing tomorrow, these unwitting combatants in an undeclared war – these people are not props for us to make our political points, nor are they to be ‘demolished like Anita Hill’ as was said on conservative media the other night,” Flake said. “Nor is one them a ‘proven sex criminal’ as has been circulating on the left side of the internet.”
Mitchell is now asking Dr Ford about her decision to take a polygraph test. She asks if the test was recorded, either on video or audio. Ford says she was overcome by the process of taking the test and does not remember if it was recorded.Mitchell is now asking Dr Ford about her decision to take a polygraph test. She asks if the test was recorded, either on video or audio. Ford says she was overcome by the process of taking the test and does not remember if it was recorded.
It’s worth bearing in mind here that the Senate is in possession of the full results of that test, which Ford passed.It’s worth bearing in mind here that the Senate is in possession of the full results of that test, which Ford passed.
We’re now on a 45-minute break for lunch.We’re now on a 45-minute break for lunch.