Murder probe police quiz inmates

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Police investigating the murder of a man, hours after he was released from jail, have been interviewing inmates at Saughton Prison in Edinburgh.

The badly beaten and burnt body of James Taylor, 21, was discovered by two teenagers in woodland in Motherwell on Sunday afternoon.

Taylor from Wester Hailes, Edinburgh, was released from Saughton on Friday.

Detectives have renewed their appeal for anyone who was in touch with him after his release to contact them.

Det Supt Michael Orr said: "The response from the public has been very encouraging, and we are satisfied with the progress made in the investigation so far. I would urge anyone who may have witnessed anything of a suspicious nature to come forward. Det Supt Michael OrrStrathclyde Police

"Speculation has been growing about potential motives given James' criminal background; however at this time we are keeping an open mind and won't rule anything out."

He added: "We are still looking for anyone with any information on his movements from when he left prison on Friday morning to contact us as it is important we narrow the timescale to establish exactly when he was attacked."

Mr Taylor's body was discovered on a nature trail near Nethan Street in Motherwell at about 1650 BST on Sunday.

Police cordons remain in place at the scene and officers are continuing to examine CCTV footage.

Det Supt Orr said: "I would also urge anyone who has been in the area of Nethan Street between Friday 17 and Sunday 19 October, who may have witnessed anything of a suspicious nature, to come forward.

"The large wooded area surrounding the crime scene is still currently subject to a detailed search."