Man admits attacks on ex-partner

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A man who abducted an ex-girlfriend has admitted assaulting her, but has had charges of attempted murder dropped.

Stephen David John McFarlane, 26, from Hightown Road, Glengormley, was on trial at Belfast's Crown Court.

After changing his plea to guilty to attempted grievous bodily harm and other charges, the attempted murder charge was dropped.

Adjourning the case Mr Justice Hart told McFarlane that the offences were serious and a prison sentence likely.

When the case opened on Tuesday the victim told a jury how she had been abducted in a car by McFarlane and that he deliberately crashed the vehicle on the M2 motorway on the outskirts of Belfast.

He then came at her in the damaged car with a kitchen knife before choking her into unconsciousness last November.

She told the court of another attack last October, when she fled their home and went to a friend's house, but McFarlane turned up and continued the assault in front of her friend's two children.

McFarlane initially denied all four charges but as the trial was due to enter its second day on Wednesday, his barrister asked if the charges could be once again put to the accused.

When the charge of attempting to murder the victim was put to McFarlane, he pleaded not guilty to that charge but guilty to a lesser charge of attempting to cause her grievous bodily harm with intent.

He then pleaded guilty to a charge of false imprisonment charge and two additional assault charges.

Crown prosecutor Charles Adair QC told Mr Justice Hart that in light of the guilty pleas and after consultation with the "relevant persons", he was accepting the pleas and was offering no further evidence in respect of the attempted murder charge.

The jury was dismissed and McFarlane's barrister said he would be seeking pre-sentence reports on his client.

The judge released McFarlane on continuing bail but told him: "You should understand very clearly.... that the fact that I am releasing you on bail is not to be taken as an indication of the way you will be sentenced.

"This is not to be taken as an indication you will escape going to prison. These offences, which have an unusual aspect to them, are serious and a prison sentence is likely."

McFarlane is due to be sentenced next month.