Bomb suspect 'not into politics'

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A man accused of discussing a plot to blow up British National Party members told a court he was into "cars and stuff" and not politics.

Dabeer Hussain and Waris Ali, both 18, deny possessing a terrorism manual to research bomb-making techniques.

The school friends, from Dewsbury, West Yorkshire, are accused of looking at bomb "recipes" on a terrorism manual called the Anarchists' Cookbook.

Mr Hussain told Leeds Crown Court it was Mr Ali who discussed politics.

Under cross-examination by Annabel Darlow, prosecuting, Mr Hussain said: "I'm not into politics. I wouldn't talk to him about much.

"I wasn't really listening to what he was saying. He keeps on talking."

'Smoke bombs'

He told the jury he was interested in "cars and stuff" and let his friend talk politics.

He agreed he had been sent a copy of the Anarchists' Cookbook by Mr Ali, but he denied reading it.

Asked about his opinion on terrorism, Mr Hussain said: "The people who do it, what they stand for is wrong."

Earlier, Mr Ali told the court he looked up the manual on the internet because he wanted to make smoke bombs.

The prosecution claim Mr Ali bought "significant" amounts of potassium nitrate and calcium chloride on eBay and stored them under his bed and sofa.

Both chemicals are innocuous in everyday use but can be used in the preparation of a bomb and are detailed in the Anarchists' Cookbook.

'Surveillance techniques'

Ms Darlow earlier told the trial that the plan was "no hoax or schoolboy prank" but a 3,000-page manual on how to prepare, commission and instigate acts of terrorism.

"What we consider are a set of instructions, which if followed out, would allow someone with no great expertise to produce something which could kill or maim," she said.

The court was told MSN messages revealed the teenagers discussing surveillance techniques and how to plant a listening device in someone's house.

It is alleged Mr Hussain said in one message: "Find out where they [BNP] all hang out [and] we blow them all up."

Mr Ali, of Dearnley Street, Ravensthorpe, denies three counts of possession of an article for a terrorist purpose.

Mr Hussain, of Clarkson Street, Ravensthorpe, denies one count of possession of an article for a terrorist purpose.

The trial continues.