In pics: Cabinet and their shadows

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With the summer recess over, the political season is now in full swing. The cabinet and the shadow cabinet are meeting again following the recent reshuffles. Here are some pictures of them in action:

Prime minister Gordon Brown, flanked by cabinet secretary Gus O'Donnell and Justice Secretary Jack Straw, gets down to business. Chancellor Alistair Darling and Home Secretary Jacqui Smith, at the near side of the table, enjoy a joke.

At the end of the cabinet table, Work and Pensions Secretary James Purnell, Cabinet Office minister Liam Byrne and Universities Secretary John Denham have a chat.

Meanwhile, at the shadow cabinet meeting, Conservative leader David Cameron and most of his colleagues adopt shirt-sleeve order. Shadow work and pensions secretary Chris Grayling chooses a more formal look, preferring to keep his jacket on.

The weekly meeting of the senior Conservative team is held in a room in the House of Commons.