Missing cavers rescued from Dales


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A group of 26 cavers have been rescued from a cave in North Yorkshire after some were trapped for up to 12 hours.

Police said they received a call that 24 people were missing and two others were trapped in Ireby Fell cavern, Ingleton, at 2030 BST on Saturday.

A team of 17 rescuers and eight volunteers were sent to the scene.

Police said some of the group were found at 2340 BST with others being located during the night. The last two people were brought out at 1300 BST.

A North Yorkshire Police spokesman said the last two to be found were trapped by a sump area of rising water. There have been no reported injuries.

It is understood there had been a weekend of events for potholers in Ingleton but it was not clear whether those rescued were from one group or from several different clubs, police said.