'Trap houses' to catch criminals


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South Wales Police are using so-called "capture cars" and "trap houses" in an attempt to snare thieves red-handed.

Covert cameras and hi-tech gadgets have been put in ordinary vehicles and homes in Neath and Port Talbot for the first time to capture criminals in action.

Valuables inside have been fitted with tracking devices allowing officers to follow the stolen goods.

It is part of Operation Anvil that has also seen police execute warrants and target known offenders this week.

Criminals who break into a house or a car run the risk that it has been rigged by police and their identities have been captured on film.

It is the first time the technology has been used in the Neath Port Talbot division.

Police said they were "sending out a clear message" to criminals "that they will not be tolerated". Offenders are taking a massive gamble as the cars and the houses look like any other in the street Det Insp Dave Wright

A number of criminals had already been arrested and stolen property recovered as a result of the surveillance and tracking equipment.

Det Insp Dave Wright said: "We will use every piece of technology available to reduce and detect crime in Neath Port Talbot.

"Not only does it bring offenders to justice but it should serve as a deterrent to burglars and thieves in Neath Port Talbot.

"Any house, vehicle or item of property can and will be covered - so criminals beware.

"Offenders are taking a massive gamble as the cars and the houses look like any other in the street.

"It will also help us close the stolen property market as the tracker devices enables us to locate and retrieve stolen goods.

"People who think they are getting a bargain maybe in for a shock when officers turn up to recover the stolen goods.

"If caught with these items you will be arrested and prosecuted."

As well as the enforcement action, the Safer Neath Port Talbot Partnership has been holding roadshows in the area offering crime prevention advice.