Tory views: Will they win?

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Do Conservative members think their party is going to win the next General Election? Here are a selection of views from the party's conference in Birmingham:


I am just so anxious that Labour will win the next election. We have really got to believe in ourselves. They say a week is a long time in politics, but we have got 18 months before the next election. Brown blames too much on international affairs. He created a lot of the problems himself, when he was chancellor.


Yes because the country is in very bad shape. People are fed-up with the current situation. The country is almost bankrupt, the people don't have money in their pockets. The economy is getting worse and it is absolutely down to bad book-keeping by the chancellor. That is why people are crying out for change.

ROBIN WALKER I believe we will win the election, but I don't think we are taking anything for granted at this conference. We certainly don't want any bragging or crowing this week.

We need policies that will win people over. We have had a fantastic year, politically.


I think we are making progress, in so far as I can see, in winning back people's trust.

I think we should celebrate when we have successes, such as in London, which I was involved in, but there is still a lot of hard work to do. There is no room for complacency.


Yes I do. They are doing the right things and the way Labour is going at the moment I don't think things are working. I have always been a Conservative since I came to this country from Sri Lanka. I don't think Gordon Brown's argument that he has experience will work. I think young faces are what people want at the moment.


Definitely. People are listening to us more. People are listening this time. We are more approachable and we are getting out on the doorstep.

I come from Bury, which is now under Conservative control again after 22 years. Some of that comes from the leadership.