Uganda: Starve rebels for peace

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Uganda's government has urged aid agencies to stop supplying food to the rebel Lord's Resistance Army (LRA).

Minister for Disaster Preparedness Tarsis Kabwegyere said this would increase pressure on the group to sign a peace deal to end their 20-year war.

He said the LRA should be starved out of its camps in the forests of the Democratic Republic of Congo.

The LRA refused to sign an agreement in April because of international arrest warrants against its leaders.

<a class="bodl" href="#graphic">See a map of LRA bases in DR Congo and recent attacks</a>

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Mr Kabwegyere said rebel leader Joseph Kony had manipulated peace talks to gain access to food and medicine.

"Whoever is giving food to LRA should say: 'We're giving you food only when you can sign,'" he told the BBC's Focus on Africa programme.

The government had not given up hope on peace, he added.

"Kony [should] know that ending the war is the best thing to do."

His fighters have relocated to camps on the Sudan-DR Congo border over the past two years of peace negotiations.

Last week, Catholic aid agency Caritas said some 75,000 people had fled recent LRA attack in DR Congo.

The LRA has led a rebellion for more than 20 years which has displaced some two million people in northern Uganda.

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