Concern over B&B bank rescue plan

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Concerns about the rescue plan for Bradford & Bingley are evident - "Superbank of Bad Debt" is the Daily Mail's front page headline.

The Daily Telegraph has "Britain's £150 billion pound toxic bank"; the Guardian "Another day, another bail out".

The Daily Mail says the rescue plan offends its sense of justice.

It says: "Why should taxpayers have to guarantee loans handed mostly to buy-to-let speculators who gambled that house prices would rise indefinitely?"

Closed doors

The Daily Express insists ministers must share the blame for Bradford & Bingley's demise.

The paper accuses the government of encouraging "an unsustainable property boom built on easy credit".

The Daily Telegraph contrasts the situation in the UK with that in the United States.

It says American taxpayers have been heavily involved through their elected representatives - here "everything has been done behind closed doors".

'Policy please'

Many papers discuss how the economic climate is posing new challenges for Conservative leader David Cameron.

The Times wonders whether Mr Cameron's plans to reform public services will still be affordable.

The Sun calls for "policy please". The paper says Mr Cameron "should be staring at an open goal" when it comes to the election.

However, it says its readers are anxious because they still do not know what the new Conservatives stand for.

Fewer flights

The Guardian reports that the Tories will unveil plans to scrap a third runway at Heathrow and build a £20bn high-speed rail link instead.

The 180mph line would link London, Birmingham, Manchester and Leeds.

The aim would be to cut 66,000 flights a year by getting passengers on the new route, and then on to Europe by train.

A less conventional way of getting around in the Daily Mirror - a picture captures a paraglider almost landing on a car on road in West Yorkshire.