MSPs call for sport funding boost

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The Scottish Parliament has called for a major sum of lottery cash to improve local sports facilities.

It came amid concerns that ambitions to boost Scottish sport would be "constrained" by the diverson of lottery cash to the London Olympics.

MSPs voted for the funding call, in a motion put forward by independent Margo MacDonald.

She said a proper legacy must be secure from the 2014 Commonwealth Games in Glasgow.

The Scottish Government warned good causes in Scotland would lose £150m of lottery money as a result of Olympics funding.

'Tangible legacy'

Ms MacDonald, a former PE teacher, told Holyrood that many playing fields were health hazards and talented young athletes were being denied opportunities.

"Some studies suggest that, although standards are being raised amongst sports participants, fewer of us are taking part," she said.

"And although there are improvements in the statistics on heart and lung disease, our waist measurements are growing inexorably bigger and our children vie for top spot in the obesity league."

Scottish Labour sports spokesman Frank MacAveety said additional resources could come to Scotland between 2008-14, adding: "What that requires though is dialogue between both the UK ministers and Scottish ministers to address how best we arrive at that."

Tory Jamie McGrigor said Scotland should be considering a legacy trust similar to the £40m for the 2012 Olympics.

The Liberal Democrats' Ross Finnie said said he wanted a "tangible legacy" for communities across Scotland, not just in Glasgow.

Scottish Sports Minister Stewart Maxwell said a legacy from the Commonwealth Games would be delivered, but added: "Scotland's legacy could be so much bolder, so much stronger and be delivered faster with substantial Lottery funding."