Browns donate conference outfits

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PM Gordon Brown and his wife Sarah have donated the outfits they wore on stage at the Labour Party conference to a charity auction.

Mr Brown's shirt and tie, and the dress worn by Mrs Brown, when she introduced him, were given to Fashion Favours.

The auction is part of a scheme to encourage young people to do a "favour" by donating clothing which will then be recycled into a fashion collection.

Mr Brown said he was "proud to contribute" to the scheme.

It is run by volunteering organisation v and is aimed at 16 to 25-year-olds in England.

It wants to "transform negative perceptions of volunteering and show that volunteering is as simple as doing a favour," the organisation said.

The clothing will be recycled by volunteers.

Mr Brown said: "These young people who will give their skills and talents and time for free are exactly the kind of people I was referring to when I said that this is a country lifted up every day by the people who love it.

The outfits will be auctioned for charity

"Fashion Favours dedicates those efforts for the benefit of others. That's why I'm proud to contribute to this project."

Mrs Brown received a standing ovation when she appeared on stage in Manchester this week to introduce her husband.

Her appearance on stage and her speech was unexpected and unprecedented at such an occasion in UK politics.

Mrs Brown said: "When I was asked by [cabinet minister] Ed Miliband to give something to the Fashion Favours project I knew it had to be the dress I wore to introduce Gordon at the Labour Party conference.

"The great new fashions that result from the project will showcase young people's determination to make a difference through volunteering."