Tariffs, Netanyahu, Ireland: Your Tuesday Briefing


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Good morning.

Europe gets a reprieve on American tariffs, Israel reveals Iranian nuclear plans and President Trump faces new legal pressure. Here’s the latest:

• The Trump administration delayed for another 30 days a decision about whether to impose steel and aluminum tariffs on the European Union, Canada and Mexico.

And China says it will refuse to discuss Mr. Trump’s two toughest trade demands when U.S. officials arrive in Beijing this week.

Those are a mandatory cut in America’s trade deficit and curbs on Beijing’s plan to bankroll the country’s move into advanced technologies. Above, the Shanghai Free Trade Zone.


• Israel’s prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, above, revealed a huge archive of stolen Iranian nuclear plans that dated back more than a decade, and he accused Iran of lying about its nuclear aspirations.

The move strengthened President Trump’s case for pulling out of the 2015 nuclear deal. Mr. Trump may also continue his effort to force the European partners who helped negotiate it — Britain, France and Germany — to try to reopen the pact.

And suspicion fell on Israel for strikes on Sunday on two military bases in Syria used by Iran and its proxy militias.


• The Irish government announced it was opening an investigation and offering emergency testing after a court case revealed that a publicly funded smear test program had mistakenly cleared at least 208 women who later received diagnoses of cervical cancer. At least 17 of those women have since died. Above, Prime Minister Leo Varadkar condemned the scandal on Monday.

Separately, Prime Minister Theresa May of Britain chose a new home secretary to replace Amber Rudd, promoting Sajid Javid, a son of Pakistani immigrants, in a move that made him the first nonwhite politician to hold one of the most senior British cabinet positions.

And if you have an eye for design, send us a sketch of the wedding dress you would make for Meghan Markle. Some submissions may be selected for publication.


• We’ve obtained a list of questions that Robert Mueller wants to ask President Trump.

They provide the most detailed look yet inside Mr. Mueller’s investigation into Russian election meddling, and most relate to possible obstruction of justice. (Read the questions here.)

Separately, lawyers for the pornographic film actress Stephanie Clifford, known as Stormy Daniels, filed a defamation lawsuit against Mr. Trump based on statements he made on Twitter two weeks ago that questioned her credibility.


• In Kabul, Afghanistan, twin bombings killed at least 25 people, including nine journalists. It was the deadliest single attack involving journalists in the country since at least 2002.

A 10th journalist, from the BBC’s Afghan service, was shot and killed in a separate attack outside Kabul.

Shah Marai, a veteran photojournalist killed in the bombings, was well known to our reporting team, and one of our senior correspondents remembered him and his work. Above, Mr. Marai’s funeral.


• In France, the Terrus museum, above, amassed a collection of works it thought were made by a local painter. But more than half are counterfeits. (One depicts a tower built decades after the artist died.)

The case illustrates the risks that European small towns face when seeking to enhance a heritage that can galvanize cultural life and attract tourists.


• WhatsApp: Jan Koum, above, a co-founder of the messaging app now owned by Facebook, is leaving Facebook’s board of directors over disagreements about the social network’s use of personal data and its attempts to weaken encryption.

• Facebook’s new privacy changes have become a financial nightmare for companies and programmers whose businesses relied on access to the social network’s user data.

• T-Mobile and Sprint need Trump administration regulators to approve their merger. One of their arguments: The combined company would help ensure that U.S. companies remain world leaders in the coming era of fifth-generation wireless tech, or 5G, rather than ceding dominance to China.

• Here’s a snapshot of global markets.

• #DigitalResistance: Thousands of Russians in Moscow, above, protested the Kremlin’s efforts to block the popular encrypted messaging service Telegram, which refused to give the state access to users’ messages. [The New York Times]

• After a monthlong journey through Mexico, a caravan of Central American migrants was told at the U.S. border that immigration officials could not process their claims. President Trump has called the group a national security threat. [The New York Times]

• The chief executive of BP was poisoned in a plot believed to have been orchestrated by the Russian security services, a former employee said. [Telegraph]

• President Trump again urged other countries to support the North American bid to host the 2026 World Cup and implied there might be consequences for those who did not. [The New York Times]

• The number of students caught cheating at Britain’s top universities has shot up by a third in three years, with experts warning that institutions are ignoring the problem. [The Guardian]

Tips, both new and old, for a more fulfilling life.

• Recipe of the day: The best chicken salad isn’t about the seasonings, it’s the texture.

• Packing essentials for a trip to Lisbon.

• Your brain can trick you into trusting people, just because they sound like they know what they’re talking about.

• The summer of ’78: Six months ago, two abandoned boxes were found with thousands of pictures taken in parks across New York City. Here’s a selection of those images, unseen for 40 years.

• By any other name: French researchers are completing a full genome map of the rose, pinpointing genes to edit for continuous blooming and enhancing its distinctive scent.

• In memoriam: Abbas Attar, 74, an Iranian-born photographer who documented cataclysmic events throughout the world, including the Iranian Revolution and the “Troubles” in Belfast. His focus made him particularly interested in the role of religion in conflict.

It doesn’t often happen that what you achieve at the age of 11 makes a lasting impact.

But on this day in 1930, “Pluto” was suggested as the name of what was then the newly discovered ninth planet, inspired by a British schoolgirl, Venetia Burney.

Shortly after “Planet X” was discovered in February of that year, Venetia’s grandfather was reading about the news over breakfast. Interested in mythology, Venetia suggested Pluto, the Roman god of the underworld.

Her grandfather, a retired librarian at Oxford, sent her suggestion to a professor of astronomy at the university, who wrote back: “I think PLUTO excellent!!”

The name worked on a few levels: As the most distant planet, the name of an underworld god befitted it nicely. And the planet’s first two letters matched the initials of Percival Lowell, the astronomer who initiated the search that led to Pluto.

As a reward, her grandfather gave her a five-pound note, and later an asteroid was named 6235 Burney in her honor, in 1987.

But she was modest about her achievement during an interview with NASA in 2006 (the same year that Pluto was demoted to a dwarf planet): “It doesn’t arise in conversation and you don’t just go around telling people that you named Pluto.”

Anna Schaverien wrote today’s Back Story.


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