Disabled young 'miss out on fun'


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Children with disabilities miss out on the fun and activities which others typically enjoy, a report suggests.

Negative attitudes from other children and lack of access to play equipment are blamed in the report by campaign group Every Disabled Child Matters.

It says those with disabilities "should not have to ask or fight to be included in the things that other children do."

The organisation wants the government to deliver on promises made in its Play and Youth strategies.

The 'Going Places' report is being launched on Monday evening with Schools Secretary Ed Balls.

I don't want to feel like I'm a nuisance or somebody different. I just want to do everything that everyone else does Disabled girl quoted in report

EDCM also says local authorities should ensure all staff who work with children are trained in disability equality.

In the report the campaign group draws on Article 12 of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child.

This states that all children have the right to have their opinions taken into account on decisions that affect them.

A young disabled girl from York who participated in the report said: "I don't want to feel like I'm a nuisance or somebody different. I just want to do everything that everyone else does."

Other disabled children in the report say they were often made to feel like they are a nuisance or, simply ignored and not included in activities at all.

EDCM board member Christine Lenehan said: "This is not too much to ask.

"We urge the government to have high expectations for disabled children to enjoy the same childhood and teenage experiences as their non-disabled peers."