Orde 'should stick to policing'


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Northern Ireland's chief constable should stay out of politics, according to First Minister Peter Robinson.

Sir Hugh Orde said the Executive's failure to meet in three months left a vacuum which dissident republicans were exploiting with attacks on police.

It was to meet on Thursday but this was blocked by Sinn Féin who are frustrated at the continued failure to devolve justice powers.

Mr Robinson said dissidents were active while Stormont was running smoothly.

"I suspect after our present difficulties are resolved, the dissidents will still be active," the DUP leader told the BBC.

"I think he (Sir Hugh) is probably being encouraged to stray into the political realm, but he would be better not doing so.

"Perhaps the chief constable's attention should be on dealing with the dissidents rather than politics."

Talks are ongoing between the parties to break the deadlock.