Labour conference schedule

Version 0 of 1.

Programme<i>(All times BST)</i>

Timings are approximate. Labour officials will meet on Saturday morning to finalise the agenda. They will also meet each morning to select conference motions.

Saturday 20 September

<i>From 1415 </i>- Conference opens: Speech expected by Labour General Secretary Ray Collins and Cabinet Office Minister Ed Miliband. There will also be a National Policy Forum discussion.

Sunday 21 September

<i>From 1045</i> - Co-operative Fraternal Speaker Gareth Thomas - Northern Ireland Secretary Shaun Woodward - Scottish Labour Leader Iain Gray - Justice Secretary Jack Straw - Equalities Minister Harriet Harman

<i>From 1415</i>- Home Secretary Jacqui Smith- Work and Pensions Secretary James Purnell

Monday 22 September

<i>From 0930 </i>- Welsh Secretary Paul Murphy- Welsh First Minister Rhodri Morgan- TUC Fraternal Speaker Brendan Barber- Business Secretary John Hutton

<i>From 1130</i>- Chancellor Alistair Darling

<i>From 1445</i>- Foreign Secretary David Miliband- Defence Secretary Des Browne- International Development Secretary Douglas Alexander- Leader of Labour MEPs Gary Titley

Tuesday 23 September

<i>From 0930</i>- Rule Changes: Mike Griffiths- National Executive Committee (NEC) Treasurer's Report: Jack Dromey- NEC Auditor's Report: Mick Leahy- NEC Membership Report: Joe Mann- Culture Secretary Andy Burnham- Communities Secretary Hazel Blears- Community Heroes Presentation

<i>From 1400</i>- Prime Minister Gordon Brown

<i>From 1445</i>- Parliamentary Report

Wednesday 24 September

<i>From 0930</i>- Local Government Sororal Speaker Sally Powell- Transport Secretary Ruth Kelly- Environment Secretary Hilary Benn- Health Secretary Alan Johnson- Schools Secretary Ed Balls- Universities Secretary John Denham

<i>From 1445</i>- Closing session with Labour Deputy Leader Harriet Harman