£26m robbery video 'bores' judge


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The £26.5m Northern Bank robbery trial judge has asked if he could fast-forward videos of police interviews as he was "finding it hard to stay awake".

Chris Ward, 26, of Colinmill, Poleglass, denies taking part in the Belfast robbery in December 2004.

It was the third day of interviews being played in Belfast Crown Court.

Mr Justice McLaughlin said he was glad the case was not being heard before a jury as it would be hard to keep 12 jurors from "drifting in to dreamland".

"It's about the most boring video I have ever watched," he added.

Meanwhile, the court heard Mr Ward telling police that three men who called to his family home ordered him to pack his work uniform in a bag before ushering him into a waiting car.

He said he was terrified when a gun was pointed at him by the car's driver, who addressed him by name.

"I just shut my eyes and turned my head towards the back seat. I just lay there and said nothing," he said.

Mr Ward denies robbing the bank and holding hostage his boss Kevin McMullan and his wife on a date between 18 and 21 December 2004.

The case continues.