Girl plunges from window in sleep

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A nine-year-old girl fell 30ft (9m) from her attic bedroom window while she was sleepwalking in the night.

Miraculously, Jasmine Clark's fall was broken by an old carpet left in the driveway just hours before, and she escaped with only cuts and bruises.

Her father, David Clark, said Jasmine had sleepwalked in the past but the family thought she had grown out of it.

She will now move into a different bedroom at her Scarborough home to ensure it does not happen again.

Jasmine said: "I was sleepwalking and then I opened the window and fell out onto the drive, and I felt myself on the drive.

"When I woke up I felt like I had grazes all over me."

Gaping wound

The noise of her fall alerted Jasmine's parents, who ran outside to find her lying on the carpet in the driveway.

Mr Clark said: "She had a gaping wound to her chin and blood everywhere, and she was screaming for me.

"I ran to her and lifted her into my arms to try and comfort her."

Dr Andy Volans, of Scarborough Hospital, said Jasmine had been "very, very lucky".

He said: "There is an old wives' tale that you don't injure yourself if you sleepwalk, but physics would suggest that if you fall that far, you have got to hurt yourself."