Delegate views: Nick Clegg

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By Gavin Stamp BBC News political reporter, in Bournemouth

What do Lib Dem members gathered in Bournemouth think of Nick Clegg and how he has performed as leader in his first nine months in the job?


Our last leader didn't perhaps display the energy levels that we wanted him to. Nick is younger and he's doing that. But the leadership contest was so very tight. There were some people in the party who didn't want him as their leader. He does have some work to do to convince people who voted for Chris [Huhne] or didn't vote at all that he is the right man for the job. My view, so far, is that he has not shown me we made a mistake.


Overall I feel quite positive about him. I think he has hit the ground running and is now consolidating his power. He has definitely got the support and authority of the party. But he has not been attacked for anything in a big way and that may mean that he has not really stuck his neck out. When there is a bit more certainty about the next election, then that will be his time to capitalise.


I didn't vote for him but he is doing much better than I thought he would. It is always very difficult for a third party leader. Obviously, members look to the leader to lead not just in policy issues but in getting media coverage. That is a difficult task but he is doing better than I thought he would. His profile will rise dramatically when we get into a general election.


He comes across as a real bloke to the electorate which not all politicians are. You can imagine him as your neighbour and going to the supermarket. He is a team player and works well with others. He has got ideas about how he wants things to move forward. Not having been an MP for umpteen years, he has the advantage of being able to take a fresher look at things. He doesn't carry much baggage. But like all Lib Dem leaders he has got to make sure the media cover him and the electorate recognise him.


I think he has been a refreshing change. He has a young family and understands how people live and need to be financially secure. I think he has sent a clear message to the country that there is another party. I think it is also quite useful that he is English and can appeal to the English electorate. This week is important because most of the time, in the media, you only hear about Cameron and Brown. You hardly ever hear about Clegg and this week will be good for that.