Billie Piper reveals her secrets

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By Natalie Jamieson Newsbeat Entertainment reporter Billie Piper is back in a new series of the raunchy drama Secret Diary Of A Call Girl. The former singer is also expecting her first child. She spoke to Newsbeat about the traumas of being pregnant, rubbish Dr Who jokes and how she thinks weighing scales are "the work of the devil".

You have been photographed a lot eating when you're pregnant and chased by cameramen. Do you find that really annoying?

I know. People's fascination with people being pregnant is kind of weird. I do eat and I eat a lot. I don't find it annoying though because when I found out I was pregnant people were saying, 'Are you going to make an announcement?' and I kind of thought no because it really has nothing to do with anyone.

It's kind of nice when you're in the early stages of coming to terms with the fact that you're having a baby. I think that is nice to deal with that alone with your other half instead of making it public knowledge.

You have never subscribed to media obsessions about weight and how you look. Have you enjoyed not having to think about that?

Billie Piper made her Doctor Who debut in March 2005It's quite funny actually. I've never wanted to dress up more and find ways to dress the stomach and my breasts because I've never had them before. I have these new found curves and I have been quite happy about dressing it all. You get a whole new wardrobe, it's exciting.

What have you enjoyed most about being pregnant?

I quite like the snacking in between meals and pastries have gone right up in my estimation. Also sitting on the sofa watching the TV and not feeling guilty about it is quite nice.

Have you been obsessed at all about how much weight you are putting on?

No I haven't. The only thing I have obsessed about is cleaning the house and having everything nice and fresh.

Have you been weighing yourself at all?

No I don't weigh myself ever. I think scales are the work of the devil. I think they are just awful, it's an awful thing the scale. Every time I go to the doctors they do weigh me and I ask them not to tell me.

Filming another series of Secret Diary Of A Call Girl must have been a nightmare then if you finished when you were six months pregnant?

Since becoming pregant Billie said she has more curvesIt wasn't a nightmare but it was definitely harder work for everyone. It was taxing for me just on a physical level because I'm in pretty much every scene. It was a 12 hour day which was kind of exhausting.

But that compounded with the pregnancy was quite tiring. Everyone had to work twice as hard with the cameras and the lighting and their costumes so it was challenge. But there are harder things in the world.

Have you seen the show back when you're six months pregnant wearing lingerie?

I have watched them all. It's funny because I'm thinking, 'You can see the bump or you're going to see it now.' But they conceal it very cleverly. It's funny to see your body change on film.

It must have been good for feeding your love of wanting to show your breasts more though because you had all these amazing costumes?

I know but to be honest there's been a lot less baring flesh in this series which we were working on anyway because we wanted to explore Hannah's character more in terms of her private downtime. That wasn't a conscious decision. That was just a nice coincidence.

Since doing this show have you noticed a considerable change in your fan mail?

Most of my fan mail is still predominantly Doctor Who related. Lots of girls send me letters saying they enjoy the Secret Diary because it's funny or they like the outfits or it's thought provoking. I don't get any seedy or scary mail from obsessive guys.

Do you still mind being associated with Doctor Who?

Billie Piper starring alongside David Tennant in Dr WhoYou come to terms with the fact Dr Who is a show people obsess about. There are so many questions people want to ask and they are so passionate about it which is really nice.

People would rather talk about that than anything else with me and I've just come to terms with that.

Occasionally I lose it because the Dr Who jokes are dull. Once you've heard them once you heard them all.

Chats about the stories are quite fun especially with the little kids. But the Tardis jokes have to stop.

Are you going to take a specific time off when you have the baby?

I don't really know at the moment, I'm just going to see what happens. Obviously I still want to work but I don't know in what way and when. Making sure the baby is healthy is probably my biggest priority now.