Road signs to come under review

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Motorists, cyclists and pedestrians are to have their say on the way British road signs should look in the future.

The Department for Transport is carrying out its biggest review of traffic signs in 40 years.

It says it wants to use the latest technology to cut congestion and emissions, and improve safety, without cluttering the streets.

Transport Minister Rosie Winterton has also invited highways bodies and road users' groups to give their views.

She said: "Road conditions have changed dramatically over the years and road signs need to keep pace with that change to provide the best information possible to all road users."

The review aims to ensure that out-of-date signs are removed, technology is used to improve traffic flow, more up-to-date travel information is made available and accident rates are reduced.

Reduce congestion

AA President Edmund King said: "Clear, concise, relevant road signs help reduce congestion, CO2, frustration and accidents.

"Confusing signs do the opposite, so we welcome a root and branch review of the UK's traffic signing system."

A steering group will meet next month to draw up plans for the review, which will be conducted next year.