Cat shot in crossbow arrow attack

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A cat is recovering after being shot in the back with an arrow fired from a crossbow.

Sooty the three-year-old black cat was left with the six-inch (15cm) metal-tipped bolt lodged in his body after the attack in Holyhead, Anglesey.

It was removed by an off-duty vet who described the attack as "disturbing".

Owner Dameon Armstrong, 25, said: "It just shocks me that people do this for fun. I hope the police catch whoever is behind this before they strike again."

Labourer Mr Armstrong found Sooty with the yellow plastic arrow protruding from his body.

He said: "I panicked and went straight to Sooty, wanting to get him to a vet, but it spooked him and he ran off.

"I tried to chase him but I couldn't catch him.

Mr Armstrong said he was "shocked" by the brutal attack

"I was just left fearing the worst. I thought he would never come back."

Mr Armstrong was relieved when the cat returned an hour later, with the yellow arrow still in its back.

He took Sooty to the Anglesey Pet Clinic in Holyhead, but it was closed.

However, vet James Rutter, who lives above the surgery, came down and removed the arrow.

Mr Armstrong said Sooty, who was mauled by a dog four months ago, was now recovering well after his lucky escape.

He added: "I just can't believe somebody could do this. It was obviously done on purpose.

"You just worry that the sick person who did this is still around."

Vet Mr Rutter said: "Luckily for Sooty, the crossbow appeared to have been fired from behind him as the arrow had passed under his skin for several centimeters, but not penetrated internally and could be removed without surgery.

"If he had been shot from the side or front the outcome could easily have been fatal.

"This is the first time we have seen such a weapon used against a pet in the Holyhead area."

North Wales Police has been asked to comment.