Disney 'resilient' to global woes


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The boss of Walt Disney has said the entertainment giant is proving "quite resilient" in the face of tough global economic conditions.

Chief executive Robert Iger said that, in particular, its global theme parks were holding up "extremely well".

Yet speaking while on a visit to the UK, Mr Iger said Disney was conscious the current weakness in the global economy would likely extend into 2009.

Back in July, Disney reported a 9% rise in net quarterly profits.

"As we go into 2009 we believe that the challenges we faced in 2008 will still exist, and as we manage the company we're managing it with that in mind," said Mr Iger.

He added that the firm continued to be "immeasurably" helped by its overseas operations.

Disney now has five theme parks, in California, Florida, France, Japan and Hong Kong.